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Posts posted by recycled

  1. Hey General, I am not sure if the penny has dropped yet, but you and your cohorts are making complete asses of yourselves in the international arena.There is no substitute for a good upbringing and true education, that is, if you are from a first world country. Intelligence, intellect and commonsense cannot be bought, it is inherited.

    Not one single bit of what you write that could be of any interest to a Thai police general, alas! What you think, me Thai man, this my country, the Thais they know, etc., etc.

    Now if you could kindly give that to me again in intelligible intelligent English, I might know what the hell you are talking about.

  2. Dogs and Cats in Restaurants does not appear to concern people here.

    Maybe they have never been aware that the dog licks his bum and other bits and then brings money to your table in his mouth.


    And I scratch my ass and gonads before handing money to someone. Money is one of the most unhygienic items known, but haven't heard of anyone dying from it or a pandemic erupting. I would be more worried about the cook's hygiene than the pooch.

    • Like 1
  3. Patience I say to all the hot headed, ready made lynch mob following this thread. This investigation is nowhere as simple and straight forward as some of you percieve. Investigations in small communities come with a certain unwillingness to assist police with their investigation for fear of retribution. Also, the speedboats coming and going from these island do so at their own pleasure. There are no harbour masters keeping logs on traffic to and fro.

    If you don't want a scapegoat arrested then patience. Let the BIB get on with their process of elimination investigation of potential suspects.

    They WILL arrest the the killers in due process, if they haven't already.

    You my boy, need a reality check, you have been in Thailand far too long.

  4. Nice spin, throw in a date or two, few figures here and there, everyone goes of on a tangent arguing debating about political parties. This Mafioso scheme was initiated by the PTP for votes and lining pockets, full stop. Now just jail those responsible from the top down for a very long time, seize and sell all their assets, and remove them from the history books. What rice rip off, never happened.

  5. Back in the 50's in Oz as an eight year old cub scout we did what you call 'Jobs for Bobs' to raise money. The jobs ranged from cutting wood to cleaning yards. At 10 years old it was a paper round, and at 12 years old delivering milk from 5am in the morning. You see there was no welfare back then, so when the old man got laid of from work all off his 5 sons pitched in. The only thing I find wrong with it is when the next generations had it stopped - the beginning of the downfall of a great country, run by lazy kids brought up on government handouts.

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  6. People always learn the bad words first! Best way to learn a foreign language haha

    oh yes.. very funny.. Easiest way to get stabbed or shot also, Thai's don't take insults lightly.

    totster smile.png

    Bit like today's Brit, lack of sense of humour, can't handle the insults but love dishing it out.

    And you are from where? Hard to tell with just a myopic bigoted post.

    Here, there and everywhere, but with your comment, I only have the following to offer. I rest my case Your Honour.

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