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Posts posted by Moonlover

  1. 11 hours ago, freedomnow said:

    Grant Cameron (Canada) YT UFO/paranormal investigator had an episode on something similar.

    Blindfolded kids being investigated for these abilities.


    90% cynics probably mock - but these patchy abilities can happen.

    It's the repeatability that is the issue at times.


    It is known that some mystics and meditators are able to develop the ability to 'see' with their so called 'third eye', which is now known to be the pineal gland. This gland is actually light sensitive. So I don't dismiss this as just hocus pocus, especially in Asia where they are still in touch with more ancient traditions.

    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

    Absolutely right.  There is a great deal of false and misleading information floating around social media.  Relax expats, especially the ones on retirement extensions. 

    Well, not strictly true Doctor Tom. 'Relax expats, especially those on retirement pensions that have been taxed at source in their home countries'. It's irrelevant what extension they happen to be on.


    That's me BTW.

  3. 19 hours ago, aussiebrian said:

    I rang Kasikorn Bank and they told me that other people had also rung them about the same problem, and the problem was with the partner bank. 

    That's interesting. Inputs to this and the previous thread a few days ago clearly show that problems of delayed payouts are occurring to transfers originating from a variety of countries, including the UK were they are normally very quick, a matter of seconds in fact.


    My logic tells me therefor that the problem must be at this end where the funds a distributed to banks and this comment by Kasikorn seems to confirm that.


    Wise relies on monies being paid into the agencies accounts by the business community in THB which is the money used to pay us. See this website for more details We're often reading that the Thai economy is sluggish right now. I'd suggest that this could be slowing down the incoming funds on which Wise relies and causing a backlog. And I don't see that's a lot that Wise can do about that.

  4. 1 hour ago, Olmate said:

    Fallacy, foxes do not kill for fun. They eat their fill and cache the rest for leaner times. Just like a dog burying its bones.



    1 hour ago, Olmate said:

    U obviously never had a chook yard in the Aust bush😭

    Yes foxes do appear to kill to access, however if they are not disturbed they will return to the site of the kill and remove the access and cache it by burial. That's not killing for fun, that's killing for survival.


    Foxes do not kill for fun


    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Kinok Farang said:
    3 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Fallacy, foxes do not kill for fun. They eat their fill and cache the rest for leaner times. Just like a dog burying its bones.


    Us humans are the only species on this planet who kills for fun, much to our detriment.


    3 minutes ago, Kinok Farang said:

    Try telling that to victims of pit bull attacks.

    Pit bulls do not attack for fun. They attack because they have been grossly mistreated by their owners. Man guilty once again.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
    • Agree 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Olmate said:

    Simples, eat em alive, or just be like a fox and kill em for fun! 

    Fallacy, foxes do not kill for fun. They eat their fill and cache the rest for leaner times. Just like a dog burying its bones.


    Us humans are the only species on this planet who kills for fun, much to our detriment.

    • Agree 1
  7. On 5/28/2024 at 5:06 PM, newbee2022 said:

    Actually a gym is very helpful.....if you got your personal instructor, who is a licensed fitness trainer.

    The only person I trust to take care of my back is me and I've become very good at it over the years. No problems for upwards of 30 years and not a doctor or a trainer in sight.

    • Thanks 1
  8. The best description I can muster is a prepaid debit card linked to one of the major payment networks such as Visa. There's no need to have a bank account to obtain one. (usually)


    They're the modern day equivalent/replacement for traveler's cheques. 


    I used them quite often when I was travelling between Egypt and Thailand.

    • Like 1
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  9. 4 hours ago, thoengthaied said:

    Hi all. Recently, when trying to install an app on my Windows 11 laptop I get a pop up message which is confusing me and I don't know what to do. The message is "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device"  Options below are "Yes" and "No". "NO" is highlighted. Which way should I jump? Regards,thoengthaied.

    Yes, of course you want to make changes to your device. That's the only way you'll be able to install and use the app. If you're confident that the app is not harmful, (there are ways of checking I believe but I've never felt the need to) then click 'yes'.


  10. 1 minute ago, nrasmussen said:


    Perhaps your own quote answers your question: I.e., the amount of THB needs to be already in Thailand to cover your transfer and, if not, they will have to delay until they have enough THB locally to put into your account.


    I haven't actually asked a question, however I do believe that there's a possibility that you're right. There is one clue that I've picked up on over the years which is that delays to payouts seen to occur around Thai holiday periods when business and hence in-payments slow down.

  11. 26 minutes ago, superal said:

    Why would there be a delay in paying out at this end ( Thailand ) . Why is it beyond the control of Wise ? Why are some transfers paid in seconds but others are delayed ? Their is no consistency with Wise anymore which is a pity because in the last 14 years of using them I have never had a problem , until now and I am not alone on this .

    Do you have the info to back your statement that money is used to pay entities in the UK ?


    This is copied from the UDS website Link to UDS


    'Peer-to-Peer Transfer System


    Wise operates a unique peer-to-peer system that matches user transfers with someone sending money in the opposite direction. By doing so, Wise can minimize or eliminate the need for traditional currency conversion, resulting in fairer and more competitive exchange rates'.


    There is a more comprehensive description elsewhere, but I have better things to do with my time than go searching for it.


    No I do not know why payments are slow just now. Maybe it's connected with Thailand's sluggish economy.


    • Thanks 1
  12. 38 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    So I guess the double flush has 2 buttons for 3L/6L with plunger on top. Or the side flush lever, which seems better for a courtesy flush rather than having to reach behind to hit the flush. 


    I thought all toilets flushed pretty much the same but guess I'm wrong, as you all said pick the one with good flushing mechanism. 


    What creates a good flush is more to do with the design of the bowl rather than the flushing mechanism, which is pretty much standard on all loos. That's why I like our Verno, it creates a good whirlpool action.


    P. S. I stopped leaving the tap running whilst cleaning my teeth during the unprecedented drought in the summer of 1976 in the UK and I've stuck to that practice ever since.

  13. 5 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

    This time I'm getting large water tanks for a good whoosh. 

    Big tanks? dear oh dear, how 20th century. We're suppose to be conserving the stuff, not chucking it down the loo with gay abandon!


    You don't need a big tank to get a good flush, what you need is a good flushing action. Our Verno one piece which we bought from Global about 5 years ago has a superb swirling action plus a good undertow and can deal with the largest log with aplomb. Never had a problem with it and it's very quiet as well.



  14. 9 hours ago, Presnock said:
    8 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

    There should be no valid reason that a foreigner cannot own 100% of a bonafide company that is usually 100% foreigner financed. This 51/49% rule is totally without merit. 


    9 hours ago, Presnock said:

    other than Thai law which is very specific and most likely will no change in our lifetime

    And is a very common practice quite a number of countries where 'foreigners' choose to set up business. 

  15. 14 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    What's going on is Nationwide isn't a proper bank and it's been like that forever.

    This is complete nonsense. I always use Nationwide to transfer my money into Wise and only ever takes seconds. Very often I get a 'notification' ping on my mobile acknowledging receipt by Wise before I've even had chance to close the NBS app!

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, redwood1 said:

    Folks I thought this tax was for EVERYONE in Thailand including Thais.....Not a word has been said about a new income tax for Thais....


    It was also quite kind of them to come out with the LTR visa the  LTR excludes the richest expats from paying any tax..Which pores cold water on  saying the income tax is needed to raise money...When the most well-off expats are excluded from paying any tax.....

    This half baked mess of a tax has more holes in it than Swiss cheese....Savings excluded,Gifts excluded, Treaties excluded, ATMs pretty much excluded etc etc etc


    The whole thing is pretty much a hopeless mess.....





    Sorry, but you are completely wrong about that. In the Thai Enquirer on the 18th Sep 2023 you can read:


    According to legal experts, the policy appears to have three specific targets: residents trading in foreign stock markets through foreign brokerages, cryptocurrency traders, and Thais who have been exploiting a loophole that allowed them to bring foreign earnings into the country tax-free after keeping it in an offshore account for more than a calendar year.


    There's no mention of expats and their pensions in this particular article.



  17. 3 minutes ago, Mike Lister said:

    Far too simplistic and generalised. The examiner may state those things but I doubt the Revenue policy makers would agree they are accurate and complete. If you really want to know what the picture looks like, you have to go to the Revenue rules and the legislation, not an English language newspaper.

    Two of those references are from financial services specialists!

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