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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. I am unsure why everyone keeps talking about this an 20k. In baht or GPB no less. In financial cases, it is about the will and estate of the victim. Which can be rather substantial for anyone who happened to buy a house, stocks, bonds or almost any asset in the 80's or 90's. Because in the proceeding 30 years, we've experienced the biggest financial ponzi bubble in human history and it continues today. For some twisted ppl, the bigger the prize is, the more likely they are to hatch plans.
  2. The lower you go down the age range, the more risk you are exposed to. I always understood the older guys who have older partners. Still far younger than them but not 30+. Its just more realistic that way. A 38 year old woman still has a lot ahead of her.
  3. 4 shots like this is typical assassination style. Plus the time of night doesn't strike me as road rage hours. But we'll see
  4. Well, this wasn't a very cunning plan. This is the most obvious of one of these cases I have ever seen.
  5. That stupid spelling is something the kids do these days. Boi (plural: bois) is slang within gay male and butch and femme communities for several sexual or gender identities.[1][2] In some lesbian communities, there is an increasing acceptance of variant gender expression, as well as allowing people to identify as a boi.[3][4][5] The term has also been used, independently of any meaning related to sexuality, as an alternate spelling for boy.
  6. All we hear is how Pattaya beach is uniquely a sh** hole. Well, lets do a cursory search on the # 1 beach in the list. https://au.news.yahoo.com/bondi-beach-swimmers-warned-pollution-water-010642479.html Waverley Council has dismissed suggestion contaminated water caused a spate of illness among swimmers at Bondi Beach last week. Rumours circled online that stormwater or sewage overspill had triggered multiple bouts of gastro however the council insists the water quality has been “very good”. ^ Does it get more Pattaya than that ?
  7. The usual suspects lashing out at anything remotely positive about Pattaya beach. How dare anyone who came to Pattaya before the early 80's say anything good about it
  8. It is just a fact. It wasn't based on opinions. The latest study by Destination 2, a luxury travel company in the United Kingdom, shows that the most popular beach based on TikTok hashtags and views is Bondi Beach, known for surfing, in Australia, after it has received more than 445.8 million views. However, the second most popular beach might come as a surprise because it falls to Thailand’s Pattaya Beach, a beautiful seaside resort city, which has received 128.5 million views on TikTok, according to the study. Pattaya Beach has ranked far above other beaches like Nha Trang Beach in Vietnam with 64.6 million views, Waikiki Beach (5th) in the USA with 43.7 million views, or JBR Beach (6th) in Dubai with 30.3 million views. According to Destination 2, the reason the study was conducted on TikTok is because it is a popular social media application that is widely used for searching for reviews of restaurants and tourist attractions, as well as for finding the most beautiful beaches in the world.
  9. Nope. Those are street runoff drains. All seaside cities have em. Pattaya beach is great.
  10. If an identical ship was built except 10% smaller, the smaller one would have a smaller radar crossection. So when we are talking about 5th gen aircraft of a similar size and basic design , it matters. The YF-23 had better all aspect stealth than the F-22 for this reason. It was a very flat blend wing. And the su 57 is too.
  11. Yes. Think of if you were a career air force guy. Why wouldn't you want the most tricked out kit you could get ? Thailand knows it is a middle country and is unlikely to involve itself in a real war. This isn't the same for China or India say. They are playing the game. Playing China and the US off of each other. The US knows that if they don't offer F-35's , the Thai's are gonna knock on China's door and ask for J-35's. Maybe they want J-35's all along, but they just want to get a NO from the US so that they don't get mad at them when the J-35's show up.
  12. The smaller something is to begin with, the harder it is for radar too see. Stealth is not some magical formula that makes planes invisible to radar. It is all just a gradient subject to the laws of physics. Which is just to say, this idea that the F-22 is 0.000034 RCS and the su 57 is 1.00 RCS is nonsense. But thats what the western defense media puts out there.
  13. Stealth means that the fuselage and shape was computer designed to be as small on radar as possible. All 5th gen jets have it. That is why they all have the same distinct look compared to all the 4th gen jets. But lots of clickbait articles will claim that the su 57 has no better stealth than a 4th gen. Anyone with any basic understanding of stealth will know that isn't true. The naked eye works similar to stealth too. The su 57 is actually the slimmest fighter of them all. The smallest profile and thus the hardest for your eye to see
  14. You've never drunk drove ever ? Sometimes accidents arent the direct result of alcohol.
  15. The Thai air force has one job. Not buying the F-35. It is absolute insanity that they are even discussing it.
  16. Pattaya is high on the list because of the farang females. They do not like the lower bid that is available to men here.
  17. The usual comedians in the replies. A high drunk texting single mom prostitute eh ? She could very well be a normal person. I don't believe the driving skill level of any 25 year old female is particularly high.
  18. I find it fascinating how taboo gambling is in the kingdom. Manila is taking advantage.
  19. Zero back-up ? I put "bar in Thailand failure rate" i Google. Here's the first result : Bangkok, Thailand, has long been chosen as one of the best nightlife destinations by international travellers as well as numerous global tourism sources. Nightclubs in Bangkok account for more than 150 Million USD each year. Unfortunately, an estimated 80% of new nightclubs fail within the first year. Here's an article that says 10% of bars and restaurants survive in Pattaya https://pattayaunplugged.com/why-do-most-bars-and-restaurants-fail-in-pattaya/
  20. Its just the nature of life and the odds. But if you think its all about discipline and hard work then go ahead. Learn the hard way.
  21. That is not my opinion. 50% of businesses fail, minimum. Everywhere.
  22. I don't think it is a big leap in the slightest to assume that business failures in Pattaya involving farangs is higher, much higher, than restaurant failures in the N. America. So many ppl try it because its one of the few ways a farang can make a living in the kingdom. Even me and my friend at 23 years old, thought about opening a bar in Pattaya
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