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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. Someone who happens to watch a lot of marine incident reports on Youtube. Check it out https://www.youtube.com/@BrickImmortar
  2. Yeah Im just busting around. Everyone is different. Some ppl can stay up all night, catch a nap during the day and then they're good to go again. Im just not one of them. That's a good idea. Waiting till the highest bidders are gone. So Lucifers and Mixx are still there eh. I just looked on Google earth. Mixx is showing its age now. In 2009 it was the new and shiny place. Even from the outside.
  3. "Stimulus" money is the whole problem. All it was is inflation for the poor, and more leverage for the rich.
  4. I seen it all through my 20's. I would wonder, why cant we all show up a little earlier so we don't waste away the whole next day because your body doesn't know whether to sleep or stay awake anymore. Id usually just leave my friends behind at the disco and find freelancer and be back at my room by 1:00
  5. It never seems to end. Sometimes there's just not enough jackets accessible to those who need it. Ppl get so used to the day to day life on a ship over years, that it never crosses their mind that the ship could sink. And even during incidents, they don't believe the ship is really at risk. They teach you that the ship is your safest bet. Stay with the ship. On the surface it sounds really stupid when these things happen but its a little more complicated than that.
  6. Yeah. Worldwide, edgy posers think its cool to stay up late. So the later you start the more edgy you are. I did it a handful of times in my 20's. Lucifers in around 2010 They should leave it at 2am to encourage ppl to grow up
  7. You have to have to be loopy in the head to want to stay up past 2am. 2am is late enough. Go to bed morons. Most have to be high on drugs. Is "partying" really that fun ? Like anything, It starts to feel like work if you do it too long.
  8. Are you German by chance ? I don't think that why. It is more about keeping up with inflation and getting as much as they can get away with. By upping the ante, they are making "fraud" more likely than less. Everyone picks their battles. I bet there's risks you take that over stayers think is bad too
  9. That's true. He's so proud of it that he's starting to brag about it. Which will be his undoing. Sometimes its hard to hold back your accomplishments though.
  10. I respect the tenacity. I'd be too lazy for any of this.
  11. Not even the conspiracy theorists believed that the young and snappy where gonna be dying from the vaccine. I tried to stay neutral on it all and the more time passes, it seems like the craziest conspirators of the last 3 years are being the most vindicated.
  12. It is not unusual for naval vessels to have incidents. Every couple years there is a major incident involving naval ships and submarines around the world. This wasn't a 400 million dollar boat like the Helge Instad was
  13. Yep. I knew when I seen the story that 80% of the comments would be nothing but scorn and ridicule. That's all it is now.
  14. Don't jinx yourself now. Maybe one day at 3am it will happen to you
  15. Peoples tickers seem to be a bit more sensitive to adversity these days. He fell off a jet ski with all the proper gear on. Plenty of drunks hit the water with nothing but their shorts on and they walk away
  16. This is on my bucket list. I have to attend the Jet Ski World Cup one day.
  17. They should introduce some kind of compensation in a shortage like this. Just a free Chang or some vouchers you could use at the local massage place.
  18. Yes but just the same. A whole new crew of dreamers will wash up on Phukets shores. And buy up these hotels and reopen them. We just dont seem to have the 2008 style recessions anymore , where money and credit dries up.
  19. There is still some jumpers but not at the same rate as the flying club days. I remember reading a good poem about the flyers written at an old site called mongers syndicate. It doesn't seem to be around anymore. For the population density it might be back to around average,
  20. You can basically say that for any business anywhere. 1% of them will make it and big. The rest will fail for reasons mostly out of their control.
  21. Yeah yeah. There has been more Canadian gangster lowlife in the news here than Russian
  22. The big myth that Pattaya has a uniquely dirty beach has indeed been going around since 1984. When is probably was dirty due to over expansion and under investment. And not just some street runoff that gets hysterically amplified on social media today. They do test the water for ecoli and stuff. A pass is a pass. i swam in it before and will again.
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