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  1. Lamphen

    Proof of Life

    usually the party asking for the proof of life tells you what they need. I have to provide proof of life to two different countries. One require signature and a stamp, for this one I use the local immigration office. The other one require only a signature from an adult that is not a relative. My suggestion is to check what they are asking for, and then act accordingly.
  2. I turned 65 in November and the tax office worker gave me the 190,000 without any questions.
  3. Thank you all for your inputs, some on topic and some off. Please consider my post closed. Thank you.
  4. According to the tax legislation, one can apparently gift up to THB 20 million without having to pay taxes. Does anyone know how to technically do this?
  5. The vaccination certificate is yet another 13 digit number 🙂
  6. TIT 🙂 I have also different numbers on my pink ID and TIN card.
  7. I get mine done at immigration. THB 1,000, that is all.
  8. Is she suffering from oxygen deprivation?
  9. Why do they need a crackdown? Don't the police keep it tidy on a daily basis?
  10. Happened to me too, had to go to the IMO in person. I also do the TM30 after domestic travels. I don't want to risk any mistakes.
  11. I had the same last month, and had to go to Buriram immigration.
  12. Thanks for all your input, I have now got all I need. Thanks again.
  13. Thank you all for your valuable input, very much appreciated.
  14. I have a 5 year licence. I will try another office.
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