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Posts posted by Spock

  1. 16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I think a lockdown is inevitable. 


    But, lets not panic - the numbers in Thailand are still far far less than exist in our home countries. 


    That said, the ‘whole numbers’ are somewhat irrelevant and simply depend on the amount of people tested. 

    If Thailand were to test 100,000 random cases per day, how many of those would be positive. 

    400,000 per day? how many of those?

    Testing 3000 people per day who have symptoms or been exposed to someone with symptoms or have tested positive is a highly misleading observation / metric of the true picture of the Covid-19 outbreak in Thailand. 



    Of far greater significance is: 

    1) Number of People who have died because of Covid-19

    2) Number of People in ICU because of Covid-19 (and available beds)

    3) Number of serious Covid-19 cases (i.e. Number of people in hospitals requiring treatment for Covid-19)



    Thailand still needs to concentrate on getting the Vaccines distributed as quickly as possible. 









    If your home country is Australia or New Zealand then Thailand's numbers are certainly not way less than those 2 countries.

  2. 34 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    So your calling me a fear monger now.  Wow, no fear mongering at all, just being a realist about lack of testing and what is the true end result.  If you think that's not right well then I feel sorry for you that you can not accept reality.  

    The reality is that nearly every country in the world is rolling out the virus and international travel will not occur until the majority of populations are vaccinated. You might not want to go anywhere in the next few years, but many of us long for the freedom to travel again and meet up with loved ones overseas.

    • Like 2
  3. 14 minutes ago, Jurg said:

    How much will it take for many people around this world, to accept, that presently greater number of Tourism simply cannot happen without bringing and spreading the virus with its variants of mutations into a country. See what happens all over Europe ????

    Without doubt it will be years if ever again the world can open  to Mass Tourism as we knew prior to Covid-19. 


    Please note:

    Australia and New Zealand , which is practically "Covid-19" free, doesn't open up to Tourism either. 

    Australia and New Zealand are nanny states that mollycoddle their citizens and impose layers of rules and regulations on everything. The world needs to start living again as soon as possible. As someone stuck in Australia, I can hardly wait for the opportunity to get out. Problem is that caution and bureaucracy have set back the vaccine rollout by many months in Australia. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Big Yuley said:

    I think your bigger worry is Australia letting you out. And if they do let you out, might want you to Quarantine when you return.

    If the current vaccination rate in Australia continues, us Aussies aint going anywhere until next year.


    The vaccination program in this country is worse than Thailands.

    The Australian government said that 4 million would be vaccinated by the end of April. The actual figure is 640000. Just 3.6 million behind target. Does Thailand actually offer a vaccine for travellers? If it did, I think I too would take advantage of it.


  5. 3 hours ago, willr said:

    Exactly  I flew into Thailand on October to see my family and returned to Australia December.Registered with the Australian embassy in Bangkok.

    They have repatriation flights every Sunday until march 2021.

    With Thai or Singapore Airlines.

    They did say if you knock back a flight.you will be removed of the list.

    Something more to this story he could've come back long ago if he really wanted to.

    So you had to quarantine both ends? Expensive trip. And you did not have to remain outside Australia for 3 months?! I am assuming you paid for your repatriated flight given you flew in in October.

  6. 1 hour ago, tandor said:

    ...agree..he's young, single, no ties (but sharing on a meagre salary of AU$10000 per month), with both feet in paradise...he is better off than a lot of us retirees here!

    If its that urgent, he could, borrow the money, by a small yacht and island-hop his way home..what an adventure that would be!

    Another person who does not pay attention to detail. You added a '0' to the GF's salary. She earns $1000 a month not $10000!

  7. 3 hours ago, happyaussie said:

    I was in a very similar situation beginning early March. Booked and paid for 4 different flights over 6 months. Each was cancelled and I am still trying to get some refunded.


    I finally returned to Australia in November aboard a repatriation flight organized by the Australian Embassy. 


    I found the Australian Embassy in Bangkok very helpful. And trust me, that's a big call coming from me. I have a very low regard for Australian politics and politicians. 


    In a nutshell, anyone saying they've been left stranded at this time should take responsibility for their actions. 


    Just because you got home means everyone else should have too! There are about 37000 Australians stranded overseas and the Australian governments have only allowed a trickle in. The whole repatriation operation operates on shifting sands and changing conditions.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, EricTh said:

    I smell something fishy here. If he has no money, how did he survive in Thailand for one year? 


    No friends or family to help him return back to Australia is also fishy. How did he fly to Hong Kong in the first place to do his 'business'?

    Are you another one who did not read the article!? So many are quick to criticise on the basis of a tiny bit of knowledge.

    • Like 1
  9. 15 hours ago, madmen said:

    He has a social security umbrella in Australia including free medical. 

    He has been banned from future assistance flights probably for registering on them and then pulling out last minute. The embassy have been very vocal on this and rightly so. 


    He sounds like a total loser leaching off his GF at his age. 

    I guess you didn't bother to read the full article. If you had you'd have known the reason why he was not able to board previous assistance flights. It was no fault of his own.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, starky said:

    Bwahahah no mate I can just afford to look after myself. It costs a minimum of 3800 aud to stay in <deleted>  australian accommodation where I dont get a choice so to pay an extra 1000 to get top flight accommodation in a country a love wasn't even worth thinking about. Hardly hiso mate. If you think a few thousand baht a day is "hiso" says a lot more about you than me champ.

    f you are paying $4800 for 14 days accommodation in Thailand, I also think you are pretty hiso.

    • Haha 2
  11. 4 hours ago, koolkarl said:

    Paradise. With aqi through the entire country at hazardous levels today, hardly paradise, more like purgatory.

    It takes about 10 years to properly develop a vaccine, if ever. I seriously doubt that a safe, effective vaccine exists today.

    Norway just announced that the Pfizer vaccine should not be administered to seniors. I wouldn't trust it.

    The covid insurance is another racket. I personally know 3 filipinas, who are teachers in Thailand, arranged covid insurance

    with Pacific Cross. They tested positive upon arrival in Bangkok and  were hospitalized.  Pacific Cross either didn't pay or

    paid 50% max. These girls had no money.  All covid bills should be sent to communist China.

    As far as I am concerned, Thailand is finished as a tourist destination.  There are a number of other countries one can enter

    and stay without all the onerous and expensive requirements of this Thai gov.

    What other Asian countries can be visited without quarantining? 

    If I was a senior in Norway I would be demanding the vaccine. Don't understand how any government could deny anyone access to it, let alone seniors. 

  12. 6 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    Correct, no one wants to but should you wish to return to Thailand as it stands there's no other option.


    Stupid for tourists to come i agree but for long term expats with families at the current time there's no other choice.

    True, but why would expats want to pay top dollar for luxury accommodation rather than budget accommodation that is not going to cost thousands of dollars. Might be alright for rich expats but not for the average person on a modest income. Cambodia's quarantine system if applied to tourist visa holders in Thailand would be a much more affordable option.

  13. 6 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

    They want to limit drinking so that people are less likely to gather in larger groups. Also from a health point of view, drinking is known to lower the immune system. 

    Right, but not even draconian Australia would be so protective of citizens as to ban alcohol sales. For me it says a lot of a negative nature that Thailand's knee jerk reaction to elections, religions and covid is for the government to ban alcohol sales. Limiting people's ability to move around would seem a more reasonable first stage restriction than banning alcohol sales. And if stuck in lockdown with curfews, banning alcohol sales as happened last time seems a particularly cruel restriction to apply. 

    • Like 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    Why does the government continue to treat the electorate like they're all backwards thinking knuckel dragging yokels?

    I think a large part of the electorate are straight wowserish people who probably avoid alcohol anyway. I much prefer the wild west feel of the likes of Cambodia to Thailand now. I once lived in Thailand 7 years and loved the country, but now many aspects of it are as unappealing to me as my native country Australia. Other aspects, like the Thai prison system, are as unenlightened and inhumane as ever. Perhaps if I was a foreigner who had married into Thai society and was bringing up kids there, I might feel more comfortable with Thailand's growing conservatism. Each to their own, but it's not a country in which I feel comfortable anymore.

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