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Posts posted by Robespiere

  1. 2,700 pistols being sent south.

    I'm guessing the next yellow mob is going to be much better armed than the PDRC was, and that's really saying something.

    The yellows must also be running low on grenades after 204 days of Suthep and co blowing BKK up.

    Expect a few hundred launchers to be added to the list

    Almost all the terrorist that have been caught doing the bombing were red. There were red training camps too. The reds were the ones that gunned down the kids in Trad while their leaders cheered on stage until someone smart told them this was bad PR and they had to shut up.

    So far the Yellow mob has always been more peaceful as the red mob. There have been idiot guards but they have been dealt with. They were not hidden away by the government like the reds did with their terrorists.

    Yellows don't need guns.. they got the army in their corner if push comes to shove.

    Aaahh... They've got the army in their corner.

    Your revelation fully explains where Suthep got all the M79 grenades from and why all the arrests have been so one sided.

    You don't even have a gun, yet you've managed to shoot yourself in the foot.

    Well done!

    • Like 1
  2. mainly those with wives from Isan!

    Share the Yellow view that those from the North are sub-human do you?

    What if you are not red and live in the rural North.??? Red sympathizers are dwindling up here, but if your not from Issan you would not know.

    Out of curiosity, is your wife from Issan? And if so are you offended by Love 1012's post?

  3. I quite agree with this. Thaksin is just too polarizing for Thailand and besides there is nothing really newsworthy about him anymore.

    You are quite wrong then.

    The Juntas dislike for Thaksin stems from the fact that he unites too many Thais (and therefore continues to win election after election).

    To say that there is nothing really newsworthy about Thaksin is even more wrong than your first error.

    This country will eventually be back in Thaksin's hands and how that change of government occurs will affect millions of peoples lives.

    There will most likely be more deaths and most certainly be more economic hardship before the ghastly yellows are finally done away with for good.

    Actually, he is very right. Thaksin DOES unite too many Thais. Those that love him AND those that hate him. That's why he is "polarizing".

    The first group is about triple the size of the second group.

  4. Good picture past and future PM's

    You may be right, as he is already just as qualified for the PM job as his mother. And you are always on the safe side if you count on the gullibility and short term memory of the lower classes. Just google Imelda Marcos.

    Who exactly is in the lower classes?

    Is it strictly a wealth issue?

    Lots of money = upper class, little or no money = lower class

    I wonder if the multi millionaire Generals currently running the country look down on you the same way your looking down on the vast majority of Thais who have less cash than you do.

    A lot of people who are deadbeats in their home countries come here, to a developing country, and find themselves at the opposite end of the wealth spectrum and instantly become judgemental bigots.

    "The lower classes". I suppose there are several ways to take this. I took it to mean, people who throw feces, burn coffins, throw contaminated human blood and threaten the judiciary. You obviously took it to be something more sinister, perhaps an indication of how your mind works.

    Very, very few Thais did any of the things you mention here.

    Out of the 67,000,000 Thais how many actually did any of the deeds you list?

    Probably less than 1,000, but even if the number was 100,000 that's still only 0.15% of the population - hardly enough to be considered a class.

    Good try, but you can't hide the yellow bigotry that easily.

    Your much loved Asian style apartheid is coming to an end.

    • Like 2
  5. 2,700 pistols being sent south.

    I'm guessing the next yellow mob is going to be much better armed than the PDRC was, and that's really saying something.

    The yellows must also be running low on grenades after 204 days of Suthep and co blowing BKK up.

    Expect a few hundred launchers to be added to the list

    "The Yellow Mob?" Can you say "Tak Bai" three times in a row without choking on your tongue... You haven't a clue about the South do you?

    I can say Tak Bai and Drug War as many times as you would like me to.

    Although Thaksin was, to a certain degree, complicit in both; he wasn't the one driving the bus on either occasion.

    The guns just won't make it all the way south to the Malay Patani area, most will get dropped off in the Surat Thani.

    The fact that the separatist movement has been drag gin on for so long, it would seem to be the Thai military that hasn't a clue about the south.

  6. Why is Thaksin in exile? I think your on a looser mate, over and out.

    Thaksin ran away because he is a convicted criminal ... convicted while HIS proxy party was in power.

    Thaksin's conviction is an absolute joke, just like the vote buying claims and the excessive corruption claims.

    Thaksin paid 72 million baht above the value of the land in an open auction, the seller (the juntas current finance minister) did not view itself as being damaged by the transaction and legal amendments had to be made for there even to be a charge to lay against Thaksin.

    What was he alleged to have done wrong.....Technical problems - how pathetic!

    Pridiyathorn Devakula defended the FIDF transaction, saying that it was transparent. Chanchai Boonritchaisri, a senior director of the central bank's Legal and Litigation Department, also claimed that the FIDF did not view itself as the damaged party, as the land was sold to the Shinawatras at a price higher than its then appraised value (about 700 million baht). The FIDF originally purchased the land from the bankrupt Erawan Trust in 1995 for 2.14 billion; Erawan Trust had seized the land from a defunct borrower for only 103 million baht.

    Jaruvan countered by complaining to the public about how some state agencies failed to co-operate with the AEC. She also accused claimed that Pridiyathorn violated the law by sitting on the Board of Directors of more than three state enterprises. Pridiyathorn later resigned from the junta-appointed government. The FIDF eventually filed charges against Thaksin and his wife, noting that "damage that occurred was not necessarily due to the price received during the auction, but rather technical problems." Jaruvan then sought legal amendments that allowed charges to be filed against public officials by parties who had not been damaged.

    How about the real crime here, a government agency paid 2.14 billion baht for a piece of land the Erawan Trust (owned by ex-Prime Minister, Major General Chatichai Choonhavan) acquired for just 103 million baht.

    It's not about the price. What Thaksin did wrong was buying property from a government related department while he was PM.

    No it wasn't wrong and therein lies the problem for the yellow peanuts.

    The property was bought out in the open, in a very public sealed bid auction, which the Shinawatra's won by placing the highest bid - 10% above the assessed value of the land and the seller, who just happens to be in a position of prominence in the current military Junta cabinet, was very happy with the price and vehemently defended the transaction.

    Laws had to be changed (which was easy to do under the then coup government) in order for charges to be laid.

    sought legal amendments that allowed charges to be filed

    Technical problems - so vague as to be so ridiculous that only a special kind of peanut could hear it, believe it and regurgitate it.

  7. Thaksin is synonym with corruption.

    To fight corruption, we have to fight Thaksin.

    To stop corruption, we have to stop Thaksin.

    So it was Thaksin who overpaid for the microphones and framed the two Burmese boys?

    Also, I didn't realise that there was no corruption in Thailand until Thaksin became PM. Since he is now out of the picture, I guess there is no more corruption in Thailand either.

    If you're going to talk the talk, you've also got to walk the walk.

    The General has got the talking bit down pat, it's the walking bit that he's not doing so well in.

    Now that Thaksin is gone has there been even the slightest of drops in corruption - no, I'm sure time will show it's been quite the opposite and the microphones are just the tip of the ice berg.

    Only fools bought the corruption story and only fools of the highest order still buy the corruption story.

    • Like 1
  8. The next picture I want to see is her wearing an orange jumpsuit in shackles... No one cares she's back from China.

    Just because you claim not to care, many normal people are interested in what she does. But it does seem that you do care enough to comment, again.

    mainly those with wives from Isan!

    Share the Yellow view that those from the North are sub-human do you?

    • Like 1
  9. "You do realise that this is the last coup?"

    That's what they said about the coup before last coup.

    "When an un-bastardised version democracy returns to Thailand, which it will, there will most likely be at least a decade of Shinawatra governments before they get voted out."

    I'd wait for it to happen in the West first.

    "Thaksin is going to be in the news an awful lot - get used to it."

    He will be when the PM says he can be. Get used to it.

    Edited to say: I typed very slowly so that you would get it.

    Heads up - the speed at which you type does not affect the speed at which I read.

    (It takes intelligence to be facetious, so I know that's not the case with your edited remarks)

    No thanks required for the guidance, I'm always happy to help those with intellectual limitations.

    • Like 2
  10. It amazes me that "The Press" still refer to him as 'former Prime minister'..They should be using his current description..."Criminal Fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra"

    The Nation is a pro-Thaksin newspaper. Bit like some of the other newspapers in Thailand.

    an intteresting observation tonbridge. I have never read a single pro-thaksin editorial or even news item in that paper- unless you mean that by not screeching for the beheading of a thaksin on a jungle path, they reveal their pro Shin sympathies-- is that it?

    Seriously- of late, the Nation has been a bit more prudent in its support for the coup- though it continues to feature lots of 'success' stories and polls irrefutably indicating the near universal (inside as well as out of thailand) popularity of the junta, This does NOT indicate that they are pro Thaksin- they may be seeking an eventual return to democracy-- but--- to call them Pro-0 Thaksin?

    Newspapers care about advertisers.

    Big business is worried about how much money the General has been spending on, of all things, populist policies and the complete lack of planning as to how the spending is going to be funded and ultimately paid back without entirely destroying the economy.

    In addition to the spending, many of the Generals reforms (foreign business ownership) his image (only ugly girls should wear bikinis) and his lack of leadership in fighting corruption (Koh Toa murders / microphones) is decimating inflows of international capital (investments / tourism).

    Economy in the tank = no profits for big business = no advertising dollars for newspapers

    This is why The Nation is now starting to reverse its unquestioning support of the coup.... self preservation.

    • Like 2
  11. I quite agree with this. Thaksin is just too polarizing for Thailand and besides there is nothing really newsworthy about him anymore.

    You are quite wrong then.

    The Juntas dislike for Thaksin stems from the fact that he unites too many Thais (and therefore continues to win election after election).

    To say that there is nothing really newsworthy about Thaksin is even more wrong than your first error.

    This country will eventually be back in Thaksin's hands and how that change of government occurs will affect millions of peoples lives.

    There will most likely be more deaths and most certainly be more economic hardship before the ghastly yellows are finally done away with for good.

    There are uncountable newsworthy stories about Thaksin... Most of them are about corruption, extra judicial killings, domestic terrorism and a megalomaniac that demands his followers stringently follow his every word. You must know this quote very, very well: "Thaksin thinks Pheu Thai acts" ...for the right price.

    You do realise that this is the last coup?

    When an un-bastardised version democracy returns to Thailand, which it will, there will most likely be at least a decade of Shinawatra governments before they get voted out.

    Thaksin is going to be in the news an awful lot - get used to it.

  12. Good picture past and future PM's

    You may be right, as he is already just as qualified for the PM job as his mother. And you are always on the safe side if you count on the gullibility and short term memory of the lower classes. Just google Imelda Marcos.

    Who exactly is in the lower classes?

    Is it strictly a wealth issue?

    Lots of money = upper class, little or no money = lower class

    I wonder if the multi millionaire Generals currently running the country look down on you the same way your looking down on the vast majority of Thais who have less cash than you do.

    A lot of people who are deadbeats in their home countries come here, to a developing country, and find themselves at the opposite end of the wealth spectrum and instantly become judgemental bigots.

    • Like 1
  13. This general is doing more good for Thailand than anyone has ever-

    He is destroying its image and reputation to such an extent he is turning all the country slowly Red.

    By the time Bangkok crashes and businesses vanish and the middle class Thai/Chinese Gold store owners lament their Protests which started almost a year ago-

    This Junta would have Galvanised the entire country *(against it

    Even right wing elitist mouth pieces like the NATION newspaper are starting to raise questions about the course this THAI_TANIC is on.

    Which is extraordinary in itself

    Red shirt uprising blah blah blah, seething masses Blah Blah Blah, Bangkok crashes blah blah blah.

    In your adolescent wet dreams boyo.

    Late 2015 or early 2016

  14. ... ... ...

    How about the real crime here, a government agency paid 2.14 billion baht for a piece of land the Erawan Trust (owned by ex-Prime Minister, Major General Chatichai Choonhavan) acquired for just 103 million baht.

    We Dutch acquired Manhattan in 1626 for what would now be about $1050. Seems prices go up.

    Mind you, the topic is not on land cases but on Thaksin profiting from the coup, according to Pol. Captain Chalerm that is. Amazing really. Imagine Thaksin urging the Military to stage a coup against his sister so he (i.e. Thaksin) can profit? That's devious, conniving and so rolleyes.gif

    Prices go up for various reasons though.

    In this particular instance the 2 billion baht price for land picked up for 103 million baht was an underhanded bailout of a trust run by former PM Major General Chatchai.

    Thaksin’s wife Potjaman Shinawatra purchased the land in question from the Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF) via a public auction, as allowed under the law. The purchase price was 772 million baht, which was actually higher than the Land Department’s appraisal price at the time of approximately 700 million baht. The “reduced rate” suggested is with reference to the FIDF’s own purchase price for the land of 2 billion baht in 1995 from Erawan Trust Finance and Securities. This intentionally overpriced purchase occurred during a property market boom and went through as a mechanism to effectively bail out Erawan, which was facing liquidity issues. Perhaps someone should investigate the properness of that deal, rather than trying to put the blame on Thaksin?


    So Erawan Trust seize land for 103 million baht and then they sell it to the FIDF for 2.14 billion baht. So the 2.14 billion value in 1995 was some arbitrary figure to help Erawan Trust. If so, shouldn’t we just ignore the 2.14 billion baht figure because it seems grossly overpriced. The 2.14 billion price also raises some other questions as Somboon Kuptimnas, the director of SC Asset Corporation Plc’s legal office is reported as stating:

    In fact, the ASC should ask the FIDF
    why it paid more than two billion baht for the land before auctioning it off
    , said Mr Somboon.

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