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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 6 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    WOW now that is unusual.

    usually all ex-military leaders will tell how the army needs more budget

    and more weapons and more and more and more...even if only to

    defend their friends in the army. 

    salut, Mr. Genenral Prayuth !

    Not so, he needs less people that might oppose his "Loyal" army....... Remember this guy lives on an army base and i can bet my bottom dollar that none of that base or its security will be reduced..... He's just cutting down the capability of another take over bid.......

    • Like 1
  2. Three days adrift and at least two sunsets and sunrises giving you East and West, considering he was off Phuket the worst he could do with three days drift is either hit Bangladesh or Singapore.....  Nah the old bloke was incapacitated, couldn't set sail, wind's with him as well..... West to east..... Should of done a Slocum and gone down with his vessel.......I'd love to hear the full story though....

  3. 1 minute ago, Docno said:

    Poster on p1 has a link to the fellow's website. Seems that he's been sailing that particular boat around SE Asia since 2011. Presumably his sailing experience goes back further than that. Must be something we're missing...

    I would probably think either an injury or maybe at his age a stroke or something......   Mind you i'm surprised the Thai Navy went out that far......  Brave sea dogs...... 

    • Like 2
  4. Oooh, "The Thai Navy (Including nice shot of flag) saves British man".......... If the silly pratt couldn't hoist sail and get back to land then they should of left him out there until he learned........  "The sea and sky don't tolerate fools"..........  Me thinks there's more to the story though, most sailors have plenty of nouse, unless he'd just wondered out of a bar and "Set sail"........or his case, "Started motor".......... This article seems to be in a similar vein as "Honest Thai taxi driver hands back millions to farang tourist"........ What would Francis Chichester say ? 

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  5. 2 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

    I agree however, that has been the case in many other countries in the past. Take a look at the people of Hong Kong, getting the <deleted> beaten out of them....and coming back for more.....a different breed perhaps?

    Yeah true, but remember HK people tasted democracy and they don't like the thought of that being taken off them...... Worth fighting for......... 

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  6. It seems as though this virus came at the right time for the powers that be, a very handy scapegoat, otherwise they'd have to blame themselves for destroying tourism in Thailand by the insane immigration restrictions........  I'm one of those that can remember Thailand when it was packed out with tourists, mostly westerners and mostly travelers and back packers.......... But that was in the day when immigration just waved you through without todays gestapo interview.......  It's changing though, i think the penny's finally dropped .........  

    • Like 2
  7. 55 minutes ago, madmen said:

    I agree with the rest of the Zimmer frame apologist 


    IO Should write in his passport.. Falang wit Zimmer frame no need visa can overstay long as he want and when hab stroke and heart attack thai people pay hospital... 


    There you go all sorted! 

    Thai people pay for what ?  My bird in ten years never even bought me a drink, even when i gave her the money........ It's just not in them.......  mind you her mate once bought me a drink, but that's because she was seeing the end of our marriage and she was just casting her bread on the water so to speak........ Tidy bit as well..... Next !  

    • Like 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

    That's all part of the cost of living in a foreign country by choice.

    Easily avoided by making a different choice.

    Nope, moved to Malaysia, don't get anything from immigration, only "Welcome Sir"......... When i first came to Thailand if you had a pulse they used to welcome you, mind you that was when they were broke...... Bit like a bug eating bargirl one minute, then she won't eat nothing but the best steak money can buy the next....... Both the Bargirl and Thailand has forgotten where they came from.......... 

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  9. 9 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

    know somebody with similar trouble and he didn't went straight to the ariport but instead he DROVE as fast as he could to the nearest land border and then flew straight home, never looked back

    Golden rule when i used to work and drive here, if you kill someone or if someone's killed on the job, nearest airport and leg it quick........  We'll sort it out later...... 

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