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Posts posted by sipi

  1. my wife does and works with here friend in translation office

    Can you message me your phone number or skype please. Tuk will call.. Or facebook??

    I would not recommend to anyone sending their personal details such as facebook, phone numbers, Email addresses and Skype info to someone they do not know. Could be an advertising ploy, phishing scam or anything.

    Can the OP be a little more specific with what this is about and than perhaps he will obtain some more responses, otherwise whoever sends the OP the requested details, do so at their own risk and discretion.

    Hey Mr Juice (or whatever your real name is)

    Do you want details? Well here they are!!


    Are you happy now?

    Do Not contact her without contacting me first.. or I will call the cops.

    This is a genuine request for assistance.

    • Like 1
  2. Beetlejuice, on 30 Nov 2014 - 20:14, said:

    sipi, on 30 Nov 2014 - 18:07, said:

    opalred, on 30 Nov 2014 - 16:58, said:

    my wife does and works with here friend in translation office

    Can you message me your phone number or skype please. Tuk will call.. Or facebook??

    I would not recommend to anyone sending their personal details such as facebook, phone numbers, Email addresses and Skype info to someone they do not know. Could be an advertising ploy, phishing scam or anything.

    Can the OP be a little more specific with what this is about and than perhaps he will obtain some more responses, otherwise whoever sends the OP the requested details, do so at their own risk and discretion.

    Forget it. I will not be more specific as we are dealing with the death of an elderly Thai lady with no family abroad (Australia).

    I am not interested in your personal details, fullstop.


    If you do, please PM me.....

  3. Oh come on guys. Is there some falang around Chiang Mai that speak Thai? What about Mr America?? Whatever he calls himself...Mr One America?

    Why are there so many Thailand experts available until you need one?

    Most people don't like other users to know who they really are, as the anonymity affords them the pleasure of writing things they'd never say to each other's faces.

    Crap!! A world of wonkers.
    • Like 1
  4. my wife does and works with here friend in translation office

    Can you message me your phone number or skype please. Tuk will call.. Or facebook??
    Hey opaired. It is now me and you. Please contact me asap. I will put $ into your account and go from there.

    Thanks Mate..

  5. Oh come on guys. Is there some falang around Chiang Mai that speak Thai? What about Mr America?? Whatever he calls himself...Mr One America?

    Why are there so many Thailand experts available until you need one?

  6. Hi Gents. I have posted this on the Chiang Mai forum, but not a single reply.

    I urgently need someone who can speak Thai and English in the Chiang Mai area to contact me as soon as possible.

    Regards. Phil

  7. If I "like" a comment, it means I like it. If I run out of "likes" it means I have liked more things than I am allowed to "like", apparently. If I don't "like" a comment, it doesn't necessarily mean I don't like it, I just don't like it as much as others.

    I can't believe I got a "like" for this post. Oh, Thanks crazy chef1. I'm in tears.

    I have made a deal with the bride. She shouts me a beer for every "like".

  8. I am urgently seeking someone around Chiang Mai who speaks fluent Thai and English, and can genuinely help a lady in distress; preferably a Moderator. Long story.

    This is an urgent call, and not a Thai scam (no money involved). Please Message me if you are available, immediately.

    Thanks in advance....

    • Like 1
  9. I played Old McDonald had a farm in a class before and the noises the kids were using were the weirdest I had ever heard. I was like, "What the heck is that animal"! Very different ideas about animals sounds compared to back home.

    Old McDonald in Thai would be funny. I never thought about that.

    With a ho ho here, and a goap goap there.

    Here a diiet, there an oot

    Everywhere an et et....

    • Like 1
  10. Skin tight black jeans, a "Clash Army" cd, a bronze flat-top haircut, a white "farang" tee-shirt, 10mm holes through each ear, red gym boots with orange laces, cheap imitation reflective sunnies......

    Much the same as a cool American (except for the "Clash Army" cd).

  11. The father in law asks me.."Hey Phil, can you call Diat the dog?"

    "Sure Por". I squat down, click my fingers, and whistle.."Whoot, whoot, here boy, come here Diat" Click, click.

    Por is laughing himself silly, the dog is giving me a stupid look. "Ok Por, show me how". He lets out a bizarre "Eh, eh, eh". Diat comes running, along with 4 of his mates.

    "Do you know what sound a dog makes?" asks Por. "Sure" I reply, "woof. woof' or "bark, bark". No, wrong. Apparently a dog goes "ho,ho,ho,ho"

    And a rooster? No "cock a doodle doo" in Thailand. They wake you up with "ek, ek, ek, eky, eeeeek"

    A Monkey? "diiet, diiet, diiet".

    I'm sure there are many more...

    • Like 2
  12. Extended family. Love them to bits. We (wife, son and I) in our house. Sister and family next door. Mum and Dad other side. Brother and family across the road. Next door to him is his ex~wife and her family (only in Thailand can that happen). Down the road another brother and sister and their families. Various Aunts and Uncles and cousins scattered within a km either way.

    I take my hat to you, your a braver man than me.

    It is actually a lot of fun. They are all good. They never ask for money, although we enjoy buying the kids school-shoes and the occasional toy. It comes in handy if we need a baby-sitter, or if I am wandering the streets and suddenly need to use the loo. There is no shortage of someone to have an impromptu beer with. I really do enjoy it.

    Please don't ask me about my family.......

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