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Posts posted by EmptyHead

  1. Its not just Isaan, its all over Thailand. It's not in Thai culture to shave legs.

    Most women don't have noticable hair on their legs, but if you look very closely you will see they don't shave either. Next time your on the bus in BKK have a looksee, you will notice they all have fine hairs on their legs.

    I like it actually!

    And, who wants stubble? My ex-in-the-west was a nightmare. She shaved, but the next day....stubble. Nothing worse than stubbly legs rubbing against yours in the morning.

    Thai women's legs are smooth, just with some fine hairs, like their forearms.....or do you think women should shave their forearms too?

    And don't get me started wth Korean women and oakster hair wub.png

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Geography is a big part of it.

    Thailand is the perfect base for Asean travel.

    Flipland is a bunch of islands well into the sea!

    Bali is an island and does well

    Does well in what?

    The Balinese (and Indonesians in general) have a much lower standard of living than Thais, even Isaan Thais.

    Bali is tourist island does a lot better than any other Non Thai islands in SEA.

    That Bali is overpopulated because there religion demands a lot children is another problem not related to the popularity (actually it makes it less popular).

    Non-Thai island?....This thread is about Thailand!

    Bali doesn't even beat most other Indonesian islands http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indonesian_provinces_by_GRP_per_capita

    I don't understand the rest of the waffle.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Congratulations elgordo38, you have been officially sucked in. How much have you lost already? The story and facts are irrelevant. They may change frequently. That doesn't matter. The key thing is to effect the appropriate emotion in the listener.

    I have lost nothing as my g/f is my only obligation. I trying to teach her now that after I have snuffed it and she gets some money from me and to turn a deaf ear to family and friends. She is aware of all the sick water buffalo sick motorbike uncle needs an operation jokes. I have explained to her that the money she gets it all there is. If she "lends" money to family and friends its not a loan its a gift. Expect no repayment. She will get enough to build a small house possibly with a store and have about 10 yrs. pocket money depending on how she spends it. She seems to understand my logic. Again she is a beautiful girl and must move on. The only thing that scares me is that the next man in her life might abuse her.

    Almost certainly, she will move on to another guy more than 50 years older than herself to support her.

    I think she has a good grasp on logic mate.

  4. if you dont feel any of that left after stopping, then you were kidding yourself that you had aquired them in the first place

    Our brains are plastic and they change all the time. The connections unused will unwire with time also. Or at least, I certainly hope so for all those poor chaps doing NoFap! Perhaps the doctors are just taking them for a ride (no pun intended).

  5. Monk though he was special. Wanted two seat to snooze on. Didn't like the farang asking him to get up so he could sit down.

    Tingtong tourist. Maybe if you get slapped by a monk, you would think differenty. Pregnant women getting up for amonk, no big deal?? What planet do you live on?

    • Like 2
  6. If there was already 10% charged i wouldn't even have left anything. (probably was, if the bill was 8k - sounds like an upmarket place - they usually add 10%)

    So basically, he paid 8k for a meal and you make him look cheap, then come off the generous one by putting down 300.facepalm.gif

    By the way, not all cultures tip the same. Where is he from? I believe Americans go with 20%. British don't have a set amount - just whatever. I think in Australia it isn't expected to tip at all.

    Shame on you spoiling a good evening.clap2.gif

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I have loads and loads but my two favourite

    1. "I have problem with my starbuck" (stomach)

    2." My mushroom hurt" (muscles)

    I never correct her obviously


    My GF calls her stomach, "stummy" (I think its a merge of stomach and tummy).

    Crazy chef 1, on 11 Dec 2014 - 08:32, said:
    Gecko123, on 11 Dec 2014 - 06:31, said:

    I didn't get this at first, but it later dawned on me...

    She wants another child, right?

    By the way, congratulations and best wishes.

    got it...but i will invest 16500 THB(vasectomie) and we will try many times...555

    Save yourself 16500 THB.

    Tell her you cheated.................free vasectomy post-4641-1156694083.gif.pagespeed.ce.HF


    My GF refers to my vasectomy as "cut ballbag", except she says it the Scottish way, "bawbag"

    Cracks me up.

    • Like 1
  8. Wifey told me an awful story last night about a child who drowned at school in our village. The parents marched over there and demaned 700k. All the teachers chipped in to pay.

    Speaking of downries, i am going to a wedding. Wifey's cousin. Quite attractive, despite having had a child. She's getting about 120k sinsod. It could be a pretty good business: Get married, get paid, get divorced. Get married, get paid, get divorced. Over and over again.

    100k is apparently the minumin in our village.

    But i do love the morning beer (laokao) and larb moo with raw green veggies.

    People are pretty nice in general.

    And i definately love the fact glamour and fashion is (almost) non-existent (I despise that sort of thing)

    • Like 1
  9. 1. There are always new trends in young people's bahaviour.

    2. Yes, 18 years-olds do dumb things dumb things, usually involving sex. Its what nature intended on them to do (for the survival of species) that's why the prontal lobe (the part of the brain dealing with consequences) doesn't fully develope until mid 20s.

    3. Hmm...

    Would never kiss a foreigner...what?

    They travel for hours?

    Stop drivelling.

  10. Buses in BKK are the worst.

    I have had people walking up the back of my legs to try to make me walk faster when getting on a bus. I have had them dive under my arms to get on the bus before me. I have seen young women race elderly men to get to empty seats first. It's like a frenzy. And they want to get off the bus just as fast as they got on it. Then they stop dead at the entrance and walk slowly and strategically in a part of the pavement where nobody can get past. My very pregnant GF stood for an hour on the bus until the conductor made someone stand for her. She said, "they were all trying not to make eye contact with me, so they didn't have to stand"

    They are also bad in the street too.

    I was dive-bombed by a girl once (not in a good way and, no, this is not a sex act). I was walking, all mindful n such, as us farang do, when a plump girl decided she would literally jump out of a shop (without looking, of course) and land (almost) on me. Luckily, with my cat-like agility, i was able to do an impression of a fluffy dog who wants his tummy tickled and successfully avoid collision. They just looked at me.

    They are the masters of, "not touching, can't get mad", which the rest of the world gave up at about age 10.

    It's mostly women too. I rarely boptice men doing it. They are worse in cars and bikes.

    To be continued.....

    • Like 1
  11. I will agree to an extent, but utimately you are wrong.

    They also walk like that. How often has someone just stepped right infront of you and stopped?

    They also sell products like that. How often have you been given a horrible look for browsing in a shop without buying?

    Yes, i agree their true colours come out more when they can't be seen and ashamed infront of others.

    However, you are also contradictoty and have double standards. See below.

    What you complain of here:

    "In traffic I'm cut off every time unless I literally hug the bumper of the vehicle I'm following and even so they edge closer and closer to my vehicle as if trying to say if you don't let me in I'm going to hit you."

    Is pretty much (exactly, lol) what you did here:

    "Today I was approaching the corner and realizing I was in the wrong lane for making a right hand turn I gently pulled partly into the turning lane at the last moment as the light had just turned red. Another truck came up from behind and instead of just waiting for the light to turn green and allow me to enter the lane he proceeded to pull up as close as he possibly could to the rear of the vehicle in front so as to not allow me to enter the turning lane."

    When you wound down your window to complain, you didn't think for a moment that you pulled out on him just the same way you hate people doing to you. And when you "hug the bumber in front", you are also trying to stop someone getting in front, aren't you? Just like him.

    If you didn't force your way out, you would never get out (because people won't let you here). So don't blame other people for doing just as you do.

    And the, "it's not your country thing" is probably just his way of saying, "we do things differently in Thailand, than in your country".

  12. Well, this is a tough one.

    Married couples of same culture are often miserable together.

    The guy may also be suffering mentally as he slowly realizes that he is nothing more than an ATM machine to her.

    And as far as serving (each other) goes and taking care of (each other's) needs - it is a two way street and you may not see what she gets out of it.

    You really shouldn't judge.

    Yes, Thai women are a bit more traditional than western women, but far from obedient - they pretty much do as they please (or at least my missus does, lol).

    I do agree with out about the cheating thing - we are generally far more promiscious than them.

    For your second question: we are a relatively happyily (unmarried) couple.

    Not all lovey dovey like some members here (wish we were)

    I am certainly happier with her than my past GF's and she is certainly happier with me than her past BF.

    We were more easy going in the beginning, but with the stress of a 2 year-old kid, sometimes nerves are frayed - but it ain't too bad.

    We've never had a problem about money. Her family never asked her for a satang (before or after i came into the picture)

    Yes, she takes care (very) well, but certainly not my servant.

    We always eat together. Do almost everything together.

    Language isn't a problem. We have a well-developed pidgin.smile.png

    After 5 years things are fine. It ain't magical, but that's reality for most (especially after kids). We seem happier than most couples i know anywhere in the world.

    It's great if you and your wife are in a lovely wonderland together, but you really shouldn't judge others.

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