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Posts posted by frollywolly

  1. --------------------------------

    BTW, I don't know what to make of the member frollywolly who seems to take great delight following me around the Forum and sniping away.

    Fairly sure he's a banned member returning under a new member name. FonFun ... is that you under the mask?


    You are an odd little man.

    You have said this more than once now. I am not any former member or banned member.

    • Like 1
  2. Indians ... they don't like ... they smell, they are tight with their money ... the working girls generally won't touch them.

    Why ... cafe, 1 coke, 5 straws, 10 Indians ... ditto the working girls.


    Working girls?

    Very enlightening where you get your opinions on Thailand from old bean!

    From your moral high ground ... do you use binoculars or a telescope?

    Just asking like ... coffee1.gif

    Maybe your friend Soi Biker has an answer?


    I don't get any of my opinions from bar girls for two simple reasons. I don't mix in their circle and I make my own opinions. Why would you say that is high moral ground?

    You keep banging on about your wife and twins. Do they want to hear your view of what Thai people think through the filtered eyes of a bar girl?

    In your post you give your opinion that Thai people only see westerners 3 ways. Utter tosh!

    What of my Thai friends? They get no money from me. They are not my partner. Never will be. Yet they view me as a friend.

    You need to expand your circle of Thai friends. It must be small. if at all

  3. Beautiful women on the other hand are inherently insecure and reluctant to believe the praise, as their looks are constantly under scrutiny and the tiniest flaw turned into a major travesty. It can be harder to convince a beautiful woman of her beauty than one might think. Still, in a perfect world if two people are happy together, it really shouldn't matter what others think.

    What?? Beautiful women inherently insecure?

    How insecure must ugly women then be?

    Does this mean 100% of women are insecure?

    • Like 1
  4. Common for Thais to pay some kickback/fee/percentage to obtain a job in certain countries. European countries are popular. Think of the WP/Visa coming with the job or vice versa.

    Your friend heard about the job by way of someone having done the work or already working there?

    Finders commission up front is not uncommon for low skilled opportunities. Massage, bar, seasonal work.

    frollywolly, are you suggesting that the job 'at a Christmas Market in Holland' is at a 'Massage, bar'?


    How could you possibly deduce that from what I wrote? Try and keep up old bean.

  5. Common for Thais to pay some kickback/fee/percentage to obtain a job in certain countries. European countries are popular. Think of the WP/Visa coming with the job or vice versa.

    Your friend heard about the job by way of someone having done the work or already working there?

    Finders commission up front is not uncommon for low skilled opportunities. Massage, bar, seasonal work.

  6. Indians ... they don't like ... they smell, they are tight with their money ... the working girls generally won't touch them.

    Why ... cafe, 1 coke, 5 straws, 10 Indians ... ditto the working girls.


    Working girls?

    Very enlightening where you get your opinions on Thailand from old bean!

  7. I was in one of these dastardly self cleaning toilet contraptions when it kicked into gear and cycled through the cleaning cycle. Twice!

    Not a pop up though!

    It sounds like it was trying hard to clean the crap out of itself......but you just wouldn't leave. 555555

    Just kidding, mate wink.png

    Intuitive technology?

    • Like 1
  8. OP, I can only speak for myself here.

    Being a self-centered, arrogant, egomaniac person I love getting those likes.

    If I don't get at least one for whatever I say, I can't sleep in the night, get aggressive with the wife and start having suicidal thoughts.

    On the other hand I love watching this number going up, on the right hand of my screen and everyone I get I say a big thank you and send a kiss to that person.

    Now, give me a like for what I said or you don't get the kiss.

    I gave you one for honesty

  9. Are you talking about me? 555 I must admit that I have been that person most of my life. I just never fit in and don't really get along with other humans. There are several issues here that I wanted to comment on...

    First one being is diversity. If you have a public social/networking group that people can come together at a pre-arranged place and time and shoot the shit then you must also be open to all walks of life and opinions. I AGREE, yes there are those people that are just too much and very difficult, set in their ways, self-appointed know-it-alls who travel around with their own soapbox. We are all foreigners, in a foreign country trying to mix, comprehend and understand a world of cultures.

    I can't possibly know exactly what "TOO MUCH" means to you.. as everyone has different tolerance levels. As far as this goes, if there are others who also agree, then you all should collectively come together as another post suggested and have a discussion.. BEWARE you must be very sensitive when doing this and don't allow it to turn into a lynching. As none of us really know each other and if he is the "expert" he claims to be, he may seek avenues of retribution if you make/cause him to lose face. (soi mafias etc)

    Secondly, perhaps this might come off as a joke but his person. Why don't you meet someplace where there is no alcohol served? That would circumvent his drinking issue. Also how long are these meetings that would allow anyone to consume enough alcohol to the point of being aggressive with violent tendencies. Perhaps 2, no more than 3 hours if you must be in such establishment. Depending on the long time members of this group and the level of trust, perhaps meeting in private at one of your own condos..

    Regardless the drinking and violent tendencies is a MAJOR issue if anyone feels concerned for their safety around this person.

    Perhaps make an announcement that the group will be suspended for the "HOLIDAYS" as everyone has things to do and will resume after the new year..

    WARNING: Proceed with caution, with this individual. We all come from different backgrounds and found ourselves in Thailand for different reasons. You have no idea what he could be running from, capable of...

    A considered post, thank you.

    We do welcome diversity. We are mostly all at an age where we now realise we know much less than we ever thought we did. Every day is a learning process.

    If we were not in Thailand, I am sure our group would never have come together. We are disparate in more ways than not. Yet, for years, it has worked well. The pasts and experiences we did not have in common actually became the glue and stitching that bonded us together into the present. Exploration of each other's field of knowledge.

    I do like your idea of a month break. That coupled with some home meet ups and other suggestions made in this thread might work well.

    And finally. Yes. Your last point. We do not know and protection from police and courts here is not the same as our home countries.

  10. frollywolly ... I'm more then happy to move on.

    Anyone, anyone who doesn't believe this guy isn't a complete wacko ... just read this ... apologies-to-a-member-i-was-wrong

    This was his first ever OP on TVF.

    He stalks members around the Forum ... till finally other members tell him to stop.

    So he writes me a public apology.

    Let's just move on.

    Unless frollywolly you come back with another heap of BS ... I'm happy to move on.

    Let's kick back as a Forum and enjoy the Festive time ... the Festive spirit.

    I am ... are you?


    You are the ONLY member to repeatedly ask me to stop. Only you.

    I have never stalked any member. Not one.

    I have ignored you, at your own request, but you have come back here and posted, 10 times??

    I am still more than willing to ignore you.

    How about you do your own thing and I will do my own thing. Instead of your constant demands and suggestions as to how I behave. I will decide myself what I wish to do. Sound good?

    We have all heard your opinion of me. Again and again and again. Noted.

    Thank you for your post.

  11. Anyone who wishes to know me ... I lost a good mate recently ... you can read about it here ... I-lost-a-friend-recently-moo-mate-you-are-missed/

    Or you can just kick back in wonder why the OP just doesn't tell this guy to off and join another group.

    As i have said to you. My condolences for the loss of your dog. 14 years with a pet is a long time and I understand your loss.

    Your opinion on what our group could do is noted. There are many different opinions on this thread. Yours is just one opinion. That does not make it the final and best solution.

    Thank you for your answer.

  12. <snip> I barely even give you a thought.

    OMG ... facepalm.gif ... a member can only remain nice for some time till the BS builds, and builds, and builds.

    frollywolly didn't have his first OP until this ... now locked. apologies-to-a-member-i-was-wrong

    I have adapted this much loved Dr Suess children’s rhyme in honour of david48;

    So, as for ... "I barely even give you a thought" ... cheesy.gif

    As I said in the PM ... Just Stop ... hold-it-stop-smiley-emoticon.gif

    The Forum is smart ... they are intelligent members ... they see you for who you are.

    Please ... just stop.

    As for an answer to your OP.

    Just choose another venue.

    Don't tell the guy you want to diss ... simples ... facepalm.gif


    Thank you for highlighting my past apology to you. I penned you a cheery and fun rhyme also (I trust all members enjoy).

    Then I forgot about you.

    Then you message me and ask me to ignore you. I did, as per your request.

    Now you pop up on this thread, posting very odd photos, of what look like bar girls in christmas gear.

    Then you tell ME to stop? Yet you are the one stalking me. Very curious.

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