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Everything posted by bkkcanuck8

  1. Based on it is common practice in China (and there are services that can be contracted to do it). Lazada is owned by Alibaba (Aliexpress is owned by Alibaba - and the Aliexpress has been reportedly having lots of fake reviews identified by 3rd parties), Amazon that has been monitoring and has made an effort to stop it as it is against Terms of Service have booted a whole lot of companies off Amazon en mass (that also sell from China on other platforms - and if you cannot beat them you have to join em). So you go to Lazada and you see one seller who has maybe one... and the one next to it has hundreds or thousands - yet when you order from one and the other - you get the same result... The majority of people (vast majority - after ordering and getting what they want... don't bother with going back in to star or review their orders)... That being said, I have gotten what I ordered (hundreds of orders over the years) on Lazada with no problem (regardless of starring) with only a few cases where I was not happy with the result (those were from China)... however I never order more than maybe 1500 baht orders... and if there is a local vendor I tend to prefer ordering from them. I also check what I am ordering to see if it is sold by Central or Home Pro or Powerbuy or Ikea first, as often they will have a lower price than what is available on Lazada for the same thing (I have made that mistake a few times - so now I check first).
  2. The ones with lots of reviews - are probably farmed reviews... i.e. product was not actually shipped and money netted out to zero - leaving only the LAZ fees... then putting in a made up review.
  3. Current rolling stock can go much faster than many of the rail lines can handle (that is the easy part). For a line to handle 250km/h it has to have the proper grading and curve radius and no level crossings... (that usually results in more tunnels as the grade does not allow going over sometimes). Admittedly the parts of the new construction I have seen are not on the main-line on the map, so maybe they are doing two different gradings for differing max speeds... It is the tracks and right of ways that is the largest cost of any high-speed train network ... by far. Also, having a high speed network is not worth much if you put lots of stops along the line - if you are constantly speeding up and slowing down to stop... it defeats the purpose.
  4. From existing construction - curving and grading... I think this is 'high-speed' as in 150km max speed not high-speed as we have gotten to know through Japan and France. I think a good dual track rail system is a good investment, but the cost increase to a high speed as in 250km+ is not warranted. Thailand only has one city that is of any size that would warrant that sort of investment and not enough density. (also the number of stops on the line is a dead giveaway that it is only up to 150km/hr).
  5. You should have gone to immigration to get the entry stamps and whatever visa you had put in the new passport. That is the first step after getting your new passport.
  6. Because unfortunately some people pretend to lose the passport and then sell theirs... so there are steps you have to go through... You have to have the report from police in both cases - lost or stolen.
  7. It was probably in the hotel safe (which is not that safe anyway)
  8. Oh, I am sure he has made a report for a stolen passport... he needs that for the passport office to issue a new one - a report of lost or stolen passport... and he did not 'lose' it .. so it would have to be 'stolen'... They write it down on a pad, give you a copy of it, and file another copy of it... and that is it.
  9. Could be, but this sounds more like the type of reaction of infidelity than normal nagging...
  10. Given that she took them and went travelling as married tourists, my guess is... he is a tourist and his wife is not Thai.
  11. I could see that... to many temptations here... and that is as good an answer as any guess.
  12. They would have to be actually for accounts only in his name... and then it is still a stretch since debts during marriage are communal and would be divided by divorce court (my parents credit card accounts are ... the same account)
  13. They are married, proving the money was exclusively his - is problematic. (updated original post - with reference to a guess of what the charge would be if the UK were to charge her ... but then they would only do that if she sold it or gave it to someone else to use - and again that would be charged in the UK not Thailand)
  14. You are correct that only he can use it, but it is NOT his property. If she was to be charged, it would be the UK government charging her for theft of official documents or something like that. (they don't tend to do that with relatives though unless they use them for other purposes). If you open your passport, I think it is even printed in there (if not it was on the application form). The owner of passports is the state (I don't know of any states that actually grant you ownership). [depending on when issued] "This passport remains the property of Her Majesty's Government and may be withdraw at any time if the holder ceases to be entitled to the protection of Her Majesty's Government," or "This passport remains the property of Her Majesty's Government and may be withdrawn at any time."
  15. I don't know the UK, but usually there is not an emergency 'passport' but emergency travel documents for returning a limited purpose such as returning home or a specific country and return. The passport would have to go through normal (or expedited -- if available) process. Not all countries accept emergency travel documents for entry.
  16. The problem is that I don't think he has standing since it is not 'his' property, it is the property of the UK and issued for his use when traveling (or for ID purposes) ???? Maybe she just found it lying around and she is taking it back to the United Kingdom to return it to it's owner...
  17. That picture was apparently taken years ago in Dubai... someone grabbed it from social media account. (though I think the stay at the hospital is special treatment and he is waiting out his time - this gottha is going to backfire badly).
  18. Thaksin will be finished his sentence in December, however the release will not be specifically for him /s. I suspect the list of those released from prison will include everyone that is 70 years of age with less than a year left in their sentence... No favouritism, just coincidence....
  19. Just waiting for a restaurant to sell sandwiches and getting the bill after eating the BLT and... bread was extra...
  20. Sunflower oil (bout 95baht / litre), egg yolk (eggs not very expensive), and some dijon mustard... can be had for much cheaper... for basic mayo... (or add wasabi for wasabi mayo) don't need to buy expensive mayo... especially if you are a restaurant... you could even just make some and throw it into the Kraft mayo jar if you want at a restaurant...
  21. I have been known to bring some malt vinegar with me - use to do that when working in the US... whenever I knew I was going to have fries... (Canadian - grew up on white vinegar and salt on fries).
  22. Really, it all depends... while most of us can make educated guesses... some of these questions would require a lawyer who understands things. It likely depends on whether the leak is inside your condo or out... I have heard of some major bills with regards to flooding (outside Thailand), so it is one of the small items to make sure your insurance covers (and also having a discussion with a lawyer would be wise).
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