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Posts posted by Spock

  1. The dog did not choose to be a stray and deserves more compassion than is shown by many posters here. Why does the woman feed the dog? Because she owned it as a pup then put it on the street when it was no longer cute and lovable? Or because she feels she will gain merit by feeding it? Suggestions of befriending the dog are morally far more acceptable than rat poison or sticks with nails. I fully understand the dog owner's concern for his two small dogs and he should be able to enjoy a walk with them without feeling harassed. But unfortunately this a country that makes no attempt to control the dog and cat population through neutering programs, as a result of which dogs are forced to fend for themselves in the streets. It's a dilemma and I hope the owner can find a solution that doesn't involve cruelty and suffering for the unfortunate stray.

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  2. 4 hours ago, OnTheGround said:


    This could had gone terrible wrong, had a vehicle tailgated this ambulance, as they often do.


    The ambulance driver should be sacked.

    After Channel 3 show this video, I assume he was called in to human resources and kicked out.



    Sacking alone is too kind. The driver is representing the value of human life in Thailand. It's just totally incompetent and inexcusable that the door wasn't properly closed and that the patient is able to just slide out when it opened. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, malibukid said:

    America is really deleted up.  full of morons who voted for a moron. it's doomed.  about time for them to wake up, but i doubt even this will change things.  so far 50,000 dead.  hey let's go to the beach.

    The country has 4 times more cases than any other country. And an idiot of a president suggesting injecting disinfectant or sticking lights in bodies. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, JimLuce said:

    Hmm, uhm my plan, tough question let’s see here. I know we’re going to stay where we are and keep going on with our life. No reason not to lol. I hope it doesn’t drop again because of the virus. It started improving before the virus so probably not but governments stimulating their economies might have something to do with this progress it’s almost back up to 33 baht to the USD again I haven’t seen the USD doing this well in Thailand in ten years. So hell yeah I’m stayin in Thailand you’d have to be crazy to leave now. And leaving now would only cause even more craziness and unrest.

    Just stay put, take reasonable precautions, and it’ll blow over eventually they always do I know this one is scarier than usual because of it’s incubation period but we’ll get through it so the answer is KEEP MOVING FORWARD! I love that quote it’s my favorite inspirational quote. From Rocky 6. 


    You haven't seen the US dollar do well in years! Australian dollars holders envy you people.Our dollar was worth more than yours 7 years ago and the exchange rate for baht reached 35 baht. Now you get about 19 bahy ir 57 cents. You have it easy.

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  5. 10 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    What precautions are they taking in jail? if any or dont you know yet?

    I didn't know earlier, but my friend's wife visited him in jail today and the warden told her the prisoners had all been given what I assume is flu vaccine as a precaution. This is in a provincial medium to long term prison on the outskirts of Bangkok. No white falang prisoners.

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Outbreak of Covid-19 in a Thai prison will condemn the prison population and guards to infection and death. Considering the number of inmates with TB, HIV and other ailments, a large number will die.

    I have a Thai friend in jail with a low immune system who has twice contracted TB during his 7 years inside. I have warned him about the virus by mail. Thai jails are tailor made for the spread of disease and infection.

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