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Posts posted by Stargeezr

  1. I flew BKK to Singapore, not much for frills, but friendly staff.. Short flight, no problem!

    Some fussy people wanted premium service for a cheap price, but I told one to get

    real. They were going there to gamble, and just were greedy as well as cheap shots.

    I can still fly from Phuket to Australia on Virgin, or other airlines, so just not

    directly to Perth, so what!

  2. I wondered just how much more expensive it is to live in Phuket, but just from

    the increase in hotels, motels, restaurants and such, I think it is a lot more expensive to

    live in Phuket. I also have some relatives that are in the police force, and they do not get

    a huge pay check for the work that they do. The pay is better if you are a tourist police

    member, or special guard, but unlike a lot of countries like Australia, Briton, USA, or Canada,

    most Asian police forces are vastly under paid. I hope the solution is good for the police members,

    and not just for some rich people who want to move to Phuket.

  3. Good to see more Thailand politics. I thought it was starting to fade a bit, but

    I see that something is at least starting up again. Ewwww, and it looks like the Red shirt guy is

    all miffed by this, and some of his followers as well.

    I guess trying to get a country to become more democratic, takes a few tries.

    Good Luck Thailand voters and citizens, please just do not be bought off

    for your votes as you have been in the past.

    Being democratic, means that you vote for who will be best to try run the country of

    Thailand and help out the people of the country. It does not mean getting a few thousand baht to

    vote in the richest person who wants to have the power of being in charge of

    the majority vote.

  4. If Thailand get 3 working, newish submarines, then it will be 3 submarines better off than Canada.

    Our country bought some British trash. Four submarines purchased, in which 3 were brought to Canada

    in floating dry dock ships, and the one that tried to get to Canada under power, had to be towed part way.

    It is a pathetic chapter for Canada, and we still have no submarines that can effectively protect our country.

    If Thailand has effective navy and marine ships, then again Thailand is much better off than Canada.

    Canada has some Frigates, and a few other vessels, but we retired our support ship and cannot even

    fuel up or supply our navy. It is shameful.

    Basically I do agree that most countries would be better served to have more surface ships, and aircraft

    to defend their country. I guess if we ever had a large war, then some extra subs, may come in handy,

    but they are very expensive and limited in what they can do.

    I just hope that I can get to the end of my life without seeing the start of Armageddon.

  5. If Scotland does eventually break away from England, I do hope that the people there realize that their lives

    will be vastly changed, and not all in a good way. Unless Scotland has the oil revenues, from their land and seas,

    they have a lot less population than England does. Does Scotland have their own banks, Military, as well

    as lots of other industry to keep them employed and fairly well off?

    I wanted to see Quebec separate from Canada on its second try, because on the news I also seen

    a lot of military exercises just south of the Canadian border, which made me realize that the

    Country of Quebec would have lasted a few days or so, then become part of another country.

    There are still some people in the province of Quebec, who think that they want to separate,

    from Canada, but in their case, they had better all get the blessings from the USA before they leave.

  6. In the 70s we used to ride in the back of our pickup truck in western Canada, but the laws changed, darn.

    I used to ride in the back of our farm truck which was a 1 ton with a big box and 4 foot walls,

    it was great as I could see the scenery, but also take a nap if it was a long ride. Now we have to all

    be in our seats with seat belts, and child seats if the passenger is very young, 0.1 to 3 or 4 years old.

    The world does change, but I am glad that I experienced the good old days with more freedoms

    and challenges. RIP to the unfortunate fellow who died.

  7. When I read about the Islam teachings and their beliefs of their religion versus other

    religions in the world, I now realize that we will never see peace, as we had

    20 years ago or more. This Muslim religion does not seem to know about forgiveness, if you are

    not a Muslim, and even then, the ISIL group are showing us that they do not even

    forgive other Muslims. I have relatives who are modern Muslims and are not at

    all fundamental in their beliefs, and they have told me how much they fear ISIL and

    Islamic terrorists. It makes me think that all we will see in the world with these

    groups in existence, is more war. Sad state of affairs indeed.

  8. I still think that the third world war will begin somewhere in the Middle East.

    If Iran does get the bomb, it will be that much closer to the end.

    If any terrorist group such as ISL ever get hold of a bomb, be it a suitcase

    bomb or not, the world will see it used, as these animals do not care what they

    do to get their own piece of property so that they can expand to rule their world.

    I am just glad that I have lived to be a senior citizen, and if the end happens

    well I guess, it happens, and I hope that I am on a beach somewhere enjoying

    a cool drink when it does.

  9. I am sorry that the tourists got injured in this accident. When I travelled on a VIP
    bus from BKK to Phuket, I did see the driver take a pill with his energy drink, and I wondered if
    it was to keep awake, and if there were any other side affects. I feel fortunate that I have
    travelled as much as I have around Thailand without ending up in some sort of crash.
    Taking those mini vans from BKK to Hua Hin, are enough thrills for me.

  10. It is too bad that the Thailand Baht is still too high and it should be lowered to its real value.

    I hope that Thailand does clean up its human trafficking problems, and other corruption that still

    flourishes in parts of the country.

    I still enjoy visiting Thailand and other parts of Asia so I hope I can continue to afford to travel there

    in the future. For now though the baht is 26 baht to Canadian dollar, and that is not an honest

    amount, but I guess it is in the eye of the Thai government. I will wait until it improves before I go to Thailand


  11. Russia has a basement economy, the Chinese economy is headed toward the basement,

    USA says their economy is better with the fracking of oil stuff, but how long will that last, and if you seen the

    USA housing situation, it has not improved much at all. Canada is now in a recession, I am not sure how Australia and

    the southern countries are doing, but I suspect they are not in much better shape on the whole. TAT in Thailand

    may say that times are good, but I have friends that live there full time and I have heard otherwise from

    all over the country. Good luck TAT, but I think the will come out one day soon, it will be less rosy than

    your latest story. I think that the Chinese, Japanese and other nearby countries will still come to Thailand

    because it is cheap, and has nice beaches, good golfing, and better bargain in the malls and street vendors

    than in China or Japan. I went to China on 2 tours and was surprised how much I paid for things made in

    China, when I could get the same product cheaper in Thailand.

  12. My wife is an educated former Thai woman, and she has a heart of gold, she is a hard worker and

    very much a family oriented person. One thing that I have learned over the years though is that

    a lot of the Thai/Canadian women that I have met, are pretty much just that. They are Thai women first

    and Canadian women second. That means that they keep their Thai ways, their Thai thoughts, of

    the family hierarchy etc., as in Older members of family get respect whether they deserve it or not,

    Farang husbands get the respect as a farang member of the family, which is down a few notches

    from the top, and that is why we are handymen, or the financial person, etc. I am a bit jaded now, and though

    I have enjoy several years of a marriage, I feel some days, that it was not worth the emotional

    feelings that I have today. It does not matter what part of the world that people are from, what matters

    is if the marriage to these people is happy or not.

    For me it is , : Lesson learned, time to move on.

  13. The picture is from the down river side of the dam, where the hydro station railways
    and roads and even look at the trees on the edge of the dam are located.
    The other side probable looks pretty bad if the water level is so low.
    It would have been nice to see a shot of two of the situation, but I guess we will have to wait
    until someone with a camera will take a few pictures for the rest of us to see.
    here are a few pictures of the Hoover dam in the USA, see the bath tub ring from
    the lower water levels.




  14. The catch words are the area was in Craggy forested mountains.

    The mountains in this area do not all have cell towers that cover the whole area, hence no signal for

    a smart phone or a plain dumb old fashioned cell phone that does not have much for

    a GPS. Go to the USA or Canada and spend some time in the west at the mountains and you will see that for yourself!

    As for the GPS getting a satellite signal, fine, but try walking for 2 days and see how far you may have gone from

    your wreckage, or crash site.post-217497-0-94586400-1436893847_thumb.

    I am glad that the girl survived, and it does not sound very assuring for her grand parents.

    Basically none of us were there, where this girl was and being an armchair expert

    is not getting any useful information out as well. I hope the searchers can find the crash site soon.

  15. We had a big storm where I live in Canada.

    A community east of the city got flooded, (picture included)

    This community has a lake in its midst and the houses that are located near the lake,

    and that are just 1/2 a meter higher than the level of the water in the lake, were in a

    bad situation. You see people in Canada like to have a basement which is 8 to 10 feet

    or 2.4 to 3.5 meters blow the level of the main floor in the house. These basements are below the lake level,

    and when the storms go through and the water pipes can not keep up, these houses get their basements

    flooded with water, as well as sewage. Bad situation indeed. This is a good reason not to have a

    basement under your house when you live at or below the water level in a lake next door.

    I am glad that my Thai family in Bangkok and other places in Thailand are smart enough to no

    have houses with floodable basements. I have been in a few places in Thailand when the rain

    is occurring and it does not take long to see a foot or 1/3 of a meter of water accumulate on the ground.


  16. Having a few storage barrels, or those clay containers around your property

    can help a tiny bit. At least if you have a few plants, you can water them for a week

    or two before they go brown like the lawns. In Bangkok where my relatives life, they mostly live in

    Condo style housing and have only roof top plants on their property, with storage containers

    for watering the plants.

    People that have actual houses in Bangkok and area should have at least a few storage

    containers to get them through the droughts. I know that this does not help them with

    their crops, but that is always the risk of being a grain or rice farmer.

    Certainly , proper water management can help, and I hope the drought situation is not

    too long lasting.

  17. Only the rich people would have a problem with bringing in 20,000 baht in belongings, as

    us tourists usually bring in a suitcase full of summer clothes, and swimming suits.

    We may have an extra pair of sandals or shoes, but really 6,600 US worth of anything

    is a lot of stuff to lugging around on our holidays.

    My concern would be about how much money I am allowed to bring into Thailand to spend while I

    am there on vacation. I guess with credit cards, travellers checks, and bank drafts I can

    get by with that situation. Too bad it is so hard to get a bank account and ATM card when I am in Thailand.


  18. I hope the weather man's predictions were on the underside of the real situation, I think

    Bangkok and Thailand need more rain than is predicted. Maybe this fellow should have predicted

    that Pluto was going to have a flyby today with the New Horizons space probe, and that many great

    images and pictures will be taken.

    Our little 9th planet needs all the publicity that it can get, because there was about 500 members of

    the IAU's 10,000 members decided to change the status of Pluto away from being a planet.

    More than a billion people on earth as well as myself never got our chance to have a say in the status of

    our ninth planet, and I think that the little planet deserves at least a majority vote of not only the members of the IAU

    or International Astronomical Union, and maybe a majority of the people on earth who are, amateur astronomers

    and such as well.

    Good luck with the drought Thailand, I hope the rains come to the places that need it, and the

    situation is improved soon.

  19. I agree with the comment that says, if the canals are dry in these areas that need the

    water, this would be prime time to take equipment and deepen these canals so they will hold more water in

    the future and be more useful to the people.

    I hope the government and agencies are able to help out the drought stricken areas with water trucks

    and such for now. This drought seems unusually long, and people affected should use this

    opportunity to deepen their holding ponds, local lakes or reservoirs as well as the canals, if these areas are now dry

    and could be deepened with the proper equipment such as Cats, Graders, Dozers, Dredging cranes,


    Just my 2 cent suggestion.

  20. Halloween. The problem is that the western societies, do not want to be as

    barbaric as the ISIL and other terrorist groups are. Another problems is that many

    millions were spent in the last several years in that general area, and USA, Canada or some

    others countries, do not,

    want to waste more millions, without some good results. These terror groups

    could be weakened from within, but that would have to be done in a

    sort of barbaric manner, so I guess that won't happen, and so the old

    bombing, and shooting campaign will have to keep on being the only way

    to combat them. We have people in the world who still think that we should

    somehow negotiate with these terrorist groups. I tell these people to buy a one way

    ticket to Turkey or somewhere close and go negotiate until the cows come home,

    or until their headless bodies are all sent back to North America.

  21. I have to agree with my friend who lives in Thailand, as he watches

    the Chinese tourists when they are in his area of Thailand. He has observed

    their behavior, and says the Chinese pamphlets are helpful, but wished that

    China would have given their outbound people these pamphlets while they were

    in China. The groups that my friends observed, tend not to shop in many places

    that they travel to, so it seems that maybe only a few business and hotels

    are benefiting from their visits. I guess Thailand's TAT should do a long

    survey and then tell the truth of the survey findings, Poot Jing Jing!

    For now Thailand should be happy to get whatever tourists that they can.

    I doubt that many people from Greece, or even all that many from Russia

    will be visiting Thailand any time soon. What I noticed during my last

    visit was that there were not many people from Spain and Italy in

    Thailand last year. Has anyone noticed that as well?

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