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Posts posted by frollywolly

  1. Sounds like a scam.. 8000 for a meal ? I wouldn't be leaving a tip at all. Unless you felt you've insulted the waiters by spending what they earn a month on lunch.

    If you had read the Op he stated that friends invited him and mrs, that I think would be at least 4 people. So 8000 for food and wine for maybe 4 people is not expensive for a restaurant at riverside.

    I read: A very pleasant riverside restaurant. Some glasses of wine, seafood, pork, chicken, dessert... Bill comes and it is a bit over 8000

    Sounds like a few dishes and a few glasses of wine. Not a banquet and a bottle each. Ive shouted pizzas and drinks until closing in an upscale bar for 8 people and it didnt come to much more than that. Either way its a bit pricey for the description and i think my post isnt out of line in saying.

    Shaggy, the restaurant is in Bangkok and Pooket is correct. The food and meal was not expensive for location and quality. It was 3 seafood dishes, two chicken, 1 pork, rice and other items. The wine formed a large part of the bill.

    8000 baht is not over the top at all. It is more expensive than a 500 baht family restaurant of course. That too has its place and time.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    So what you are saying is that if you were in the case of the OP, you would have left a tip of roughly 1600 Baht. So if he has just 1 customer a day like this, that would leave him with 48.000 Baht in tip a month. Not bad

    no that is not what i said. i have no way of knowing what created a bill of 8,000 baht so i can not make a clear judgment, but if a poriton of that was for bottles of wine, which it could very well have been, i would have adjusted my tip to reflect the service and not the total cost of the experience .... as i wrote in my post, and not the cost of wine.

    Well spotted once more. The wine. of course being Thailand, was expensive and formed a large portion of the bill

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Does anyone tip when there's a 10% service charge? I don't. Do the staff get this as an extra bonus or does the restaurant owner use it to pay their staff wages.

    I'd really like to hear about this from someone in the business.

    I have been in the hospitality business in the USA for 14 years and in Thailand for the last 22, and as I have been reading this topic I have read little that I did not expect. For me to try and explain my position as a career F & B worker to most of those who have posted here IMO would be as useless as most BMs here saying it is to tip a Thai. So I won't get too far into that.


    The most informed post yet on this thread.

    Of course the intention of the tip I left was that it would go direct to the two staff who looked after us.

  4. This reply. Total time spent including reading op. 30 seconds.

    Answer: up to you Frolly wolly.

    Reading Sandman slows me down though.

    He makes my brain hurt ... facepalm.gif ... funny though sometimes.

    frollywolly though is light and easy reading, bit like the Daily Mail ... even has the pictures.


    You do seem like a Daily Mail reader. Good to know

    Here are some statistics for you chum!


    April 2010. Member joins

    16,000 posts since

    16,000 x 15 minutes = 240,000 minutes = 4,000 hours!

    Assuming you have to sleep, then that translates to 333 days spent on Thaivisa in 4.5 years!!! (12 hour days)

    Well done old bean, you have spent 1 year of your time here!!

  5. They are friends of 20+ years. We have been to dinner scores of times with them, they pay, we pay.

    frollywolly ... have you lived in Thailand for 20 years?

    WOW ... respect man ... thumbsup.gif

    Have you really been living in Thailand for 20 years?


    Oh, you caught me out!! I haven't been in Thailand 20 years! You are so clever!!

    Your transparent attempts at trying to 'catch someone out' are child like. Yet you play the detective regularly on this forum

    I travelled for 20 years of my working life. Mrs Frolly, myself and the Frollettes have lived together in 6 countries. I have visited more than 40 for work. Our friends are similar in their work and travel.

    This is Bangkok man! There are tens of thousands like us.

    • Like 1
  6. Very curious assertions from you and some others.

    They are friends of 20+ years. We have been to dinner scores of times with them, they pay, we pay. Some banter between us about a tip is all part of our friendship.

    Discussing a tip amongst friends is not some type of socal faux pas or taboo!

    The only thing disturbing about the OP is that the guest demands the host pay more tips and when the host did not as is his custom and right, the guest decides to proceed with his own tip anyway.

    Kind of insulting to the host, isn't it?

    Beggars belief, that the OP had the audacity to even check what the payer is tipping, i would have asked him for 4000 baht back

    • Like 1
  7. I nominate Ulysses G.

    He doesn't do cutsie, narcissistic posts, like other nominees.

    Whether you agree with him or not - He's always in the middle of relevant discussions. And he does his homework.

    The News Team don't get enough recognition.

    I know my Moral Compass is always pointing in the right direction if SoiBiker is on the Road.

    He's a Magnet.

    Do we have room to slip SoiBiker in there somewhere?

    You must have missed this bit

    He doesn't do cutsie, narcissistic posts, like other nominees

    Then you go and affirm what he says. Cutsie and narcissistic

  8. It shouldn't be anything different being married in Thailand, but it is to many. Marrying a woman you KNOW very well, is a key ingredient for a successful marriage. Marrying a woman who can't communicate in a language you understand, is difficult. Marrying a woman you have known from the bar stool and subsequently in the hotel room over the course of a week, is not a receipe for success. I met my wife overseas where she was working as a staff in a five star hotel and needless to say, she speaks very good English so after two years of dating I knew everything about her and she knew me equally well, we got married and have two kids. Also, I have never visited a sleazy bar in Thailand since I met her. Never. As a married man, I would never mingle with prostitutes in my home country, Thailand should not be different.

    Well said.

    A woman you know well.

  9. In bangkok, I have seen what you say. Common but not majority! Not close. Many couples here have met at work (here or other country) or in their home country while studying. These marriages have balance. Communication. Longevity.

    Some men do want the subservient wife.Food.Sex.Cleaner.Translation services. The wife must get something out of it?

    Costas, do you live in Issan? I have limited experience there.

    For me. I will tell all who listen that I am the boss in my relationship, unless mrs Frolly comes within earshot. Then I meekly smile.

  10. frollywally ... thanks for dropping by.

    Like a moth to a flame ... I knew you couldn't resist (but do try harder in the future).

    So ... enlighten us with your Pearls of Wisdom.

    What advice would you give to newcomers to Thailand?

    I'm sure your candle burns bright ... rolleyes.gif

    Don't be so modest. A moth to your flame?

    Your posts are so much more than a flame. More a building fire lit by a bed wetting arsonist that is raging out of control.

    Advice for newcomers to Thailand? "Go easy on the Som Tum the first week here"

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