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Posts posted by sipi

  1. Extended family. Love them to bits. We (wife, son and I) in our house. Sister and family next door. Mum and Dad other side. Brother and family across the road. Next door to him is his ex~wife and her family (only in Thailand can that happen). Down the road another brother and sister and their families. Various Aunts and Uncles and cousins scattered within a km either way.

    it is quite normal for people in any country to want to live near the ATM

    For sure, it suits me. I borrowed 1000 baht off the wife yesterday.

  2. I have always been ( and always will be, to the annoyance of other TV forum members) a strong advocate for doing everything possible to save a relationship. But unfortunately the Thai kid thing usually eventually ends as a train smash. Maybe just have some fun as friends.

    Sipi you're not an annoyance.. i like your posts...just a little bit lost amongst all the piranhas...

    I don't care because i am grumpy by nature...but still realist to keep it balanced...

    The TV forum piranhas don't bother me. Have you ever had one of those "foot spas" on Khao San Road? The harder those fish bite the more it tickles.

    Yes the balance thing is important. Why stick something out if it is doomed or violence is involved (especially if there are kids)? By the same token it surprises me how often

    members post "leave the bitch" over something that can easily be fixed?

    Merry Xmas to all.

  3. Extended family. Love them to bits. We (wife, son and I) in our house. Sister and family next door. Mum and Dad other side. Brother and family across the road. Next door to him is his ex~wife and her family (only in Thailand can that happen). Down the road another brother and sister and their families. Various Aunts and Uncles and cousins scattered within a km either way.

    • Like 2

    Still looking for Miss Perfect Thai: Hot 23 year old, farsighted, deaf, orphan and just won a major lottery prize.

    shouldn't that be ...

    Still looking for Miss Perfect Thai: Hot 23 year old, farsighted, deaf mute, orphan and just won a major lottery prize.

    BTW sipi ... I've never had a Thai Wife.

    Mrs David "to be" counts as one.

  5. We do Xmas but it is low key. A present for each other and lunch together. With a four year old, why not.

    Have you ever tried to explain Easter to your partner? I tried as best as I could years ago. "About 2000 years ago a man overseas took on the government and died. And that is why we have Easter". Her reply "That happens in Thailand all the time".

    Merry Xmas again.

    • Like 1
  6. I have read a study that concluded that men navigate by directions (Go south 3 kms.....turn left at the 3rd road, 100 metres past the intersection etc) while women navigate by landmarks, (go towards the temple, it's on the road with the big green house, it's across from the market etc).

    OP's wife in city situations is probably noticing things like tall buildings, the shoe department etc.

    Don't know about that. In Australia it was always go down past the Rose and Crown, turn left, walk two blocks until you get to the Pig and Whistle and then....you get the picture.

    In Australia I always had a really good sense of direction. I sailed a lot and always had a good sense of where I was heading without charts, etc. I don't know if it is because I am now in the northern hemisphere or just getting old but I seem to have lost my bump of direction.

    I really like the sailing analogy. A sense of direction without charts. That is what I was trying to say in the OP. It is a lot better than my evolutionary bird theory.


  7. She has a skill me thinks.

    My wife is similar in Thailand, but lost in Australia. She says everywhere looks the same.

    Ive noticed Thai girls can be quite psychic. They seem to sense 'things' quite well, but I cant give one particular example.

    My wife strangely gets an itchy lower back when rains on its way. Sounds weird but Ive taken enough notice and its accurate. Itchy in the morning,blue sky, she says its gonna rain, and it does everytime

    Itchy back is real. I get it to, and I'm not Thai. But about the sense of direction, my wife is fairly average, and we infrequently get lost in BKK - usually because of talking, like recently taking someone to the airport. But I now know my way around Bang Na. What i don't understand is that my wife and others don't like asking shops or strangers for directions. Don't know why ?

    Your wife won't ask a shop keeper for assistance either? I thought that was another of my brides gifts. We should have these open air discussions more often.

  8. It seems none of the Thai in my family/village have any idea when it comes to maps and directions - other than to say, meet me at the temple [which temple? you know, the temple.] Or I am near a 7/11

    Oh yes. Apart from being gifted with the unusual sense of direction, she is hopeless at giving them. I just follow on foot or get her to point in the car. It must be the left/ right thing.

    So many times I have heard "meet me at the corner"...

  9. She has a skill me thinks.

    My wife is similar in Thailand, but lost in Australia. She says everywhere looks the same.

    Ive noticed Thai girls can be quite psychic. They seem to sense 'things' quite well, but I cant give one particular example.

    My wife strangely gets an itchy lower back when rains on its way. Sounds weird but Ive taken enough notice and its accurate. Itchy in the morning,blue sky, she says its gonna rain, and it does everytime

    Yes the psychic thing is certainly very real. But that is another story.

  10. I have read a study that concluded that men navigate by directions (Go south 3 kms.....turn left at the 3rd road, 100 metres past the intersection etc) while women navigate by landmarks, (go towards the temple, it's on the road with the big green house, it's across from the market etc).

    OP's wife in city situations is probably noticing things like tall buildings, the shoe department etc.

    or the jewelry shop, the other jewelry shop, and the other jewelry shop....

    • Like 1
  11. Quite possibly during the OP's expreriment, the ladies were using GPS, they were after all looking at their phones.

    GPS...damn, I knew they were up to something. Not only a good sense of direction but a lot smarter too.

    • Like 1
  12. My wife likes to give me driving directions.

    But, she's a little dyslexic.

    Sometimes she say 'right' when she means 'left'. And vice versa.

    But, it's my fault for making the wrong turn. tongue.png

    Oh yes, I forgot about the "left/ right" thing..

  13. I have a pretty good sense of direction. I can battle my way around the average multi-story shopping center or car-park with relative ease whilst others wander around aimlessly. I get lost driving in rural (and urban) Thailand occasionally, but who doesn't.

    My wife, however takes it to a new level. I have followed her (3 paces behind) down nearly every soi in Thailand at a brisk pace. Ok, she is from Thailand; what else do I expect?

    But then she is the same in Singapore Chinatown having never been there before. Races around the gigantic undercover markets like a race-car driver, without batting an eyelid; and then straight out the exit and directly back to the hotel. I can't remember which way is up by this.

    I tried an experiment. My wife, her sister and her sisters husband were lying down in the back of a pick-up car (utility), staring at the sky. Actually the girls were staring at their phones and Du was staring at the sky smoking a cigarette. I drove for 30 minutes (we were eventually headed for Phon Cheroen big-com). I took short cuts, long cuts, did several u-turns..... and eventually pulled up. I jumped out and asked them where we were.."about 100mtrs from Wongchumpu clinic"..Exactly where we were; and no, they didn't cheat.

    They think it is amusing that I can walk into the center of a large rubber plantation, shut my eyes, spin around 3 times, open my eyes; and not be able to point directly West South West. They do it with ease.

    How? Did they evolve from migratory birds? I find it totally unbelievable.

    Have you experienced the same from other Thais?

  14. I don't take a word of TVF seriously any more. For me it is a source of cheap entertainment.

    That is a pity, for you.

    Enjoyable cheap entertainment. Some of these topics have never made me laugh so hard.

    Cheap !

    Cheap Entertainment !

    Is that all I even meant to you ... dry.png

    You promised to respect me in the morning!

    Pfffttt ... some people ... laugh.png


    I even find the "insulting" posts funny, including the ones directed at me.

    As far as volunteering info, as in the OP...

    Hey, everyone knows my name is Phil, am 49, my wife is Tuk and our 4 year old boy is Morgan. We live in the NE. If they want to throw stones, go for it...

    (This post isn't directed at David of course. He already knows I like being laughed at)

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