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Everything posted by dantho

  1. Unfortunately for King Charles, he has to do what the government tell him or ask him to do. I can't imagine for a moment that Charles is relishing the visit.
  2. Truss was high on the list if not number 1 as the worst Prime Minister's the Uk has ever had. In the short time she was in charge, about 49 days, she managed to ruin the `UK economy and since her expulsion she has ranted on about the way she was treated and has since gone to the far right extreme of politics. I agree that what she is doing now is a matter of treason and yes she should be arrested and placed in the Tower of London for the rest of her days. Stupid, stupid woman.
  3. As Trump has now set his heart on being an ally of Putin and seems to be cutting any ties with Europe and the UK, isn't it about time that Europe and the UK cut ties with Trump. Defy both him and Putin and immediately invite Ukraine to join both NATO and the EU.
  4. How on earth can any country hold an election when it is daily bombarded from an enemy state? Zelensky is trying his best to keep his country out of the hands of Putin who has been in power for 20+ years and voted in on elections which are to say the very least fraudulent.
  5. I have never liked Khan in his position as London Mayor. I never understood why he was given a knighthood he has done nothing to deserve the honour. Now his changed position on Trump confirms my opinion of him and if anything makes me loathe him even more.
  6. Ha certainly forget the vodka. I flew with Aeroflot to London once via Moscow. They didn't serve any alcohol between Bangkok and Moscow and on the Moscow to London they very reluctantly served a glass of wine by a sour faced Russian stewardess and that was it. I would never travel with them again.
  7. That's very strange as I have accounts with HSBC in the UK and all they have is a Thai address and I've not had a problem with them.
  8. In My Opinion for what it's worth I would mention Mae West as the ultimate vamp, closely followed by Marlene Dietrich with her wonderful accent and her oh so sexy voice and then Fenella Fielding again with the sultry voice.
  9. What's the point of banning bottled beers and using cans instead. It will still be the age old problem, instead of glass bottle litter it will now be cans littering the island.
  10. JFK was assassinated in 1963 so if an intel person was 25 at the time that would mean he or she would now be 86. You say that person would almost certainly be dead by now. Surely not these days as many people live well past that age.
  11. I agree with you regarding a military coup not being better than a free elected PM but surely what Thailand now has is an unelected government and PM where her father seems to be running the country behind her back. This government was not what the Thai people voted for, they actually voted for Pita and the MFP party. Pita should be PM right now but the senate which is heavily biased towards the military overruled his accession to the role of PM.
  12. Casablanca for me has to be top of my list, followed by To Kill a Mockingbird, then Shawshank Redemption, the Godfather trilogy and of course any film which Maggie Smith was in.
  13. I would never trust my.eyes to a cut price ophthalmic surgeon. It is not worth risking my sight for the sake of saving money. The slightest thing going wrong and you could be blinded,
  14. I agree with you, I'll believe his stand against the unions when the cow jumps over the moon. So far he has shown no spine unless he is punishing pensioners who let's face it are an easy group to hit. Unfortunately with the size of the majority he has in parliament, it will take an enormous swing to get him out at the next election.
  15. Exactly my thought, the guy must be an idiot.
  16. Metal roof on those struts should make it feel like an oven in the sun. As for ready by the end of the year, they haven't mentioned which year yet.
  17. You have no idea how near the truth your remark is. If Citizen Khan London's illustrious ( in his mind) mayor had his way all roads would become cycle lanes. Park Lane has already been reduced to one lane of traffic since he put in a cycle lane and a bus lane.
  18. He can't disclose his medical conditions yet, they haven't been written.
  19. Yet Yet another event made into a huge business in the USA and now the world follows suit. As you say it is another way for business to dupe people into spending a ton of money quite unnecessarily. I note that you list "Mother's Day", "Father's Day" and "Valentine's Day" but you have missed out the greatest con of all and that one is "Christmas Day"!!
  20. I'm sorry but I don't agree with her. As long as it is just a smack and not a beating I do not see anything wrong with this. I admit that I was never smacked by my parents but I was certainly smacked on my backside and my hand by teachers in grammar school. In one instance I upset one of my French master so much that he sent me to the headmaster to fetch the cane and by the time I returned to the class he was in such a rage the he pushed a whole row of desks towards the back of the classroom made me bend over the desk and then wacked me so hard he actually caused a cut across my backside. When I got home I showed it to my parents and they asked why he had hit me so hard I told them and their attitude was, well it serves you right and you deserved it. It certainly did me no harm.
  21. Very strange that her impeccable portfolio included shareholdings in media and telecom companies. Isn't this that precluded Pitta from holding office and eventually the dissolution of the Move Forward Party. I presume that I have to use the usual TIT. Sad days for Thailand.
  22. Thank you so much for your swift reply, very helpful.
  23. My apologies to all, I am a UK passport holder
  24. Thanks for your reply, very helpful and I apologise for not giving my country of residence. Yes I am a UK passport holder.
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