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Posts posted by Stargeezr

  1. If you have a lot of luggage, it is likely better to take a taxi from the Airport in BKK to

    Hua Hin, as long as the price agreed is less that 3000 baht.

    Otherwise get a taxi to a BKK hotel for the night, then in the morning, take another taxi

    to the train station. You can take all the luggage you want on the train. The ride is 4 hours,

    and you will need to make your way to which ever Hotel you are staying.

    This is of course if it is your first time in the country. After you have travelled to Thailand

    a few times you will find other ways to get there, cheaply and safely.

    The mini buses are a fast way to get from BKK at Vicrory monument area to Cha-Am or Hua Hin,

    however it is better if you do not have too much luggage.

    I am lucky that I have Thai relatives who live in BKK, so I am privileged to be able to get a ride with them.

    That is my safest way to get from place to place.

    Flying can be an option as well, and it may be a better way to go for some, in that case, get from the International

    airport to the Don Mueng airport, and book your flight to Hua Hin.


  2. I am wondering if the Police and Tourism people have been told to clean up the beach

    scenes in Cha-Am and Hua Hin. In a lot of ways it may be a good thing.

    I had my motorcycle vandalized when I was at a beach in Hua Hin. The jerks

    messed with my carb settings so the cycle would go to high revs, when I started it.

    Of course I was told by a guy at the gate that he had a friend who would come and

    fix it for 500 baht. Instead I took it to a near by parking lot at a hotel, then got my friend to

    put it into his pickup. We went to the friends garage, and in less than one minute, the mechanic

    fixed it for free. This beach is near the Hua Hin Market in the south end of the city.

    In Cha-Am, my Thai relatives have been hassled while enjoying their weekend from BKK.

    I have enjoyed many trips to Thailand, and hope to keep doing so, so I am happy if there

    are improvements to the beaches of the places I visit most often.


  3. I don't envy the PM and his party, or the rest of the parties, trying to

    go forward with governing Thailand.

    I am glad to see the cleanup of people being in Thailand illegally and sent

    packing back to their own countries. Cleaning up corruption is never easy

    as well, but it seems that is still going on.

    I think that the people visiting in Thailand and for the expats, life

    goes on pretty much as it did in the past.

    I hope there is an improvement on visas into Thailand and for visas

    for the expats who live in Thailand.

    I see that who ever is in power in most countries, is never liked by the opposition

    parties, or their followers. I do hope that the people who were made rich and powerful

    by the past governments are not so rich or especially powerful as they once were.

    It remains to be seen, how Thailand future will be, but the past situation

    was not rosy either, I have spoken to my Thai relatives, and they are all happy

    to be out from under the Thaksin's rule!

    • Like 1
  4. Times, they are a changing, and I think that is about anywhere in the world.

    The problem with laser pointers is especially troubling, I hope the Thai authorities

    keep the problem people worried. In some places on the world there are stupid people

    who have enough money to buy the quad copters and are flying them near airports

    near flight paths for arriving and departing jets. I am not sure what a floating

    lantern would do by getting ingested into a jet engine, but I hope I am not on board

    if one ever does. I seen what a small flock of sparrows could do, they took out one of the two engines

    on a B737 jet, the co pilot managed to get the jets stopped before going off the end of the runway

    and these are tiny birds, smaller than those black birds you see on the beaches in Thailand.

    I worked for 34 years at some airports in Canada, and seen a few jets with one engine

    damaged by mostly birds, the pilots were very affected by these events.

    Play safe and stay away from the airports! That is the advise I see from these news reports, and I agree


  5. I have read some of the comments of this incident, and one thing that strikes me is

    most of the commenters are Farangs, from various countries, no doubt.

    You should all be aware this is Thailand. I have seen and heard of many young girls

    that get raped during their teens. It has happened within my Thai family, and some friends

    that I knew in the past. I am not sure of the teachers story, but that is for the authorities

    to sort out. I also know of many Thai women who get abused by their bosses when they ask

    for a raise in their wages. I am afraid that this practise is still on going in some cases.

    As I said earlier, this happened in Thailand, as it could have happened in most countries ,

    I know it has happened in my country of Canada, to some of my teen relatives my cousin, my sister, and a friends daughter.

    This is a sad story, no matter what the actual truth may be.


  6. Pinkpanther99 , you may have a defective or new or different model, and If you have to take off the blue plastic cap, then tip over the bottle,

    make sure that you have drained out some of the water in the dispenser so there is space for the first litre of water from the new bottle.

    Since it does not seem to have a cap piercer in the machine, then you will have to just get better at flipping the new bottle into the

    dispenser. Good Luck.


  7. I have to agree that Thai women are changing. They are also watching their Thai shows and movies,

    and they entertainment is more westernized as well. The phone thing and attitude are a bit of an issue, but women all

    over the world are linked to their phones etc., more than in the past, just a sign of the times.

    My Thai female relatives are still polite, friendly and less demanding than my Canadian female relatives. They are also

    more feminine in their manners, and in what they expect from a man. I can not speak of the single

    Thai women that I have seen during my visits, but even the ones I have met at my friends place still

    attract me more than the women in Canada. P.S. the jokes with that Benj005 are funny. I hope you are still able

    to go over to Thailand on visits and enjoy your time there away from the NJ Winters.

    I am afraid that I have to spend this Winter in the frozen north of Canada. Maybe we will get a mild

    Winter this year.


  8. I have not made the plunge to spend more than a month or two in Thailand yet.

    I am still thinking that Hua Hin is the place for me, once I do, but like hhfarang,

    I want to spend some time like a winter or 2 to make sure that HH is the place I want

    to spend from late October until the end of March living at. At least from HH my wife and I can get into BKK for the family gatherings, and go south to Phuket for a week or 2 break to see the cousins

    there as well.


  9. I live in Canada, and am grateful for our medical coverage. I am also glad that I worked for the Government for a portion of my career and have a decent retirement pension from it.

    I would like to live in Thailand for up to 5 months a year, if I can afford to in about two more years. I would likely spend some of my time in BKK where my Thai relatives live, and

    some of the time in either Hua Hin, Cha AM, or possibly somewhere in Phuket. Likely near Kata or

    Karon beaches. I went to a clinic a couple of times in Phuket and the fee for my

    shot in the rear for a scratch that inflamed was only $15 US. I seen some of the hospitals in

    Thailand and I checked the costs of getting operated on and hospital room rates. I would much

    rather have to go to a hospital in Thailand than in America. Weather is much nicer in Hua Hin

    and even BKK, no Hurricanes or monsoons, only tropical storms from most directions when it does rain. I see a few guns around Thailand but mostly from guards, police, and the military.

    I do not see every body in Thailand, packing, and using the Right to bear arms, as in the USA for having a gun. I have read a lot about Thai customs and try not to tick off any of the

    locals, by doing foolish activities, as well. I do not throw Thai money on the ground then step on it, as the king's picture is on the currency, and it would be a very big insult to

    do such a thing. I do not step over some persons feet etc. when I am in a crowd as that is an

    insult as well. I try to say a few Thai words when I order food and drinks as I am in

    Thailand after all and sometimes it is quicker to get served that way.

    Also from Thailand I can explore a lot of other places in Asia, a lot cheaper than I can

    from Canada or from America, and I don't get charged for my first piece of luggage either

    when I get on a plane. Also the service on most Asian airlines is far better than

    any American or Canadian airline I have been on.


  10. I have stayed at the Nana many times. A few years ago when I stayed on the 11th floor, the balcony was chest height, because a

    bar girl was thrown from that floor a year before. I did see one guy do a dive from his floor from another hotel, as he was on drugs

    and had a bad date as well. It was sad to see, but some people get drunk, some drug themselves up, and the result is the same, SPLAT! Death in Paradise.

  11. You got it right, Arrive in Phuket, by plane, avoid BKK all together. spend some time at the beach, go

    see Phuket Fantasy , take a few tours. Enjoy some time in the south part of Thailand, and if you have time

    fly from Phuket to Koh Samui, see the difference, spend 2 or 3 nights there then fly back to Phuket.

    That was my favorite trip to Thailand some years ago. One other trip was to fly into Chang Mai, spend a week in the area

    and take tours, there are lots of place to see. Fly from there into Mae Hong Son, enjoy another neat place with great scenery

    and enjoy the northern experience. Then on your third trip to Thailand, fly into BKK, spend a week there. Take in some city tours, and a tour to Ayuthaya with a boat ride back to BKK, it is one tour you will not regret. After your time in BKK escape to Hua Hin or Cha AM or that direction along the coast, have some time at the sea, enjoy getting away from the pollution, and

    enjoy another part of the country. Many places to go in this beautiful part of the world, go and enjoy all that you can


  12. Very nice VDO, It brings back many memories I spent some time in Koh Chang, with my Thai family and we enjoyed 3 days there.

    People were friendly, the price was good, and food great as always. I regret that I did not have a good camera with me

    so I do not have any pictures to show of the place.


  13. Great promo video of the country and people. It shows a nice point of view, and has good music.

    I seen Thailand right after the Tsunami and it was a very different scene. I spent time in Thailand in March and April and

    felt the hottest temperatures I ever want to feel. I still like travelling and visiting the country, October to February,

    and spending time at Phuket, Hua Hin, or Cha AM, as well as a week or 2 in BKK.

    I recently went to the North and seen places like Chang Mai, Chang Rai and Mae Hong Son. Lots of temples to visit

    and great scenery. One big word of advice, Fly into Mae Hong Son! We travelled by a rental van both ways, and

    there was way too much time spent going around far too many corners, both ways into that place.


    • Like 1
  14. I am glad that Thai people do not stone their women for marrying against their parents wishes,

    in some sort of honor killing. I dated lots of women in my country, but because I did not own a house

    or a new fancy or sports car, and did not earn over 100 thousand a year, they were not at all interested

    in the likes of me. In Thailand I was almost a millionaire, so My chances improved a lot.

    My only mistake was meeting a woman who has 3 sisters, and 2 of them were single, now

    3 sisters out of the 4 of them live in our house, the other sister lives across the city.

    You don't marry a Thai woman, you marry the family! Buyer beware!


  15. My Thai family and I went to the airport at midnight to leave on a 8 AM departure.

    Everyone but me managed to sleep about 5 or 6 hours, and I will never do that again.

    It is much smarter to get a room at one of the near by Hotels and take their shuttle

    in the morning at 5:30.

    Hopefully I can find a better flight schedule for my next trip to Thailand and

    back home.


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