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  1. I am certainly glad to be back in Canada, and enjoying the mild weather of late February. I spent nearly 2 months in Thailand and the heat was too much.
  2. I agree that the American media did a lousy job with showing the American public, of how Biden, and Trump are 2 dinosaurs who should retire. Trump is showing this today with his rants. Just remember it was the American population who voted Trump in as the current Presidant of the United States of Americs. Trump will not MAGA, by the way, not in my opinion anyway.
  3. I hope they get to spend lots of time in a Thailand Jail, and have to pay a big fine as well, then deported for at least 10 years ban from returning to Thailand. Who needs this kind of low life scum anywhere in the world?
  4. Is this another, Only in Thailand story?
  5. If aq tourist of any age does not have enough medical insurance coverage for their trips abroad, God help them because I cannot afford to. My dedical bill for having a heart attack and spending 6 days in a private hospital. St. Louis, cost SMIG, my medical insurance company in Thailand almost 400 thousand baht. just getting a stint installed cost 90 thousand baht. DO NOT travel to anywhere in Asia or the world without getting covered.
  6. Donald Trump seems to be desplaying, old age, and maybe he is not in a good position to be the President of the United States. I have to wonder how Fox News is going to make this a rah rah moment for their beloved leader of the Rebuplic Party. Shameful.
  7. Just like any where in the world, when the weather is bad, drivers have to be more careful and drive cautiously. Well again it is Thailand, so disregard, and carry on, 555.
  8. Even though it may be expensive, be sure to have medical health insurance coverage for your time in Thailand or anywhere you go. I had a heart attack when I was in Thailand and it cost the insurance company nearly 400 thousand baht to cover my operation and hospital stay in a private hospital in Bangkok.
  9. Anyone who viswits Thailand or any country that they are not from, only need to google the country and there is so much information that can be read, so they are not ignorant on how to behave. Ignorant people who misbehave, can always be talked to by the police and if need be, sent back home.Thailand is not the only country that get unruly tourists, This is just how people are these days, many have less morals or respect. Thankfully most people do know how to behave them selves, and it is just a few hundred in any crowd who can become unruly.
  10. I got covered by SMIG for medical insurance. I had to make a claim as I had a heart attack. It took 2 months and lots of paper work to get my claim settled, with lots of paper work from my home country Canada, and my family doctor. Thankfully I was not denied and now that I am back in Canada, I have to be prepared to pay more for coverange in the future.
  11. I have an old account with Bangkok Bank. Last time I was there, the branch that I opened the account would not give me an ATM card, as My name had changed from First name, middle initial, and last name, to First name Middle name Last name, and they woudl not use common sense to see that my sighature nad not change in all of the years. So I went to the main branch, who were going to contact the Manager of Nana branch. However I was able to go to another branch where I had gotten ATM before and they gave me one without andy problemjs. I guess the Manager and Staff at Nana Branch are a bit out of touch. Rant over.
  12. Sidewalk repair is the lowest priority of the repair crews that fix the streets in Thailand cities and towns. I have seen many places in Hua Hin, Jomtien Beach and south Pattaya that have existed for months. It seems that the repair crews deliberately avoid patching up the messes they have created. Corruption is wide spread in Thailand. I do not expect anything to change sadly.
  13. What is the saying, a fool and their money are separated quite easily.
  14. Does this guy feast on roti and nam plaa? Wonder how many years it took to get such a beer gut? Oh and being a plonker is standard is it not?
  15. I am boycotting the USA, Just remember it was the American people who elected Donald Trump to be their president, same for his VP. I wil not travel to the USA for the next 4 years, and will not buy anything that is made in the USA. Yes I will have to give up a few things, but that is fine.

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