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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. Some years ago i remember an incident where a Thai Ya Baa krak head took a young child hostage with a knife to the childs throat while the Police and public tried to calm him down. Unfortunately the krak head completely lost the plot and cut the childs throat, the Police feeling the mood of the mob and probably feeling the same way just walked away and let the crowd deal with him.......... I don't think there was much left of him when they'd finished, and rightly so.

    Personally i think this guy should be caught and in Middle eastern fashion tied to a post whilst the family members all take a shot at him, maybe even sell a few tickets to the public as well....... Truly an animal that needs to be caught and killed........  

  2. Had an account with SCB for donkeys years and never had an issue with them, very good for internet banking which is how i pay my rent when i'm away......  On the other hand i never keep more than a grand in there as i know one day when the shiny button boys work out that loads of people here have bank accounts without work permits or anything else for that matter they'll require the account holder to produce the evidence and if they can't they'll confiscate the money.........  Easy money....... That's why no way on Gods earth would i put 800,000 in a Thai bank account because as the situation within the country gets harder more little sticky fingers will appear, especially in the banks, as a "Farang" can do sod all about it if his money disappears......... You just try moving your own money....... Noooooo way Jose !

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  3. After i'd stopped laughing my backside off at the unfortunate name of the Chief, i'm beginning to realise that someone really high up on the pile really has a hard on so much about westerners that they're willing to destroy their country and inflict all kinds of nastiness on the little charmers from Isaan, but then again they probably despise them as much as the FARANGS !.......... I always knew stupidity was high on the list here, but this is getting scary..........  How stupid can you get ?

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  4. 19 hours ago, Traubert said:

    You saw his passport then?


    Or you can tell Viets, from Koreans, from Japanese, from Taiwanese, from Laotians, Hong Kongers and Macaoans and Chinese can you? Talented, 65% of the world can't.


    Or maybe he was whistling March of the Volunteers and the greeny was percussion?

    If i couldn't tell the difference after living and travelling in SE Asia for over thirty years now and having close family that were born and educated in Hong Kong and speak Cantonese/English,  also live in a Mainland Chinese owned and run building with now coming up to i'd say thirty % Chinese occupancy, i'd be Stevie Wonder if i couldn't tell the difference.........  You forget, some of us have been out here more than half an hour........  The Mrs is half Chinese also.......... But comes from the ones that legged it in 47........  had a few years to gain some manners since....

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  5. 5 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

    I cant talk for the entire country but where i am there is 4 temples all within about 2km of each other and the monks themselves all have houses and cars and yep, all drunks and yabba dabba dos.. Local monks are so bad that ive been warned from my neighbours because of a despute that one in particular carrys a gun and for me to watch out. The fat <deleted> monk drives past my house real slow to be intimidating. Idiot! Makes this country look pretty bad for religous people to act this way when religion is held with such hi regard.

    Surprise the low life dog one day by opening the window and pointing out a fifty calibre machine gun and watch his robe turn from orange to brown !...........  ( Ps, weapons available from border police and soldiers)........  at very reasonable prices......

  6. Yeah you're welcome to em...... The other day myself and the Mrs were walking down the road towards our place when a young lad approached us head on walking the other way, in typical fashion he gurgled up a greeny and spat right across the pair of us about six foot ahead, never even raised an eyebrow and sauntered on by........  I looked at the Mrs and we both said it at the same time........ Chinese !   If i'd been at home i'd of chinned the little sod, but of course in the land of smiles and ever increasing BS that's not possible unless you want 200 years in jail............. Murder's fine but don't try teaching savages manners.......

  7. "A national police chief said that the incident would be investigated thoroughly and was bad for tourism. No motive was immediately apparent"........   Ha ha, the main cause of the decrease in tourism was getting a happy ending at the time of the shooting.........  Mind you by the looks of that grouping sat on the back of a motorbike old "Big Jokes" days are numbered.......... 

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  8. 7 hours ago, RocketDog said:

    I am very sad to report, first hand, how this happened. I was literally sitting next to Mr. Cook in the Huahin IO when this happened. It actually happened the morning of Jan. 2, not 1 as was reported. The office was closed on Jan 1 of course. 


    Before he actually sat before the agent the staff was kind to him, finding him a comfortable chair near the desk until his ticket was called. 


    The young male agent spoke very good English as he gently and compassionately told Cook that he had not reported for 13 years and carefully asked him why he had not. The other agents witnessed the event and seemed stunned as well and appeared horrified, apparently knowing what would surely happen. The agent asked if he had a wife and he replied that he did. He said his wife told him he didn't have to report because he was married to a Thai. The agent asked him to call her and he said she was working. He seemed dazed, probably senile, and did not seem to comprehend what was happening. I cannot fault the staff's behavior in any way, but the commanding officer should have trouble facing himself in the mirror for quite some time to come. 


    At that point my 90 day report was done so my Thai GF and I left. We discussed it and fervently hoped the local office supervisor would use his discretionary power to mitigate the penalty. How foolish of us. 


    The man was more pale and weak than the pictures show, walking very slowly even with a cane. The man could not be a criminal even if it was his fondest ambition. He would probably fall and break a hip if he tried to kick a cat. 


    We will probably never know the whole story but apparently his Thai wife was not really taking care with his immigration status as one would hope she would, for whatever reason. It is  probable that she loved him and was simply ignorant of the immigration law. The fact that she was working implies that  he was not flush with retirement funds. 


    I'm guessing he has no future in Britain so this is likely a death sentence. I cannot imagine that this will help Thailand's image in any way. 


    If the immigration authorities treat him this way, a word to the wise, they will treat any of us the same way. It gives me pause to re-examine my own future here. 


    Very sad indeed. 

    Well said....... What a sad situation for the old man........God, where's the humanity ?

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  9. 12 hours ago, Formaleins said:

    Every office has their own interpretation on every single rule in the book and every single schill officer has their own interpretation on top of that depending upon which side of the bed they got out of or how much power they feel like wielding that particular day. Makes me sick having to deal with these creatures.

    100% on the nail........Sick to death of playing childish games with petulant children....

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  10. 33 minutes ago, ian007 said:

    Worst tourism crisis in 3 decades? What about 15 years ago the tsunami... there were almost no tourists in Phuket for a good 2 years. Has this been forgotten?

    True, but don't forget they were still making money robbing the dead and pilfering what was left in the appartments.......   Had a friend killed there, couldn't ID her because all her stuff had been nicked from her appartment........  Body, no information........

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