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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    How do you perceive that all illegal aliens are contributing to the economy?

    More chance the legal ones are doing so much more, and by being illegal he is avoiding contributing.

    "being illegal he is avoiding contributing".  ??  Do you think he might be spending money to live, eat.... ?   All i can see is that there'll one less peanut seller that's all.........    If you want contributions bring back, back to back visas at two grand a pop with a two grand extension at two months....... As simple as Thai logic..... All them visas well paid for and being milked daily in the land of the vertical smile......... 

  2. 6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Considering that they are still welcoming Chinese tourists with open arms, this decision seems peculiar. No cases were detected on this ship, and it has been out to sea for some time. And these folks were going to head directly for the airport from Chonburi. I would guess this is a PR stunt, to make up for his horrendous showing so far. This guy is beyond incompetent, and should have been replaced already, with someone who has experience in the health field. 

    On the head, this decision was made above him to keep his a#$ out of the fire and to save the boys at the top.......   What's coming out of Wuhan now is extremely disturbing........ I don't even think the boys at the top could tell big enough lies to cover up what's coming......  

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  3. 4 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Strange comment. This is not to be considered as any kind of present. It was a good gesture of Thailand to offer free masks. You can also think that the foreigner that did not accept this was acting in a selfish and ignorant way. However, that does not excuse the health ministers bad choice of wording.

    Well, reading this reply has given me great confidence that someone in Government might be reading TVF, at least they might get the gist of what's really going on........  Please keep reading, you could probably do a lot of good for the country just off this site......... 

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