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Posts posted by Stargeezr

  1. These people should be put into a Thailand jail and an announcement mistakenly

    made just after they have been put into a general prison population area. I wonder

    how long they would last before finding a bit of fluids leaving their bodies in a

    most unkind manner. Maybe a few times something like this could happen, and

    then maybe the horrible corruption in Thailand would start to lessen.

    Just my humble opinion on this matter.

  2. Thanks Brer Fox for putting this story straight.

    I guess I will be a snow bird and see Thailand when I can for a few Winter months each year.

    I may be interested in owning a condo in the future, but for now I do not want to stay for

    more than a few months when I can afford to. I do want to visit Vietnam, but my Vietnamese friend

    says to wait for a while longer before trying to hope for a good life in Vietnam. he says that he

    still is afraid to go back even to visit. He told me of the horror he lived before escaping Vietnam to come live in Canada.

  3. The problem is not so much in Thailand not wanting to have to house, feed, and

    help these people, as it is the people who are involved with this people

    trafficking! Thailand already has problems with their own Muslims, and their own people, do you actually think

    Thailand needs more refugees! There should be an island on the Andaman sea that

    is considered to be a no country island. Any refugees that are fleeing countries like

    Burma or India or Bangladesh could be stopped at the island and UN and other countries

    can pay money and resources to either help these people go to a better life, or back

    to their own countries. I know that this is not a best style of solution, but neither

    is a bunch of people paying the bad guys so that they can escape their country for

    what ever reasons they are, just to put a bourdon on the countries that they escape

    to. Europe and Asia have their own problems without having these people thrust upon them.

    I may seem hard hearted, but there has to be a better solution than a bunch of

    countries being financially stressed by refugees.

  4. The big word is Corruption! It seems that some people just do not understand

    that the corruption in the past is what causes Thailand to continue to have its problems.

    I do hope that the present PM can make a dent in the past corruption, and that a lot

    more people in politics, or police force or military, get found out and charged.

    They should be happy that they do not live in North Korea and have to

    face an anti-aircraft weapon. Just saying!

  5. RIP to these 2 fellas and their families and friends.

    Thailand is not a first world country, and it does not have the same

    laws as one. This is understood by all who live there. No surprise.

    Any deaths to people who are enjoying their holidays is just tragic, and

    I do hope that I can enjoy a lot more trips to Thailand and other exotic

    and tropical countries before I am gone.

    This is a very sad story!

  6. It sounds like Nepal will be getting some large aftershocks for a while yet, and

    for a lot of months as well. It is one part of the world that could use help in

    rebuilding with earthquake resistant houses. I hope the hotel companies that

    have to rebuild will certainly use their huge reserves to rebuild with the best

    materials that are available. I seen a documentary that showed, shipping

    containers being used to build a house, it looked pretty earthquake proof, and

    not too bad to live in as well. I guess the biggest challenge would be getting

    the shipping to Nepal in the first place.

  7. I do hope that the people of Nepal get the help that they all need.

    I also do hope that the government, military and police of Nepal are

    not too corrupt and are possibly keeping the people in need from receiving the

    help and supplies they need with their villages, and towns in Nepal. I saw a media

    clip on people fixing up a temple area, hauling the debris away and

    talking about rebuilding, when the houses in the area were all still

    falling down, and not getting any repairs. I just wondered, what the bleep is going on with

    these people. Another news clip showed people in one village getting no help at all , when a truck was going past

    with supplies for a village further from Kathmandu that had privately paid to get relief supplies

    sent to them. That was when I figured out that there is indeed lots of corruption in that

    poor country. This kind of thing also happened in Haiti when they needed all the help after their earthquake.

    The corrupt government and gangs, would keep ships from unloading needed relief supplies

    until they got their cut, and money. It was disgusting! At least the Nepalese people seem to be trying to help

    with their own places, as in Haiti the people seemed to be happy to have the foreign companies

    come into their country and to a lot of the rebuilding work, while they just hung around.

    There was even some documentaries made from some of the people involved with the

    relief and rebuilding of Haiti.

    Of course this is only my humble opinion of the world and the corruption in it.


  8. I have enjoyed the Thai Air service on some flights with that airline in the past, and have to say

    it is much better than the service I receive on any AIr Canada flights that operate to

    Thailand. I do hope the airline will willing get rid of the corrupt Hi so with the private jet,

    no matter who he or she is. It does seem that there are many ways in which almost any airline

    can be corrupt, but I hope the thought of cutting maintenance to the jets are not one of them.

    One way to save lots of money in any airline around the world is to cut out some of the

    top level managers, and even have a CEO that does not need multi million baht per year,

    just to call him or her self the CEO of Thai Air or any other airline. Most businesses around the world

    have way too many people in places where they do not need to be, especially in management

    I just bet that won't happen though!

  9. Is there more camps like this in other parts of Thailand or is it mostly the

    south where these type of camps are being found? Makes me wonder if this is how some

    of the so called insurgents are making their money?

    Every one knows that these kinds of people need to get their money somehow, and I will not

    just throw blame on Military or the police force of Thailand, just because so many on this

    and other forums seem so quick to do.

  10. That Cobra was certainly big enough. I would have had the heeby jeebys

    if I saw something like that in my hotel room. I saw a 1/5 metre cobra once and

    avoided it with my motorcycle, it was moving pretty fast as well.

    I do like the tropics, and I realize there are snakes, and spiders, jelly fish

    and other creatures that can give me a bad day. Guess we have to be

    careful even in our hotel rooms.

  11. If China is being dishonest and putting pressure on the Thailand Airline industry,

    then no high speed Chinese bullet trains through Thailand. Give that contract to Japan

    or some one else. Put pressure on China to stop sending Thailand , defective Chinese tourists, who

    can barely act like modern humans. Make the Chinese people learn to quit spitting everywhere

    and using public bathrooms like they don't know sh*t from Shinola, and maybe to be polite and

    not throw their cigarette butts everywhere as well, oh I guess they are not the only ones to do that!.

    Just my 2 cents worth of opinion.

  12. Captured members of Boko Haram should be injected with a vitamin shot,

    containing some very contagious diseases, like a common cold from somewhere

    in the world, the flu, measles, mumps, etc., and dropped off near where the rest are suspected of still

    hiding in that large forested area. They would then go to their various camps, infecting

    other members, until the lot of them are too sick to fight. When they start to recover,

    send in some more of them infected with other curable but effective germs to make them even weaker.

    After that send some back with some eye drops in their eyes that make them look like they

    got infected with Ebola, and see how friendly they will be to each other, and supportive of each other.

    There are some ways that these groups could be dealt with that would make them scatter and

    not be the big terrorists that they think they are. Just my opinion of course, and I am Barbaric!

  13. I am afraid that the world is not the same place it was 10 20 or 30 years ago.

    Morals have changed a lot, and so has decency, respect, consideration, concern,

    gratitude, and a lot of other words that I can not think of this minute.

    The F word was not used back then half as much as it is today, as well as all of the

    other filthy words, that I even get to hear in movies or bars or on the street.

    Great that I won't be around another 50 years, as I am not at all sure that I would want to be.

    • Like 1
  14. I must be a Barbarian, as I support the death penalty for murder in the first degree,

    and in Indonesia's case, for drug dealers, as well. Unfortunately for me, my country's government

    decided for me and the population of my country, to end the death penalty. I guess

    we have become far too civilized to kill off the scum in my country, who should have

    stopped breathing, a few months after their trials.

    We did have the death penalty when I was a teenager, but sadly it ended after I became an

    adult, even though the population in my country never had a vote in the way the

    decision was made. And I do live in a democratic country!

    Oh well this is just another of my Red Neck opinions!

  15. Certainly be very careful about who you give your very hard earned money to.

    I used to donate to Care Canada, years ago until one of the office workers in Ottawa,

    let me know that even back then, about 15 to 20 cents of my 1 dollar, actually made it out of Canada

    to where it was I thought my money was going. Most of the large companies, like

    that and even the Red Cross, has administration costs, building leases, people on full salaries,

    CEO's etc., who also want part of the money that you donate, for themselves.

    Just Saying! I tend to give my money to people like Doctors without borders, and

    groups that actually have a good record of making as much of the money going to their

    organization, actually get to the people who really need it.

  16. When a product called New Skin came to Thailand, I was in Bangkok and went to a talk

    at the Landmark Hotel. The reps were saying that the audience should buy lots of their products, as there was

    no place in the city that was selling it. The next day I went 3 block north to a mall and seen a new store

    with products on the shelves and it was opened 2 days later. I warned a bunch of the Thai ladies that

    I had seen from the local area, and saved them from being parted from their hard earned money.

    Scams happen all of the time, and there are people who are not cautious enough, others

    who are maybe stupid enough to lose their money, and some who just make me wonder how

    they have any money at all! But I digress, the world goes round and round.

  17. If you think the situation in the south is bad now, just wait, for 10 years or so.

    I went there several years ago with my Thai family. Once the train had passed

    Surat Thani south bound, they became nervous. We stayed cautious for our time near Pattani and Yala,

    and enjoyed seeing some Buddhist temples in the area. The family became relaxed when we got on the train again at

    Hat Yai, for the return trip to Bangkok. The situation was tense back then, but has gotten worse

    in the last few years.

    I do hope that the country of Thailand stays intact, and does not let any part of it become something

    else. The people who want to have their area of Thailand to have special status, would be better to go and

    live in another country! I just wished this would have happened to Quebec, but that is just another

    very controversial story. Just my opinion of course,

    as I am just another Red Neck Farang, from the western part of Canada.

  18. I am glad that this Phuket couple have managed to stay alive with this earthquake, and were
    able to get a phone report out before the satellite systems went down. I hope they got lots of pictures of their adventure, and
    of the earthquakes destruction as well. They are indeed some of the lucky ones, as they will get to come back home to Phuket.
    Being high in the mountains likely is why the wife is sick. There is a lot of people in the world who are affected by
    high altitudes, and being from Phuket which is very close to sea level is a big strain on the body of anybody.
    I think there will hundreds of more people who are eventually found killed or injured by this disaster, as there are
    many villages that have not been helped by rescue personal , or anybody else.
    RIP to those who have been killed, and good luck to the rest who will be going home in the not so distant

  19. Interesting comments made. I wonder if most of you still want Thaksin or his sister in power?

    Really! I am glad that the troubles of Thailand there we all witnessed have been made to stop.

    I just hope that some day, Thailand can have a democratic government and society that gets past

    being as corrupt as it has been. For those who don't know what corrupt means, drive your motorcycles around without

    helmet on as see what the various prices are. Better yet just drive some fancy rented vehicles around, and soon

    you will see. Or drive up to some of the fanciest mansions in the country and see who actually has a lot more than one,

    and where did they get all of the money needed to own more than one big house or mansion in Thailand.

    That my friends and fellow Farangs is a bit of what corruption looks like. Don't worry I see lots of it here in Canada as

    well so I do know what I am talking about.

  20. So this is another group of people who have entered another country illegally.

    I am glad they were in a holding area, and now if they are trying to get out and

    cause trouble, they should be sent back to the country that they came in from, one way

    military truck trip to the border, and boot!, go home!

    Make the problem become a problem in the country that these people came from.

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