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Posts posted by Robespiere

  1. I just wonder if the red-shirts here can appreciate that planning a referendum is light years ahead of anything Pheu-Thai would have done. They were changing it piece by piece and every time was to allow more corruption further down the line.

    I find it hard to have any respect for people with such double standards. Do you people even realise - or are your ethics so low that you don't care ?.

    Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

  2. "Yingluck Shinawatra, the elected Prime Minister".

    Who elected her? She was a party list MP and therefore appointed by someone in Dubai, then she was appointed PM by the same person in Dubai.

    2 votes from the same person makes her elected?

    That's 2 more votes than the General got which must make her at least twice as legitimate as the General, don't you think?

  3. "Yingluck Shinawatra, the elected Prime Minister".

    Who elected her? She was a party list MP and therefore appointed by someone in Dubai, then she was appointed PM by the same person in Dubai.

    2 votes from the same person makes her elected?

    Oh please. She was obviously running and earned votes. While you can claim she was a figurehead for her brother (and I wouldn't disagree with that), the people knew who they were voting for and they cast their opinion.

    Hindsight is a great thing - worth tuppence a ton.

    A great many Thais I know voted for PTP, and believed they were getting Yingluck who they hoped would be a breath of fresh air. Seriously, they thought like that. They did not for one moment imagine that Thaksin would complete dominate and rule, selecting the cabinet and dictating policy, focus and tactics.

    Naive possibly - but people get sucked in by clever PR and their own hopes for something better.

    Virtually all those people are now very bitter towards Yingluck, who they see as a traitor, and PTP who they see as a bunch of Thaksin lackeys. They all physically went to the protests against the amnesty whitewash fiasco too.

    "Great many" is just a touch hyperbolic don't you think?

    What percentage of 65,000,000 is the "great many Thais you know".

    1000 Thais = 0.001% of the population.

    Even this tiny fraction would far exceed the 3 or 4 yellow nutters you actually conversed with on the topic.

    Too bad there's no election for "virtually all those people" to be able to express their bitterness.

  4. Which is the greater crime?

    A - Legally attempting to alter 1 section of the constitution in parliament.

    B - Throwing out the entire constitution at gunpoint.

    Any response to this post need only consist of a single A or a single B - no distortions, propaganda, obfuscations, falsities, outright lies, avoidance, misdirection or waffling required.

    Default answer is B - lack of response is acknowledgement of B being the correct answer.

    Why does it matter which one is the greater crime, if they are both crimes?

    Where is the crime in legally attempting to alter one section of the constitution in line with the guidelines laid down by the Constitutional Court?

    I didn't actually say it was a crime. Rob suggested it was a crime by asking "Which is the greater crime?"

    *IF* it is a crime, why would it matter which is the greater one?

    One is a crime and one isn't, so it's really quite clear to all but the brainwashed which is the greater crime (because there is only one choice).

    Secondly, it matters because the guys guilty of B a trying to impeach the guys who did A.

    Hypocrisy doesn't even begin to describe the situation we have here.

  5. angmo post # 6

    Interesting that they want to impeach two guys who tried to change part of the Constitution through parliamentary procedure even if a little fishy. Wonder what they would do to someone who ripped up the entire Constitution

    Interesting that they want to impeach two guys who tried to destroy the Constitution through a sneaky parliamentary procedure that would have actually ripped up the entire Constitution

    That was the ultimate aim of those involved in the administration at that time by devious means.Their acts have led Thailand and its peoples to where we are now

    Interesting that those voting to impeach, for attempting to change one section of the constitution, were appointed, not elected, by a junta that actually ripped up the entire Constitution. The hypocrisy here, both by the NLA and the junta supporters, is unbelievable.

    'bruce64' when hypocrisy is concerned, you are the pot and we are the kettles, not that you're alone as a pot, you're comrades aren't any better, maybe we should call your group: 'the soot brigade' from now on, black being reserved exclusively for your terrorist paramilitary wing...

    Which is the greater crime?

    A - Legally attempting to alter 1 section of the constitution in parliament.

    B - Throwing out the entire constitution at gunpoint.

    Any response to this post need only consist of a single A or a single B - no distortions, propaganda, obfuscations, falsities, outright lies, avoidance, misdirection or waffling required.

    Default answer is B - lack of response is acknowledgement of B being the correct answer.

    • Like 1
  6. Yingluck was an awesome PM.

    She is awesome now.

    She will be awesome when she returns as PM in 2016.

    All this rice scheme baloney is about as ridiculous as the idiotic charges filed against Thaksin, another awesome PM and before that an awesome businessman, for legally purchasing a bit of land.

    Relax, sweet lady, take some rest; your country will once again need to call on your awesomeness in the near future.

  7. At the end of the day, she is as guilty as sin and must be punished. Failure to do so will undermine the 'so called' reforms completely.

    Tens of millions want her to face the music, not only for the sake of punishment, but also to send a strong message that times are changing. Politicians will need to pull themselves together or face similar.

    No punishment, then there may as well just scrap the reforms, reinstate the old constitution and hold an election immediately and wait for the civil war.

    Half a dozen yellow peanuts on TVF does not equal "tens of millions".

    Please identify these "Half a dozen yellow peanuts" so we know who you are actually flaming.

    I'm sure you're more than capable of identifying the other 5 by yourself.

  8. At the end of the day, she is as guilty as sin and must be punished. Failure to do so will undermine the 'so called' reforms completely.

    Tens of millions want her to face the music, not only for the sake of punishment, but also to send a strong message that times are changing. Politicians will need to pull themselves together or face similar.

    No punishment, then there may as well just scrap the reforms, reinstate the old constitution and hold an election immediately and wait for the civil war.

    Half a dozen yellow peanuts on TVF does not equal "tens of millions".

    • Like 2
  9. "Thawilwadee Bureekul said the charter must also reflect the voice of the people"

    Yet the people have been denied a voice by these unelected, coup appointed, anti-democratic elitist clowns....

    Proof that the constitution will not reflect the voice of the people lay in the refusal of these pathetic hacks to submit whatever garbage they produce to a referendum.

  10. This general is doing more good for Thailand than anyone has ever-

    He is destroying its image and reputation to such an extent he is turning all the country slowly Red.

    By the time Bangkok crashes and businesses vanish and the middle class Thai/Chinese Gold store owners lament their Protests which started almost a year ago-

    This Junta would have Galvanised the entire country *(against it

    Even right wing elitist mouth pieces like the NATION newspaper are starting to raise questions about the course this THAI_TANIC is on.

    Which is extraordinary in itself

    Red shirt uprising blah blah blah, seething masses Blah Blah Blah, Bangkok crashes blah blah blah.

    In your adolescent wet dreams boyo.

    Late 2015 or early 2016

    Robespiere [sic]

    It took a matter of days for the red shirt movement to be taken down in 2010 by the Thai army (and with all due respect it ain't exactly the Navy seals or the Gurkha regiment) In May this year they were just shouted at by a soldier from the stage at Puthamonton and they all cleared off in less than 48 hours. They have no backing other than Thaksin's wealth and is he going to start shovelling millions into this place for guns etc...again? Can he? Unless your rural peasant movement can get backing just please tell me how are they going to achieve their and your revolutionary goals. Even the Khmer Rouge had the backing of China (and the usa), The North Vietnamese who are a damn sight more effective as guerrilla soldiers than the red shirt dross had Russia. Is Laos going to support their brothers across the Maekhong? methinks NOT Is Hun Sen going to come to the aid of his Thai comrades? Again NO

    Please Bob just tell me how they are going to do it?

    People power organised through social media.

    Throughout history the repressive men with guns ultimately lose - Gandhi proved it before and Thaksin will do it again.

    It took a matter of days for the army to murder 90 citizens in the streets, not really much to be proud of here.

    (BTW - didn't the Laotian army give their Thai counterparts a bit of a touch up in 87?)

  11. 2,700 pistols being sent south.

    I'm guessing the next yellow mob is going to be much better armed than the PDRC was, and that's really saying something.

    The yellows must also be running low on grenades after 204 days of Suthep and co blowing BKK up.

    Expect a few hundred launchers to be added to the list

    Almost all the terrorist that have been caught doing the bombing were red. There were red training camps too. The reds were the ones that gunned down the kids in Trad while their leaders cheered on stage until someone smart told them this was bad PR and they had to shut up.

    So far the Yellow mob has always been more peaceful as the red mob. There have been idiot guards but they have been dealt with. They were not hidden away by the government like the reds did with their terrorists.

    Yellows don't need guns.. they got the army in their corner if push comes to shove.

    Aaahh... They've got the army in their corner.

    Your revelation fully explains where Suthep got all the M79 grenades from and why all the arrests have been so one sided.

    You don't even have a gun, yet you've managed to shoot yourself in the foot.

    Well done!

    Aaahh... They've got the army in their corner.

    Aaahh... They had a democratically elected Prime Minister... Police Lieutenant Colonel Thaksin on their side... They call it Tak Bai. You ignore it.

    "Your revelation fully explains where Suthep got all the M79 grenades from and why all the arrests have been so one sided."

    Who fired the grenades that killed children and injured more in front of Central World just some months short months ago... Where did they come from? You ignore it.

    "You don't even have a gun, yet you've managed to shoot yourself in the foot."

    Every time you open your mouth... You manage to put your foot in it.

    Edited to say: You ignore reality. By the way, what does toe jam taste like?

    Tak Bai was a military operation.

    Thailand: No Justice 10 Years After Tak Bai Killings | Human ...

    Not all of the recent pre-coup violence, but a very large part of it, was clearly yellow on yellow. The rich leaders of the PDRC knew where not to be and when not to be there whilst they bombed, maimed and killed their own paid for "southern rent-a-mob". They murdered their own in an effort to create an environment that would clear the way for the Generals to step in. They bloodied their hands and succeeded.

    (Funny how not a single grenade lobbed at any the the rich, elitist yellows domiciles exploded. They were all dud grenades. What a tremendous stroke of luck for Suthep and friends hey?)

    What happens, you type your drivel, post it and then are hit with what you mistakenly believe to be some irresistible, dazzling and breathtaking insight of comedic gold and simply must edit?

    Your posts are mundane and your edits are flops.

  12. Put the reforms and everything you do to the people, don't just say this is it take it or leave it, let the people decide, then the nation has spoken and the North East will have to wear it, at this time they have a valid argument, a national referendum might defuse the situation slightly.coffee1.gif

    If the nation is allowed to speak, the Junta will be gone in a week.

    The nation did speak - no amnesty for Thaksin.

    PTP then lost their plot completely.

    Remember the inspiring UDD non elected leaders calling the faithful to come to the war drum meetings? Few did. As with all things, if there's no money, they ain't interested here.

    Doesn't rhyme, doesn't count.

  13. Why is Thaksin in exile? I think your on a looser mate, over and out.

    Thaksin ran away because he is a convicted criminal ... convicted while HIS proxy party was in power.

    Thaksin's conviction is an absolute joke, just like the vote buying claims and the excessive corruption claims.

    Thaksin paid 72 million baht above the value of the land in an open auction, the seller (the juntas current finance minister) did not view itself as being damaged by the transaction and legal amendments had to be made for there even to be a charge to lay against Thaksin.

    What was he alleged to have done wrong.....Technical problems - how pathetic!

    Pridiyathorn Devakula defended the FIDF transaction, saying that it was transparent. Chanchai Boonritchaisri, a senior director of the central bank's Legal and Litigation Department, also claimed that the FIDF did not view itself as the damaged party, as the land was sold to the Shinawatras at a price higher than its then appraised value (about 700 million baht). The FIDF originally purchased the land from the bankrupt Erawan Trust in 1995 for 2.14 billion; Erawan Trust had seized the land from a defunct borrower for only 103 million baht.

    Jaruvan countered by complaining to the public about how some state agencies failed to co-operate with the AEC. She also accused claimed that Pridiyathorn violated the law by sitting on the Board of Directors of more than three state enterprises. Pridiyathorn later resigned from the junta-appointed government. The FIDF eventually filed charges against Thaksin and his wife, noting that "damage that occurred was not necessarily due to the price received during the auction, but rather technical problems." Jaruvan then sought legal amendments that allowed charges to be filed against public officials by parties who had not been damaged.

    How about the real crime here, a government agency paid 2.14 billion baht for a piece of land the Erawan Trust (owned by ex-Prime Minister, Major General Chatichai Choonhavan) acquired for just 103 million baht.

    It's not about the price. What Thaksin did wrong was buying property from a government related department while he was PM.

    You tell me any government in the world that wouldn't be ecstatic to sell an asset it's trying to offload for 10% above its value.

    Thaksin overpaid for a piece of land and you peanuts think its a crime.

    If this is proof of Thaksin's corruption, he should be glad that the Generals kicked him out or he would have bankrupted himself by now.

  14. A very elegant, kindly and caring woman.

    Who looked the other way while her brother and his cronies were attempting to rape the country.

    Sorry, but she is ugly on the inside. She betrayed her country. When you are PM, ignorance is no excuse.

    majority of thais dont think so...as free elections proved

    cheesy.gif What did she get last time ?. Under 30% wasn't it ?. And about 45% the time before that ?. And as I can see the 'PDRC' blame coming a mile off, remember more than 90% of the polling stations were open.

    Still, you managed to make a comment : well done.

    What did she get last time? She got the most!

    And the time before that? Well, she got the most then as well.

    And if there's another election? Guess what, she'll get the most again.

    Most, most, most, most.

    • Like 1
  15. Put the reforms and everything you do to the people, don't just say this is it take it or leave it, let the people decide, then the nation has spoken and the North East will have to wear it, at this time they have a valid argument, a national referendum might defuse the situation slightly.coffee1.gif

    If the nation is allowed to speak, the Junta will be gone in a week.

    • Like 1
  16. 2,700 pistols being sent south.

    I'm guessing the next yellow mob is going to be much better armed than the PDRC was, and that's really saying something.

    The yellows must also be running low on grenades after 204 days of Suthep and co blowing BKK up.

    Expect a few hundred launchers to be added to the list

    "The Yellow Mob?" Can you say "Tak Bai" three times in a row without choking on your tongue... You haven't a clue about the South do you?

    Do not be hard on the guy, obviously colour blind... whistling.gif

    I am more worried they will fall in to the hands of kids.

    Tak Bai killings is a result of Thaksin (the fugitive) order.

    Supreme leader General Prime Minister Prayuth the Great would only order more love and happiness; not killings.

    I picture you sitting at your keyboard chuckling away to yourself in awe of your own imagined comedic brilliance and I feel pity.

    What a waste of life.

    1,264 posts of the same childish and puerile repertoire.

    Small things, small minds.

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