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Posts posted by Moonlover

  1. 3 hours ago, Bobthegimp said:

    Yes, steel does expand in the heat, and contract in the cold. Expansion joints compensate for these factors to ensure the gauge remains within acceptable parameters.  Was there a derailment that didn't make the news? 

    Yes there are expansion joints, but there are limits to how much expansion they can compensate for. Even in the milder weather in the UK, they sometimes have this problem and have to close lines or limit the speeds on them.


    Buckled rails in the UK

  2. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:
    11 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    The main stumbling block that us foreigners encounter when applying are the questions regarding employment. Fine if you are employed but what about those of us who are retired? That's where I and apparently many others got stuck.


    1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Employment is not a requirement to register with TrueMoney!

    Why did you only quote the 1st paragraph of my post? I went on to say, in the same post:


    11 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Someone on this forum finally came up with the answer. You call yourself 'unemployed' (technically true) and you give your home address as your work address (a stretch but good enough) It worked and my account was approved in just a couple of hours. 


  3. 11 hours ago, Everyman said:

    TruMoney was nearly impossible to set up as a foreigner anyway. I gave up years ago. 


    10 hours ago, Bountyhuntr said:


    I think it's fine as long as you have evidence of Long-Term Visa or Work Permit. I am not sure they provide an account for anyone on a Tourist Visa though.


    I think when I set mine up I had to contact them by phone as my application didn't get any attention for days.


    Oh another thing about TrueMoney Wallet - if the Long-term Visa or Work Permit date expires from when you set it up, they instantly lock you out of your account and you have to upload new evidence again (renewal of Work Permit etc).

    The main stumbling block that us foreigners encounter when applying are the questions regarding employment. Fine if you are employed but what about those of us who are retired? That's where I and apparently many others got stuck.


    Someone on this forum finally came up with the answer. You call yourself 'unemployed' (technically true) and you give your home address as your work address (a stretch but good enough) It worked and my account was approved in just a couple of hours. 

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  4. 19 minutes ago, Woof999 said:
    27 minutes ago, GuyDow said:

    FYI, Enterprise now require an IDL. Last year they did not.


    19 minutes ago, Woof999 said:


    They didn't 4 weeks ago at Heathrow.

    From Enterprise's web site Q & As:  'All drivers must produce a full, valid driving licence. Non-EU licence holders are required to have an international driving permit if the licence is not in English. All renters must produce photographic ID - this can be a passport or driving licence'. 


    Thai licenses are in Thai and English, so what's the problem?



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  5. 19 minutes ago, Woof999 said:

    Last 2 times I hired a car in the UK using my Thai license I didn't need an IDP. I had bought one online just in case though.


    June last year. Green Motion, offsite near Heathrow.

    Beginning of this month, Enterprise / National / Alamo at Heathrow.

    Many posters on this forum have said the same thing. IDP not required in the UK.

  6. 5 minutes ago, charleskerins said:

    I am just wanted to make sure there was enough power


    1 hour ago, charleskerins said:

    the bathroom has those vented blocks  I'm guessing that will waste ac ?  Should I close them off or is that their idea of a vent pipe?

    This was your other question wasn't it?

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  7. Why not just leave it to them? They have a lot more experience than you, or, I suspect any of us have.


    As far as the vented blocks in the bathroom are concerned, bathrooms need ventilation to prevent  condensation and dampness. My advise is leave well alone.

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  8. 1 hour ago, teeyai said:

    👍 It'd be Good if All Reports of Deaths  started with this. You see some real Uncompassionate & Thoughtless Comments Sometimes .

    There was a period when suicide reports (real or suspected) were closed to any further comments as soon as they were posted, thus putting an end to the stupid and often childish speculation that ensued. I, for one would like to see that policy reintroduced.

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  9. 2 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

    My ole lady is to hiso to even contemplate riding in a saleng with a foreigner at the helm. Maybe as a crutch if foreigner has no balance but then a car or truck seems better.

    I did own a motorcycle/sidecar in my early days as a cheap form of family transport. But I never really liked it and they can be a real bitch to handle. 


    If I did need cheap 2 person transport here I'd opt for an EV trike. 

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  10. 9 hours ago, Stanton681 said:

    It’s not.

    I know 2 Brits here in Isaan who were caught and are having to repay overpayment. Worse is that they’ve had their pensions revert to the amount they received when they moved to Thailand.

    8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Let's see the court decision letter!

    But we all know there wasn't one.

    No there won't be any 'court decision letters'. @BritManToo, that's not how it works. I also knew of 2 cases whilst I was living in Egypt. DWP simply told the culprits (a husband and wife) that they will have to repay the over payments and have their pensions pegged, just as @Stanton681 said.


    They were also told that if they wished to protest, they may do so, but that would result in a prosecution for fraud with the inevitable consequences. Their pension payments were withheld until they agreed to DWP's decision. Needless to say, they agreed. 



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  11. 43 minutes ago, Martin71 said:

    There is a news article now on a Thai news website now (yellow page header also has a forum... not sure about posting the name) with some bloke praising the air con set at 27 deg and a small fan to distribute the air around.. maybe one of you air con gurus can have a look (it's in Thai language, I got my wife t ro translate)... and see if it makes sense.. he claims to cut his bill almost in half...

    We have a large bedroom and we do use a fan to 'throw' the cooled air across the room to our sleeping area. It works very well but it certainly does not reduce our bills by 50%! 


    I cannot see how that would be possible.

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