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Everything posted by maxcorrigan

  1. Thanks same situation as me, just that i had never heard (rememberd) of a TM 30 form!!
  2. Maybe a dumb question but can a person print out and fill in by hand a TM30 before applying for a marriage extention (married with a house ownership that is) Jomtien IO
  3. Yeah, or red metal buckets on hooks with a round bottom filled with sand and dog-ends
  4. I should clarify she fills in the witness part in English and where the stamp should be she writes the name of the school she taught at in Thai Me personally get her niece who is a doctor to fill in and stamp accordingly!
  5. Not so, my wife sign for another man in our village all in Thai and no stamp always excepted!
  6. What is the email address for future reference if needed TIA
  7. True, my wife signs for a UK expat in the same village signs in Thai no stamp!
  8. True, and they pay a lot to get on the boat, then lose their passports before they are "rescued" by RNLI then arrive in the UK destitute pitiful asylum seeking waifs (scroungers)
  9. I was just stating my experiance Sheryl as said i'm no doctor thanks for your input though, i assume tthe opener will read your post and act accordingly.
  10. The type of hernia i was thinking of is Inguinal hernia an egg shaped lump in the groin area that disappears when i lay down in bed at night for instance, it does'nt hurt at all, and i have never thought about medical treatment, but i'm no doctor this is my experience, google it yourself Inguinal hernia ius very common! Best of luck!
  11. I did similar about 5 years ago and have an egg sized lump on my left groin area, it has never been a problem so unless it troubles you painfull etc, just leave it be, there is a name for these non problem hernia's which i can't remember now, maybe Sheryl cann help!
  12. Thanks interesting, in my working life for many years, i worked in fabrication, and repairing in the food manufacturing industry, we would use 316 SS all the time (by law inspectors would check) and several times not often had nut and bolts lock up solid i'm talking about when you first screw the nut on by hand maybe only a few threads in, it would lock up you then had to cut the bolt off and start again, and as luck would have it usually in the most awkward places to get to, as said not often but can happen!
  13. Good Luck, 316 SS is food quality just be careful when tightening up they don't graunch up (lock up solid) as you tighten which can happen with SS bolts, put some oil on the thread should help thus before you tighten!
  14. Pattatya IO hand filled blue ink FWIW!
  15. Thanks, I tried that, said number too long or something can't remember now, after which my number got blocked, sent money now my old way from Halifax acc. £9.50 charge any amount trouble is it take 4 or 5 nail biting days to get here from very old newbie
  16. As of yet Sid no banks are involved just the simple registering with wise!
  17. Thank you, the verification number they send never arrives and neither does the SMS service tried many times now my number is blocked, tried the help desk, that then asks to login which i obviously can't do, then unhelpfully suggests registering so it goes round and round, maybe i'll look for an alternative
  18. The mere fact so many have mentioned having not seen Joe lately speaks volumes and i would like to add my name to that list, he was one of the most helpful moderators on this site for many years RIP Joe
  19. Have been trying to register with Wise with no luck, filled in my email plus Thai phone number was informed verification code has been sent nothing arrives, tried the phone option again nothing, tried several times and am now blocked, is there something obvious my 84 yr old brain is missing. can i not register via email? Sorry if this is in the wrong section; if so mods can you please move?
  20. Back in my Pattaya bar hopping days when a USN ship visited, the US Navy police would go through all the bars strictly at 9pm and make sure all their navy boys were back on board, don't know if it's any different now with this visit!
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