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Posts posted by sipi

  1. We live in a village, Wongchumpu. The local young girls belong to a dancing group. You can hire them to dance at a function

    what are their rates, are they 7 in number?

    Their numbers go up and down, depending on who is around at the time. Normally 6 or 7. I don't know their rates or how far they travel, but can find out. If you are in the far NE and want to hire them, PM me and I will give you their details. They only speak Thai.

  2. We live in a village, Wongchumpu. The local young girls belong to a dancing group. You can hire them to dance at a function; wedding, funeral. And they are booked well in advance.

    They are dancing girls. Young, sweet, innocent.

    All their stuff goes on Facebook. Would you like some links??

    Just leave them be, and don't confuse them with some others..

    They are not confused about their sexuality, nor their religion, nor their social status. Their brothers are monks, and soldiers. They have good families..

    Don't interfere..

  3. There are some wonderful members out there. And thanks to all of you (you know who you are).

    I previously mentioned Weegee, for his help in the "Has anyone been asked to go to .....". http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/773082-has-anyone-been-asked-to-go-to-the-wattana-psychiatric-hospital/page-10?hl= mental hospital

    However, there was one member, and unsung hero who personifies what TVF is all about.

    I am hopeless at "copy and paste" but http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/user/146184-ericnoodeeka/ went beyond the call of duty in his post on the above thread. Post #231.

    I nominate him (or her......)


  4. My blood is already too thin, a bleeder. I can't take aspirin. Maybe just those calf exercises will work. How about those electric exerciser pads you see advertised on television?

    Can infants and kids get it? My son runs a marathon in his sleep, literally, to the annoyance of Mum and Dad.

    The biggest problem between Thailand and Australia are those flight schedules. We often stop-over in Singapore or KL, but that is tiring in itself; and a bit more money.

    Very interesting post David, and thanks.

    Oh, I forgot. The symptoms? A toothache in the legs? Geez, I get that all the time......

  5. I was seated at the front of the plane with my family on a flight from Udon to Bkk earlier this year. A monk was the last passenger to get on. His seat was directly opposite mine. Without thinking I helped him place his bag in the overhead bin. When we landed I retrieved it for him. When we got of the plane and onto the bus to go to the terminal, everyone stood aside to let us through. It was really weird. Apparently they had seen me help this gent and were returning the favour. They can be polite when they want to be.

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  6. Why has Bangkok not been mentioned?

    BKK has some beautiful/wonderous places to see - it's not really a beautiful city.....or - a fun city to get around in.....

    Not like a San Francisco or Paris - or even New York.....

    Yes I agree, was just putting it out there.

    For me, Sydney harbour and surrounding beaches on a Spring morning does it.

  7. I bought my wife out to Aust twice on a tourist visa before getting the spouse visa. Her second tourist visa wasn't stamped "no further stay". We got married as soon as we could appliedfor the spouse visa and got a bridging visa until the spouse visa was approved. Maybe we were just lucky. When we saw that tourist visa without the stamp, we ran from the BKK Aust embassy at the speed of sound, before they realised.

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