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Posts posted by EmptyHead

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Date in Asia is free 100%

    Weed out the trash and there are some good ones on there.

    How do you find the good ones, WhamBam?
    Choose the one with the bigger tits?
    You chat for a while and then meet up for coffee dates. Actually, I like small ones.

    Stop joking. It's not funny.

  2. "It's sad because people are afraid to make eye contact these days and nobody dare speak to a stranger or start a conversation."

    What what what? Just on the BTS?

    In Thailand, strangers are more friendly to other strangers than most countries.

    And are you blaming the advertisements for people not talking on the BTS? I think this doesn't logically follow, buddy.

    As others have mentioned, The BTS and MRT here are wonderful compared to western transport.

    However, i will agree with you that it should be free. I think everything should be free. I am a socialist at heart and don't believe there should be a price tag on everything on this planet.

    But to answer your question: Why Isn't the Skytrain Free?

    Because virtually nothing is free....OK???

  3. Marriage is a funny thing. I am not sure if i should do it. Though, i probably have nothing to lose. Everything is in her name already and i am not entitled to a pension. I don't even have any savings and by the time i do, she will probably be over 60.

  4. Wouldn't look into it too much. They do weird stuff like that. They are creatures living in the moment and don't think before they do.

    Let's make up a name for it. RWSTA (Random Weird Spontaneous Thai Action)

    What I may start a thread on his how Thai women, when walking, will suddenly burst into a pathetic armless jog, and then walk, and then jog again, and then walk again. I often wonder if they are conscious of it. My GF doesn't do it and equally enjoys observing this phenomenon. I only noticed it in BKK though. Maybe they are late?

  5. Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

    It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

    What she is really saying is,

    "all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

    There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

    "If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

    Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

    I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

    You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

    What's the obsession with age?

    • Like 1
  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Jeez it must be a bloody big wall around the property?

    I built a whole f'''kin 4 bedroomed, 3 bath house up t'North for Bht3M.

    Easily done.

    Our 3 bed, 2 bath cost 1.4m (in Isaan). Roughly about 120 sqr meters (bungalow) Just finished a few months ago. 1.8m if you include furnature, landscaping, car port, and fence for 1.5 rai land. Another 100k for small shop/restaurant at the bottom of garden for wifey. So all in, less than 2m.

    I spend about 20k a month. That includes 7k for the car and 3k pocket money for wifey (she has her own income).

    Not sure about the breakdown, but maybe:

    car =7k

    wifey = 3k

    petrol = 2k

    food = 5k

    booze = 1k

    junk food and 7/11 =2k

    (wife pays bills)

    (no rent expense)

    I earn about 32k. Wifey earns about 10k. All in, we probably save 15-17k. Haven't calculated it properly yet as we have just moved up here and are settling in to new work and lifestyle.

    • Like 2
  7. Sign of cocooning here and there. Reminds me of something... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma#Military_rule

    I wouldn't worry to much about that.

    Why would Thailand go to such extremes now? Thailand has (almost) always had a military government and yet never (to my knowledge) been anti-social like Burma used to be. By my count, 25 out of the total 29 prime ministers have been military (that's 86% of Thailand's prime minister history).

    Have a count here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_Thailand

    I like the military government at the moment. They are doing better than any other government in about 20 years. They are tightening up on some aspects regarding foriegners, but relaxing on others. It seems fair enough.

  8. Tax!

    Are we still in the middle ages or something? It wasn't right back then when tax meant your wife and isn't right now when they take whatever percentage of your livelyhood they wish.

    It is an act of aggression. They are thugs who will come to your home with guns if you don't give them what they want.

  9. Hello Thaivisa people,

    I wonder hows this translates from west to east.

    The video i have linked, "Do fathers do enough?" delves into the battle of gender at home.

    So, i enjoyed watching this video. It gave me some perspective.

    My missus takes care of me the old fashioned way, but i do feel as though i pull my weight. I am knackered at the end of the day and it feels like a days work has been done.

    At the very least, this is an entertaining video and i am interested in hearing your opinion and how this translates into your lives in Thailand.


  10. What a bittersweet story.

    Do they know the presents are from you? I hope so.

    I am sure when they are grown up they will come back to you and realize they were being manipulated by their mother. Just hang in there and have a Merry Christmas. 2015 may be a good one!

    They will probably end up hating the family members causing all this trouble. I am sure this story will have a happy ending for you!

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