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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. The principal of the seven "P"s........Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents P*&s Poor Performance........  Bad planning and co-ordination plus reckless use of firearms in a public area endangering life in a completely reckless mindless fashion....... Yeah, sounds about right........ Don't you think it would of been better just giving him a bell with a sledge hammer while he was kipping then shoot him........ ?  Think what would of happened if he'd been tooled up with an AK or something........Oooh yes, meat balls and coppers all round...... Sad for the innocent bystander just scratching a living......RIP.......

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  2. On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2020 at 11:48 PM, bangkokequity said:

    I wonder if the reason my life in Thailand is so easy, is that I am over retirement age, and the 800,000 is no problem?   Might I ask how old you are, and what kind of stamp you have to be in Thailand?  I have been to immigration about 40 times in 9 years .. and each ... absolutely no problem.  (I go in person to do the 90 day report .. to ensure there are no screw ups in the online system ... and sort of enjoy a trip to that side of town.)  Is the reason for your drama - trauma the type of stamp you have to maintain? 

    Been in Thailand 30 years, travelled all over the world and i can honestly say i've never had a problem with immigration in any country apart from Thailand in the last year along with many other people who've been here a while. I've just returned home from Chaengwattana and i'm glad to say that the "Dinosaurs" have been removed and immigration is now functioning as it should without nasty little Hitlers making the experience unforgettable, happily it seems as though someone has given immigration a good kick up the chuff due to their over zelous militaristic dealings with Westerners/tourists in an effort to save what's left of the tourist industry........... And hey, when i first came to Thailand immigration used to beg you to come into the place as many times or stamps as you wanted......... they will be doing that again soon as tourism continues to plummet......   As for keeping large amounts of money in a Thai bank..........  I'll leave you with the adage....."A fool and his money are easily parted"   Nine years !   I bet you don't even speak Thai..........     

  3. 8 hours ago, Traubert said:

    The guys hanging by a thread in ICU from whatever he's got and you want him to have something more serious so your ego can be fed?


    I've read some sick things on here but that takes the biscuit. Disgusting.

    The guy's hanging on a thread because the medical services probably don't/can't admit and get some serious brains on the job....... Telling everybody it's not this or that doesn't help the kid...... Get the best and stop messing around......    Had the same with friend of mine, very serious malarial disease, five blood transfusions on deaths door and eventually i got hold of the doctor and told him to stop F&^%$ around and make a call...... He called BKK and got some input......... Saved the kids life........ 

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  4. Considering the amount of Anti western/pro Chinese stance of the government at the moment i'm beginning to believe more and more in karma........ "What goes around comes around"........  32, Hope the kid gets well.....

    Let's hope the TAT gets the Fung shoi man in to tell them to ease up on the farang bashing or a plague of locusts will invade the country........

  5. 22 hours ago, thequietman said:

    "......... cause if the army are in there, then we can't burn it to sheeeeite and get our mushrooms. Also, how are we gonna steal teak wood if the army are there and they might catch us doing it? It is so unfair!"

    Hey, the Army control the logging........ I've seen it, a whole convoy of logging trucks escorted by the Thai Army going into Cambodia..... 

  6. 3 minutes ago, 007 RED said:



    "Of the people found to be in close contact with the infected persons -- 16 persons with the first patient and 20 with the second -- none were found with the new strains of the coronavirus. 


    There are no concerns yet of an outbreak in Thailand".


    Exactly how did the authorities establish that none of the 36 people who had been in 'close contact' with the 2 infected people did not have the new strain of the coronavirus ?


    If the above mentioned 36 people were in close proximity during the 2 or 3 hour flight to the either of the persons who have been confirmed as having the virus, then they are not gong to show any signs or symptoms of the virus after such a short period of time.  According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the incubation period (time from initial contact to showing signs/symptoms) for the coronavirus is anywhere between 4 and 14 days.


    So the authorities, they have let 36 potential carriers of the virus into the Kingdom and have clearly stated that "there are no concerns yet of an outbreak in Thailand".  Wait for another 1 or 2 weeks and then see if any more cases are reported.

    Do you honestly think they would report an outbreak ?    Me thinks not......

  7. I once witnessed an incident where a ladyboy tried to pick pocket a BRITISH man and unfortunately for the LB he twigged his thieving fingers on his wallet, he grabbed the LB by his scruff then proceeded to bang his head on the door piilar of a taxi ( One of the strongest parts of a car ) he continued to do this untill a copper turned up and asked the BRIT what had happened ? He told the copper that he'd caught the toe rag trying to lift his wallet....... the copper just turned round and slapped the LB uncle Archie style then told him to leg it quick !     So maybe there's something else in this incident that we're not seeing......

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  8. 7 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

    I agree with you 100%. I live in Bangkok and travel to neighboring countries very often. There's a world of difference between how I'm treated other Asian countries compared to Thailand. On a recent trip to Vietnam the immigration officer looked at my passport, greeted me by name, and said welcome to Vietnam. Coming into Thailand the only thing we get from the immigration officer is a sneer of a dirty look and a smug arrogant attitude. I will be going to the Philippines next month and deep-diving the local environment for cost-of-living and places to live. I honestly don't need to take just type of attitude from anyone nor should anyone else. None of us need Thailand!!!

    Bang on the head !  I'm keeping out of Thailand now and going back to travelling around neighbouring countries for exactly the same reasons. I was recently in Singapore and Malaysia and both immigration departments are a joy to deal with, it's only when i have any contact with Thailand starting at the Embassy then Immigration that i get instant Terets !   I shan't say that i dislike Thai people, i'll just norrow it down to a few nasty cases usually wearing uniforms of some sort.......   It's very sad for the country that these people are the "First impressions" that you receive........

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  9. It never ends .....World economy, blah blah blah...... Let's try telling the truth for a change, the Immigration dept under orders from above has virtually single handedly destroyed tourism in Thailand along with the manipulated Thai bht. I suspect most people are like me at the moment, scared of what immigration 's going to do next as we all know that abiding by the law and jumping through all the hoops and producing every scrap of paper doesn't guarantee entry in to the country, ( I don't fly into Thailand anymore, Malaysia first) far better to be kicked out into Malaysia than refused entry because someone's had a bad morning, and literally it can be just that. Now how can you run a country and tourism when there's absolutely no trust in the immigration system ?

    I suggest TAT go and have a look at the neighbouring countries and get some tips on how not to scare people away.....  " Ye shall reap what you sow "........ and it's come back in spades.......

    The only light i can see at the end of this long and dark tunnel is that the youth of Thailand are finally gaining some power to get rid of the antiquated dinosaurs at the top and give Thailand the chance to grow and not be constantly restricted for a select fews gain.......

  10. 1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

    Naw dude, there isnt any free speech in Blighty, and it isnt in writing anyway. But you are right, The Poms gave us the idea...... but we perfected it. Sort of like how the French invented cuisine and McDonalds perfected it..... ????

    Hey, i can stand up in London and call QE2 whatever i want, call the religion what ever comes into my mind whilst wearing a Nazi flag ..... Try that here or even in certain parts of America......( Look what happened to John Lennon when he said they were more popular than JC)   and hey it's POHM, Prisoner Of Her Majesty and most of the British were never that....... As for McDonalds being confused as food .........Well, time you left the basement.......  it's the only food my dogs won't touch....

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  11. 1 hour ago, ben2talk said:

    'Sicko' isn't a good word IMO. He just wanted to do a job effectively - just as we see happening in military conflicts followed by the Military covering up their child murders... as was the case with the SAS (and they're certainly not different to other special forces from other countries) asking unarmed boys having tea to put up their hands and then shoot them in the face for fun...


    Maybe he was just a well trained soldier following his training to get some personal gain.

    I'd really like to read an instance of anyone in the SAS shooting little boys in the face while having tea...... Please if you can forward me the article.....

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