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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. Pattaya in 2018-2023 is not the same thing as Pattaya in 1997-2006. I could bring my non Thai wife here and she wouldn't notice anything amiss. As long as you don't take a wrong turn down soi 6 and avoid walking street. But in 2006 even, the go-go's would back right up to the end of beach and 2nd roads
  2. Im not sure that the clip is conclusive. Is that whats really going on here
  3. ^ Son of a gun. That is crazy. 2 lives destroyed for nothing again. It aint worth it. Never get out of your car
  4. Anyone married to a woman argues. And the ones that are married to ladyboys aren't a picture of stability either I wouldn't think.
  5. Hanging yourself is a violent way to die too. Its like slowly drowning yourself. Some ppl are so distraught and full of emotion that they want it to be violent. Otherwise everyone would bring their barbecue into a small room, turn it on and find a comfortable chair
  6. Got any pictures ? There are some slightly lower balconies in Asia. But usually no more than 6 inches. Did you get a flat of beer and invite some friends over for a balcony party ? Probably not. A questionable belcony rail is an even bigger reason not to drink heavily around them. Which some people evidently do not do.
  7. I didn't read the whole thread. Did someone post pictures of these alleged balconies with no railing at all? I've never read something so ridiculous. Does the hotel staff just mention it when you check in ? Oh hey. Your balcony has no railing. Might want to be careful
  8. Ah yes. Find someone else to blame. If the railing was broken, it would be part of the news story. Most farangs fall from belconies because of heavy drinking, drug using, dancing, fighting or showboating or some combination.
  9. Thats strange. I buy one every time I go to Thailand. Its half the price of the fine for not having one.
  10. Probably the natives of the country and not the guests
  11. Did she have a international drivers license that wasn't expired ? The insurance company will always try and find something in a situation like this. She was 20. She probably had no prior motorcycle experience at all.
  12. No the government should not "step up" and subsidize poor judgement by foreigners. There are risks involved in renting motorcycles on some of the most dangerous roads in the world. Imagine there was some govt scheme to cover the medical costs of foreigners who crash bikes. Then even more of them would be on the road. Because there'd be less incentive not to
  13. The problem is, they toodle around town on a motorbike and think they know how to ride. They think they've learned. Then they venture out of the city center, and hit a gradual speed curve and crash. bc they don't know how to counter steer. (rider in this lesson video crashes but survives)
  14. Is there any evidence that there was even another motorcycle involved? Other than what she is claiming ? How does 2 bikes get in a head on and one rides away unscathed ? It doesn't work like that. It is never a coincidence that inexperienced riders crash in gradual speed corners. They don't know how to ride. They don't understand the concept of counter steering.
  15. He probably forgot to counter steer and just went off the road.
  16. I sometimes wonder about these cases. There's no real reason for a pimp to take an unwilling participant. It is inevitably going to be trouble.
  17. Road rage and road bickering is a westerner thing it seems. Here in Canada, ppl will honk at you and give you the stare of death for glancing at the time on your phone at a red light. It happens to me regularly. Ppl honking and waving their hands at any little perceived indiscretion. And they are NEVER minorities or immigrants of any kind. Immigrants look straight ahead and mind their own business. And westerners do the opposite
  18. Maybe he yelled at the young guys for speeding into his driving space. Then they just cut him off or something and caused the crash.
  19. Good ol alcohol. If the sh** was just discovered it would be considered worse than any of the hard drugs and would not be legal
  20. To be fair. go to Amsterdam. All you hear on the public street is "suck or f*** , 15 minutes, 50 Euro" It is like a live auction. It sounds cheap. But thats just to get you in the door. (this was all around 2004)
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