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Posts posted by Stargeezr

  1. This group of extremists, or terrorists, or even nut jobs ,performed a barbaric crime, a heinous act, and a cruel act,

    upon those that they killed. The police man, a Muslim fellow, doing his job, and the journalists, who were just

    people who were also doing their jobs, even if they may have offended someone, it was not the right for these

    attackers to murder them all in cold blood.

    I do hope these criminals will all be caught and face the most extreme, and maximum sentences

    for their crimes.

    I am glad this event did not happen in Canada, as we no longer have the death penalty for any

    crime committed in our country, we have become too civilized, and the worst criminals just

    get 25 years or so, as their life sentences.

    In my opinion, the death penalty should exist for this type of crime, as well as for those who,

    murder in the first degree, or for multiple murders, but unless Canada changes the present

    laws, we citizens get to pay the cost of housing prisoners in our jail system.

    This is another sad day for all!

    • Like 1
  2. I see these statistics, every year, and then I think of when I was in Thailand during the Christmas, and New Years,

    and I remember the drivers that were around me during those times.

    I was lucky for the last several years, as I have had rides with my Thai relatives, who are non drinkers, and even they

    would make comments of Kap Rot Maow, or Drunk driver! I remember seeing a few people who were weaving in the traffic,

    or being quite obvious that something was not right with them.

    I feel lucky to have survived my holidays during those times. For the past 5 years I have not been to Thailand

    until after February, and by then it seems that the drivers are mostly back to normal.

    In Alberta Canada, the young drivers get a graduated licence and cannot carry passengers, especially if they

    drive at night. This is supposed to help the situation, but unfortunately, there is still a lot of accidents involving,

    these young drivers. I am not sure if there is a way that we will see less crashes, in any of the

    countries in the world, because it seems that the attitude of drivers is changing from bad to worse.

    The attitude that it is okay to text and drive, or it is okay to do drugs and drive, versus drink and drive.

    The attitude to just be generally jerks, and pretend to own the road, and cut people off in traffic, etc.

    That is why we have a TV show, called Canada's worst driver, and we also have a U tube clip called,

    Calgary's worst driver. Not the best way to have your drivers reputation on TV or any other media

    form. Glad that I am older than 60 now, and am considered as one of those, old Geezer, drivers,

    who should get a bus pass! Ha, ha, ha.


  3. I hope that this Terrorist gets to have lots of quality time in the Thai prison, then eventually get to be

    deported to an India prison for the rest of his life.

    I am sure that the Thai prison will be an eye opener on this guy, and when he gets welcomed back to

    India, he will be treated so , kindly by the prison staff as well. nyuk, nyuk. har, har, har.

    Job well done by the Thai authorities!


  4. I am retired and I do actually hope to spend more time in Thailand, but the way I feel about

    not ever being able to stay there without at least being able to have a visa that lets me travel out of

    the country at least once or twice a year, and for the visa to last for 5 years, I would never consider living there

    full time. My one friend that lives in Thailand from November until April, says he is most happy with that arrangement,

    because of the rainy and Hot Summer and Fall weather. Plus living in Canada from April until November is

    very comfortable as well. If I travel to Thailand from early November until late March I will pay about

    $300 to $400 per month for rent, plus utilities, and the cost of food. I believe that I can afford to do that

    about every 2 years. The price of airfare will be from $1200 to $1500 for the next 5 years, and I could

    afford that. Maybe in 5 years I will know if the visa situation will ever improve.

    I have been to Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, as well as South Korea, Taiwan, and a few other

    countries, and I KNOW they are either far too dangerous, more costly, or both. I am not sure about

    Vietnam, Philippines or Malaysia , however I would rather live in a Buddhist country than a Muslim


    I sure would like to have a bit more retirement pension, but life is what it is, so living in

    Thailand full time is out of the question for the next few years.


    • Like 1
  5. post-217497-0-24838100-1420231106_thumb. I actually like to visit Hua Hin, and Cha Am, or that area , as I feel relatively safe while I

    visit there.

    I used to visit Phuket in the past, and I still enjoy my visits to Kata, and Karon beaches, as the

    sand is great and the ocean conditions are too.

    I have visited Chiang Mai during December and January and enjoyed the cooler nights

    while staying in that area. Hopefully my health continues to be good enough that I can

    enjoy a few more visits to Thailand!


  6. I am glad to hear that Jomtien, and other areas have at least got some tourists, of any kind

    for the New Years part of the year. As Bone Ranger puts it however, watch what happens to

    the crowds after mid month. Mr. bangkapi , I envy you, you must be rich to have 2 condos in Thailand! My friend in Hua Hin tells me that over all, the tourist numbers are down in

    that part of the country as well. There are lots of people who travel during the Christmas and New

    Year holidays, from all over Thailand, but they usually have to go back to their homes soon after that.

    The Europeans and other tourists, may be coming for quick vacations this year as well, as their economies

    are not great. I doubt that Thailand will have any better tourist numbers, than Vietnam , Malaysia, or

    any other Asian countries have. Good Luck to you all

    and Happy New Year as well!


  7. After my last post, I have read some of the posts within the other 10 pages, and WOW!

    As GAZZPA says, so much hate in some of the other posts. Most of us do not

    know a lot , of how Russian people think, or some of us have experienced, some Russian tourists

    who have been pretty ignorant, and overbearing in the past, and that's how we come to

    form our own opinions of that country's people. I have met some very good Russian citizens,

    as I managed to be in Vancouver years ago at the Expo and chat with some pilots, and others

    at the Russian exhibit there. What I also seen was the number of KGB agents that kept walking

    around and making sure the ordinary Russians were behaving them selves.

    I believe that the KGB is still alive and very strong in Russia, and maybe that is why at least

    in public, the Russians say that Putin is their hero.

    Who wants to be put in jail for saying anything else!

    I also wonder if some of the people in this forum's post are who they say they are.

    Some people seem to be defending Russia and its people a bit too vigorous, and I

    wonder if they are people from the country they say they are, or maybe from some

    other country, but sending their message to this forum via a friendlier country to make

    like they are just like the rest of us forum chatter's? Just my own opinion and my

    skeptical way to say, hmmmm, have we been infiltrated?


  8. I agree with Nong38. For the rest of the armchair quarter backs, unless you

    are a Thai citizen, you never will be, nor will I.

    I would rather see the present PM say for 3 years, than for the last 2

    Thaksin PMs to do so.

    There will always be the supporters of the last governments, but I have also

    seen them become corrupted, and not do the best for the country.

    I hope that Thailand can keep being a democratic country, and keep the

    good respect that they have for their King and the Royal family. I hope that the

    government can govern the country in a fair manner, and not get corrupted to

    the point that they only think for themselves, and try to rule the country

    in a way that harms the population, and the country.

    Of course I am only a Farang, who visits Thailand when I can, and I will

    never understand the Asian way, but at least my Thai relatives, try to get me to

    understand it better than I could on my own.

  9. As always it is better to be late in this life, than to arrive early in the

    next life! If an airline that I am flying in has to return to its departure point

    or land somewhere along the route , I will be very happy. If the flight has to turn around to avoid bad weather instead of trying to fly through it, that is also okay with me.

    I have worked in the aviation industry for 32 years, and I have never sided with

    the foolish pilots who think they can plow through bad weather or conditions that

    are dangerous for the aircraft or passengers. I have been lucky to be on flights that

    have had no problems, or just minor ones that did not cause us any harm.

    As for the people who think it is getting dangerous to fly, take a bus or a freighter

    or cruise ship to your destinations! I will not fly on certain airlines, on my side of the

    world or in Asia, Russia, or even in China, and in South America.

    Just as, not all aircraft are created equal, I believe that not all airlines are

    created equal, or operate in the same safe manner.

    Just my opinion!

    Happy New Year!

    • Like 1
  10. My sister in law and I were watching the New Years eve celebrations on the Thai TV

    channel 3. We were happy to hear that the police were trying to make it safer

    for the crowds at the events in BKK. We both know that in this imperfect world,

    there will always be some bad people who are willing to hurt others at these events.

    If more Police presence, and some stricter rules for accessing the events, are

    being used, well it is a good thing!

    I was in Thailand the year there was a bombing at a concert, by being lucky, we decided

    not to attend as there was a threat of a bomb on the news, and sure enough the

    bomb went off, and some people died.

    Happy new Year to all of you!

    I hope all of the people on this forum have a great 2015, and I hope to get over to Thailand by the End of November to be there to celebrate the Christmas time and New Years

    start to 2016! Meanwhile in Alberta Canada where I live, it is +3c at 2PM on Dec 31 12014.

    Cheers and Chok Dee to all!


  11. I feel so sorry for all the families and friends of the passengers and crew aboard this Air Asia flight. It is likely that the jet ran into some severe wind shears in the storm clouds, those tropical Cumulonimbus clouds are massive, and I sure would not want to fly into the heart of the cloud if I could avoid it. Unfortunately the pilot did not get a new clearance to either fly over the cloud or around it to avoid the extreme conditions that they must have encountered.

    There is no way I would blame the flight crew aboard this flight, but with other planes in the area, the ATC controllers maybe had no other offers for a way this aircraft could fly that would make it avoid the storm. I have flown aboard Air Asia a few times, and I think it is a good low cost airline. I am not so quick to blame either the Airline or the crew, or ATC, as just like the rest of you, I do not have all the information, and facts of this tragedy. Some of the other comments from arm chair quarter backs, makes me think that some of you have a few bricks short of a full load!

    Just my opinion of course. PS, I worked in the aviation industry all of my 32 year career.


    • Like 1
  12. Boy! The southern part of Thailand and area are sure getting a lot of rain

    again this year. When I visited the Pattani and Yala area a few years back

    the area was getting over a flood, and the two temples that I visited still had

    a lot of water in the temple grounds. It must be a very hard time for the people who live

    in that area. Good luck to all!

    Happy New Year, and may 2015 be a good one.


  13. It is important to remember that you are a tourist in a foreign country.

    It is also important to remember that you can get killed or injured

    very easily by not being careful! I have ridden the trains all around the country and

    they are generally safe, at least if you go and sit in your seat, and not try to be

    a lookey lou between the cars. RIP to the Dutch fellow, and

    my condolences to his family and friends.


  14. Merry Christmas to everyone!

    I hope the police campaign is a great success.

    I met some police members in Hua Hin and in Bangkok, who were

    decent people, trying to make a living, just like everyone

    else in the world. I always try to have a good visit to Thailand,

    and I have been helped by both the local police, and Tourist Police

    when I needed their help in the past.

    I am aware that the members are not really very high paid, and there

    are always some who will try to improve their lot in life.

    I have paid a few instant fines, while riding my motorbike, and

    at least the fine was reasonable, and I did not have to go out

    of my way, as I do here in Canada.

    Life goes on!


  15. It is heartening to see that the Tourism bunch are admitting that

    2015 could be more hard times. I wonder if any of them will put pressure on

    the authorities to modernize the Visas available for travellers and tourists

    to Thailand. 90 days without any visa, a 6 month visa with multiple entry

    say 4 times for a reasonable price. It is time for this country to really

    try to make tourism in Thailand more attractive for people and a part of

    that would be to simplify the hassles of the visa requirements.

    I am happy to see the new PM and the present government, are still doing their best to rid the country of some of the corruption, and I hope him success in the future!


  16. This is a very tragic end for this young man, and at 24, he must have had some

    serious issues to jump and end his life. I feel very sad for his parents

    and relatives and friends. The song, One night in Bangkok, has some words

    of wisdom and talks of the old Bangkok of several years ago, but I still

    believe in the words, that it makes a young man humble. Can't be too careful with

    your company. RIP.


  17. post-217497-0-70958000-1419374733_thumb.I have to comment back to the following aliases, Spiritrace, You actually think

    that the Thias have room for a wood burning stove in their little shack houses?

    And where do they get the wood, the stuff in Thailand, except for some shrub, is very

    tough wood to cut. ULIC, you must b e from a northern country for sure, you should actually

    go visit Asia and the north of Thailand, spend a cold night there, say at 0 to +5c,

    I think you would whistle a different tune after that. Kooweerup, if that is your picture

    I would say that you either live in the Yukon, or the north part of Alaska., either

    way I think that your comment is just sad. You guys should really take a trip there

    sometime and see for yourselves, just how primitive the conditions are in some

    villages of northern Thailand and other Asian countries.

    I wished that I had taken some pictures of the northern Thailand houses, in some

    villages that I have seen, but here are some pictures of my relatives places in central

    Thailand and some of other places. There was not a furnace, or even a stove in the

    house, as most of the year it is too hot to cook in the house, and they have a

    charcoal cooker either near an outside wall, or actually in an adjoining room outside

    of their little house. Note in picture 1 No Windows! 2 and 3, only shutters covering the window

    openings, same with 4. 5 and 6 is a nicely built house in central Thailand

    with single pane windows and shutters, but still not way to heat inside. I would not want

    to stay there if the temperatures went below 15c, but then even though I live

    in western Canada, and have spent my winters in -20 to -30c weather, I do not

    enjoy it at all. I spent years in the Yukon and seen -40c, but that is another

    bad memory for another story.








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  18. I spent 3 nights in a town near Chiang Mai and the temperature got down to +5C, since the day time is about

    +20C, it felt very cold to me, and I could see why people in the hills died of Hypothermia. For those people

    who are arm chair critics, I would suggest that you all go to a village in the hills of Northern Thailand and

    spend some nights in one of the typical houses in the area. After you have felt what it is like, then feel free

    to relate your opinions and stories. As a few stories have mentioned, the houses in Thailand do not have

    insulation in their walls, and most are not very wind proof. The windows if there are some, are not more than 1 single layer of glass. I was glad when the cold snap was over.

    I find that reading some of the comments, are disturbing, as I know full well that the people making the

    most outlandish comments are the ones who have never been to Thailand or Asia for a visit, and expound

    their comments without ever experiencing the conditions!


    • Like 1
  19. I feel very sad for this girls family and friends. I know that scuba diving is

    dangerous enough, and coming to the surface is really very dangerous when

    there are boats around. The driver of the boat seems not only young at 23, but

    he was not trained to be careful when he is in the vicinity of people who are

    diving, considering that he had a boat full of divers himself, his actions were

    reckless, and I hope he goes to jail for his actions. This is another tragedy that did not have to happen.


    • Like 1
  20. Having read the 12 items, and knowing they are intended for the Thai people,

    I think this is a good reminder, for the Thai citizens. In my country we are getting

    so that We do not say the Lords Prayer in schools anymore because it offends those

    who are not Christian. It is becoming politically incorrect to say Merry Christmas,

    Happy Easter, Happy Halloween , and other such greetings as there are those immigrant

    Canadians that these phrases may offend. I am born and raised in Canada, but I cannot

    go past security at any airport in my own country, while carrying a classic Swiss

    army knife. The blade on this dangerous tool is 4cms or 1.6 inches long. I can stand right behind

    another Canadian who is of Sikh religion and watch this person go on through with

    their 6 inch bladed ceremonial dagger, but unfortunately I am only a Christian and

    do not have the same right. So while there are those who seem offended by

    the above 12 items, I have more things to be offended by.


  21. I feel sorry for any traffic police who have to work in polluted air.

    Bangkok is a place where I can stay for a month and not get a sun burn

    on most days, Beijing and Shanghai are like that a lot of the time as well

    especially when their air quality is poor.

    I have seen days in Bangkok when I wore a face mask and stayed out doors

    for the least time possible, I can just imagine what stuff the poor

    police, and street workers suffered with during those days.

    For any of you who think they have an easy job, you are fooling your selves.

    You all should be thankful that your work places are much better.

    Not all of these officers just sit in their traffic shelters, I have seen many

    on the street, directing traffic for long periods at a time.

    My hat is off to all of them.


  22. I just hope that TAT can also help us tourists, and travellers with our visas. I would like to

    be able to stay in Thailand for a reasonable time without a visa, example for 90 days like I can in

    Mexico and central America, and many other places in the world.

    It would be also nice to be able to stay in Thailand up to 6 months without having

    such a hard time of getting that kind of a passport, without having to empty my

    wallet for it. Just saying!


    • Like 1
  23. I had wondered if only the CIP chief and a few police were involved, but it

    seems that more people may be involved with this scandal, and likely some others

    as well. I still love to visit Thailand on my holidays and hope to spend more time there

    in the future, as the majority of the people, rich or poor are decent people. The few people who

    are found out to be corrupt , deserve to be found out and charged. Speculating who is

    associated to who is foolish, I am just glad that the corrupt are being found out and are paying the

    price for their ways.


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