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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. Wouldn't surprise me if some farangs are living there
  2. And yet, the first reply to the topic still tried to make this about Thai's.
  3. I agree. Most ppl who quarrel in public over minor things end up making themselves look stupid. And nothing productive ever comes of it
  4. Not true. The average speed of impact for motorcycle accidents is 34 Km/h. Only one out of every 1,000 motorcycle accidents occur at speeds of around 130 km/h https://www.fieldinglaw.com/practice-areas/motorcycle-accidents/at-what-speed-do-most-motorcycle-accidents-happen/#:~:text=The Speed at Which Most Motorcycles Crash&text=The average speed of impact,speeds of around 85 mph.
  5. It isn't the govts job to prevent single motorcycle accident fatalities. It is your personal choice and responsibility And reducing speed would hardly be a factor. If everyone was reduced to 50 kmh everywhere, a collision is still like hitting something at 100 kmh
  6. An unjust go ? We are the guests in their country. And judging by many farangs I see and their conduct, Id say we are a legit target.
  7. They dont even know how to ride. But they think they do. These accidents always happen in curves and they don't know how to counter steer and lean
  8. It looks like another obvious case of a new rider not knowing what counter steering is
  9. If the person had testicles , then sic was appropriate.
  10. This is a load of absolute garbage. British, Australian, German and Scandinavian men make the news the most often.
  11. It looks like an impulsive crime. No planning even 5 minutes ahead.
  12. First reply in this thread had to be some lame critique of Thai authorities. Sigh.. The next 2 as well. Why are so many ppl resentful to a place they can voluntarily leave
  13. The locals grew up this way and acquired skills. That tourists dont have.
  14. They were just trolling him. He had illegal drugs. Im against all prohibition but common.
  15. Education in the context you are using it in has nothing to do with making informed choices in life. All you need to do is look at all the ppl with 6 digit student debts.
  16. This is one of the most ridiculous boomer tropes ever.
  17. I don't know man. It is one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't situations. You might feel a bit empty now, but adding a kid into the equation will likely overload you the opposite way. Stresses, worries and routines. Are you the type with a low tolerance for chaos ?
  18. Crafty ? This is the most basic heist ever. All this man is announcing is a warning to how low his IQ is
  19. That isn't nearly as common as it used to be in the 70's or 80's. It is a newish Nissan Frontier
  20. carbon monoxide poisoning isnt a messy way to go
  21. 16 with a 16 year old Thai gf. And I thought I got in the game early. Just terrible. I think the rural areas away from the tourist spots are more dangerous. Most likely some desperate drug addict who was looking for a quick fix. And if it was some love triangle gone wrong, the same applies. Some rural male who loses his gf is in more desperate straits than one in more densely populated areas.
  22. This was obviously the result of meth. He just never got to taking off his shorts and underwear, to remove all doubt Even though it is true that marijuana leads to more schizophrenia in some ppl. That doesn't mean full blown schizo episodes like this.
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