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Posts posted by Stargeezr

  1. My wife and I as well as a couple of friend had this kind of tour in China.

    We were taken to lots of tea places, jade places, and silk factories, that

    had lots of bedding for sale. We enjoyed free tea, and lots of sitting around

    while the hard sales of the products were spoken to us in Chinese.

    A few of the people in each of the tour buses were rich enough to buy enough of the

    products, that the businesses were happy with us. We did learn that in China there are taxes

    that the local pay, that make it cheaper to buy a lot of the Chinese products in other countries.

    I learned, that purses and some jewellery as well as things like high value clothes are

    actually cheaper outside of China. Our one tour guide from Shanghai said she keeps in touch with

    women her age in USA, Europe and Japan so that she can get many things purchased and sent

    to her back in China, she has saved a ton of money over the years. We flew from Thailand to China for

    one of our tours, and the price was way cheaper than a tour to China from Canada, I wonder why??

    I guess this will change Thailand in some ways, if the Chinese are Thailand's biggest

    tourist numbers in the future. I do not see Russia or Europe or even Canada and the USA

    improving very quickly from their present troubles.

  2. Don't worry about the USA, they have elections coming up fairly soon, and the next

    President and his party will be easier to deal with.

    Not everybody in the US was paid off by the last few leaders of Thailand.

    I think the USA has enough troubles in the Middle East right now, and they should

    learn to keep their mouths shut about other countries, but of course that would not

    be like the USA.

    I am very concerned about the people smugglers though, and hope they all get

    taken to prison where they belong. I do believe that Thailand had to clean up its

    involvement in this horrible situation.

  3. It is likely that this family were in a room , where they were staying, and heard a noise outside by their car.

    Going to investigate, was a bad thing to do, when they were attacked by an elephant.

    It would have been better to stay where they were at, and let the car get damaged, but

    now they are recovering and still alive, so they should be grateful for that.

    There are people who are tenting in Thailand these days, and I think they are either very brave

    or very crazy people. Way too many bugs and other critters for my liking to be in a tent during

    the night, when I am in that country. Oh and even Elephants that are awake in the night!

  4. Just drop an Ebola infected dog or cat into their midst and

    see them shoot each other until there is no more ISIL or al-Qaeda left. This is a happy story if it is true.

    It would be a great day if all of the terrorist groups killed

    each other off. Same could be said for other groups like Boko Haram, or

    Taliban or other Islamic extremists. Just my 2 cents.

  5. if this guy is indeed guilty, then 5 years, is not enough. However 5 years in an Asian jail

    is a very long time!. He will not be fat when he has finished his sentence, and he also

    may be missing a nut or two before he gets out as well.

    Good luck to him as he will need it, as well as he will need his family support if

    he wants to get any kind of decent food, and medical supplies during his time in jail.

  6. I read this story in a Canadian media column and it did not even mention that the boat

    was a small sail boat. I have seen way too many people out on these boats, as well as

    a few other kinds of boats, and they do not wear their life jackets, due to hot

    weather and other lame excuses! RIP to this fellow, I hope he was enjoying life

    right up until he fell into the sea.

    My condolences to his family and friends! If I have to go early in life

    I do hope it is while I am enjoying myself in the tropics, as it could easily happen while

    I am freezing my butt off in a cold Canadian Winter!

  7. I agree that this present PM is doing more to clean up Thailand than I have seen in the last 10 years!

    I am also glad that the Red and Yellow parties, are being made to behave.

    I still see the general bashers in this forum, and honestly wonder if they really prefer the

    lady or her big brother to still run Thailand!

    Keep up the good work! I hope the country gets even more cleaned up and that the jails

    get to house and feed many more of the used to be, rich and greedy people, who used to

    be a bunch of somebodys. Now these people are just their greedy selves sitting in a jail, with a big loss of face,

    and shame brought to their families!

  8. It is hard enough to keep these low life out of any country. This Indian fellow

    should be lucky to get out of jail alive! In South America, in a couple of their countries, the

    fake money is so rampant that it is in the banks, and they try to pass it off as well to

    their tourists. I think Argentina was one of the countries, and not sure what the other is

    but it is a very bad situation. The Thailand notes are made very similar to Canadian

    paper money, so it is pretty hard to not notice the fake bills.

    I am impressed with the Thai currency, and wished the USA would change their money

    as quickly as possible to a more modern and harder to counterfeit currency.

  9. To make a real dent in the corruption in Thailand it will take all of the Government, all of the

    military, all of the police forces, all of the companies, as well as all of the Rich people and

    all of the rest of the people in Thailand to cooperate and quit being greedy, quit bribing,

    quit being dishonest, and quit taking money to elect someone into the government.

    Then and only then will Thailand actually become less corrupt and stay that way.

    It will never happen!


  10. Great idea! Lets build tunnels under the streets of Bangkok. They would be a meter or two below sea level, and where would the water in them go to drain?

    How about this is Bangkok that we are talking about, a city that is at sea level, or just above, and sinking to boot!

    I do not know where KL is, or Kenny Hills, do you know where YC is? Thanks bangkokequity , for saying that the KL place is

    at least 22 meters above sea level . It surely is a different situation.

    I was in Bangkok during the last big flood and it was pretty devastating to everyone!

    One of my relatives who lives near the old airport had a meter of water in their main floor, and could

    not live in their house for three months. I had to travel out of the city to catch the bus to Hua Hin and south, as the main bus station was flooded as well.

    It does not really matter who is in government as this problem as been around for years.

    It may help to dredge some of the main klongs, but when a lot of them were filled in, that was when the

    flooding become worse.

  11. I went to that airport in a rain storm, and my driver his the brakes to avoid the car from going into about a meter of water.

    I am wondering what the road condition was like at the time the driver went into that section at

    3AM. Have any of you critics drove your own cars at that time of night in that part of BKK. I doubt

    it! I certainly have seen the city a few times in rain storms, and I thank God that my Thai relatives were

    driving in their 4 by 34 pickups with ample clearance. This story is better than of hearing that the bus went

    out of control and everyone died. Just saying of course that it could have been worse.

  12. There is more to this story than we know at this time! Did you see how many people were around that area

    in comparison to how many police were there? I think over the next few days we will all hopefully hear a bit more of what was said

    and the reason why the black girl in the bikini was taken down. Possibly she had a big mouth and was used to getting away

    with shooting it off without getting any flack! At least no one was shot, and only some feelings were hurt.

    In Edmonton Alberta, Canada, There was a city policeman , shot and killed by a nut case, who they were trying to

    serve an arrest warrant to. The man was known to the police as being dangerous, but they had no idea that he had a rifle. The officer who was

    killed had came to Canada from Britain and worked as a city policeman for 8 years, after being in the police force in

    Manchester England before that. RIP to him . His wife and 2 children have had their lives torn apart by this tragedy.

    I am just saying that policing is dangerous all over the world, and it is certainly a job that most of us would not want to

    do considering that they face danger every day. As for Publicus, this story happened in Texas USA, and that country

    has many many people who pack pistols, and more pack knives. The real bad ones have all of those as well as

    rifles and more. Try to remember that fact, before figuring that the policeman was the only one in the wrong, since he lived in that area

    and likely knew the situation a lot better than us arm chair critics, and likely knew a bit about the mentality of the crowd, better than you or I

    It may be better to wait a few days before condemning this police man to the welfare line.

    Just my opinion of course and I am a Red neck Canadian

  13. RIP to this Family, my condolences to their families and friends. Being out of work is not

    fun for anybody, anywhere in the world. In Thailand to lose your face in this situation is horrible, and most of us Farangs do not yet understand how much this affects the people in Thailand. This fellow

    maybe did not know how to speak English, so a job somewhere like a 7/11 is impossible.

    Even getting a lot of jobs in Bangkok and to survive, wit a decent wage is very hard to do.

    I have seen labourers doing construction and getting paid very little, and barely able

    to survive, let along make a living that they can support their family.

    I knew a Thai family in Phuket, where the wife started gambling, and then ran off to the

    north of the country as she had borrowed money from her friends, then family, then stole

    her husbands money from his little bar/café, at the end she borrowed money from the mafia.

    After she had left Phuket, her husband and mother were threatened by the mafia to pay

    them back for her debts. The mafia gave up when this man contacted his relatives in the

    government and police force, who let the mafia know that they would lose many of

    their members if this guy was threatened again. Life is hard in Thailand, and can be

    especially hard for the Thai people who do not have the kind of support that us

    Farangs take for granted, like nice pensions, etc. This is not the time for Thai bashing

    but is the time to have sympathy for those who died, and everyone who is affected by

    this tragic end of this family of four.


  14. I knew there was a good reason that I do not holiday in Africa!

    But I did travel to Guatemala and Honduras to see the ruins and

    actually enjoyed the trip. I see corruption all over the world, but what scares me

    the most, is hearing that ISIL may get their hands on a Nuclear weapon!

    Any place where these guys and other terrorists are, is the last place where I

    want to be at. Corruption is bad enough compared to all of those wack jobs.

  15. What? Are we supposed to blame a country for what they did some 100 years

    ago? Lame, is what the comment of joshstiles is!, what are you a Brit hater?

    My question to this is, Except the Russia and Ukraine situation, who is fighting

    all over the place? Who are ISIL, Taliban, Al Shabaab, Al Qaeda , and Boko Haram.

    What is their agenda, what part of the world are they from. What is their belief?

    Who are their supporters? I wonder just who are the suspected insurgents in

    Thailand? What kind of people are Islamic extremists?

    I have read about the people who are trying to escape from Burma, and I wonder why

    they do not head for Malaysia and other Muslim countries.

    Everyone involved with the trafficking in the past should, be dealt with, but how do you even find

    them, when they are hiding in the population of Thailand and other countries, and

    money and corruption is what keeps them operating.

  16. I can only afford one passport, and I did not know that the very rich needed more than one.

    I do know that I could not afford to be a man without a country, but again that is one thing the very

    rich seems to be able to do with no problems. Yes Money does indeed make the world go around!

    Mr. quandow, I do agree that Thaksin will not be returning to Thailand while the

    present PM is in power. I guess he will have to keep spending his own money now, like the rest of us


  17. Hey! At least this current PM is trying to start battling corruption, and that is better

    than the last bunch of years! Baby steps, and small steps are all progress.

    I just hope he can clean up even some of the corruption in Thailand, it is all progress

    toward a better country.

    Look at the recent FIFA news, I keep getting a bit hopeful when I see a big organization like

    that finally getting investigated, after all of the years their corruption has existed!

    I guess a lot more toes have to be stepped on, and more eggs have to break,

    and a lot more people have to be affected before everyone can see the corruption levels actually

    decreasing. Time will tell!

  18. It is a real shame that some of these samples were not sent to a few certain ISIL HQ areas

    to see how dead the samples were. I would be happy to see the ISIL

    bunch come down with even diseases like the measles, mumps, flus and other

    things that are contagious and can be delivered among the ISIL, as well

    as some other terrorists who think they can not be stopped in any manner.

    If a lot of these groups were suddenly to get sick and could not fight,

    wouldn't that make their entire group a lot more depressed as well!

    I think that chicken pox, is also a very contagious disease to contract.

    I would certainly support some other ways to weaken the terrorist organizations

    around the world. If it means making them all sick and hospitalized, well

    that may not be a bad thing!

    Just saying!

  19. It is a good thing that the new space lazars have been recently launched,

    the vaporizing of men and equipment will begin when the magic line is crossed!

    Actually I am a bit surprised that there has not been a spike in UFO reports seen over the Russia and Ukraine border areas. Maybe the aliens are content to have a bit more tension between the nations

    before they come to have another look at all of us. My mother used to show me the

    reports in the early 1950s when there newspapers had articles on the unrest around the world, and

    the reports almost at the same times of more sightings of UFOs and other strange events.

    Now we are all fed the news by the media, of what they think we should see and know.

    Ahh. Modernization and even more secrets kept by all of our governments!

    I just hope that I can enjoy a few more years of retirement before too many

    nuclear weapons go off around the world!

  20. Corruption! Corruption and more Corruption. Oh!, did I read that the Chinese

    are magically now much better tourists than they were less than one year ago?


    Next I will hear that the Russian tourists are also vastly improved, and are no

    longer rude and abrupt, and of course they have all said that they will never

    go into the country Ukraine except as a tourist as well!

    Oh and Pigs will fly , starting tomorrow!

    Wow I must becoming cynical!

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