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  1. Treat these teens as adults and give them the maximum sentence. IMO Who needs more terrorists in the world?
  2. Houthis are one of three terrorist groups that need to be eliminated from the world. iran needs the world to condemn it to the fullest and sanction it to the fullest. IMO
  3. Shut the place down, fine and jail all the offenders involved. Sell of the buildings and land to someone else, or the government of Thailand could take it over and run the place properly. IMO
  4. Wind turbines are the least green of the so called green energy. They are expensive, and very high maintenance. the blades when daqmaged are not a recyclable object as well. The bearings do not last very long as well. Calling them a money pit is what they are in my opinion. Rant over.
  5. If this guy lives long enough to make it back to the UK, he will be lucky. Thai prisons are no place for any foreigners, they are not as nice as UK prisons, and not the nicest of food is served as well. I have no sympathy for anybody dealing drugs.
  6. Now where is my teenie, tiny fiddle that I can play a sad tune on. Oh right I lent it to a friend.
  7. When I was youn I showed my older brothers Playboy magazine to a friend my age who was raised up with very strict parents, he pleaded with me to let him keep the Mag, and my brother said okay, as he understood as well. Freedom comes in may ways and styles. The freedom we have to look and and read or listen to what we want is pretty amazing. At least it is to those NK and Chinese soldier that get a small taste of it.
  8. So the animals that form the Iraq government are showing their true colors, so as to speak. What a pathetic bunch of people. If they think that a law like this is necessary, the should all be in jail. I hope the other Muslims in the world condemn them as well. IMO
  9. Murderers like this deserve the death sentence, and not a long jail term. Pathetic guy.
  10. Many people get cheap after market chargers, because they own lots of rechargable devices. My Thai family have lent me some chargers and cords that were used only when I was present and even then my phone was very hot after I charged it only once, then luckily found my Samsung charge and cord. I never plan to buy an EV, I do not need the additional stress.
  11. I would hope that this pedeo gets a longer jail sentence, and he is is taken care of while in jail, no loss. IMO Castration and or ding dong removal would help him from doing another of this kind of crime.
  12. I do remember that some Eastern Ukraine people seemed to want to be Russian, and maybe some of them will now get their wish. i do hope that there is an end to this current war for sure. I guess we will all see and hear what President Trump and the Republicans will have for their policies soon.
  13. Well maybe Canada can get their big pipeline built into the USA now. Since the USA, like Russia, China, and several countries do not have a carbon tax, things will change for us in Canada. I just hope that President Trump has some good policies that include other countries that import lots of stuff to the USA, as well as get many USA products from the USA.

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