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Posts posted by Spock

  1. 5 minutes ago, nottocus said:

    Balanced standard of justice and Thailand in the same sentence.


    That is funny.


    Anyway, I am all for this type of animal being executed...hopefully with a bit of tortue thrown in first.

    Actually I agree with your first 2 sentences, but in comparison to your own standards of justice, Thailand's actually seemed quite civilized. Everything's relative, I guess.

  2. 23 minutes ago, MobileContent said:

    In  our village we had an old man trying to molest a kid and he got a big beating.


    Then his daughter came over our house and gave us all her dogs because she court his father raping the dogs and also trying it on the chickens.


    The family was so shy they moved out of our village from Sakon Nakhon to Chiang Mai.


    Their are some real psycho's around here in Thailand where a small girl means nothing.

    The psychos might be real but justice should be balanced not emotive and vengeful. We don't all share the same advantages and negative shit in life. And someone who moves from kids, to dogs then chooks perhaps needs even more understanding than conventional offenders.  

  3. 14 minutes ago, nottocus said:

    Can any anti death penalty people explain why this guy doesn't deserve it? Or the scumbag in the bkk post today who raped his 16 year old daughter to get back at his wife who left him? 

    This hardly warrants the death penalty. The guy has a problem but he at least released her when she objected. Enough of the melodramatics. At least examine the situation with some degree of rationality instead of presenting your emotive over the top knee jerk reaction as a civilized solution.

  4. It's outrageous that the sea gypsies are being driven off their land by developers. Surely the authorities and Phuket administration must stand up in defence of the gypsies. They have every right to live on the land and should not be required to undergo these ridiculous court procedures in order to claim what is rightfully theirs in the first place. Those seeking to profit from the eviction of these gentle people have no social or moral conscience. Thailand cannot call itself a developing country while it allows the rich to prey on the poor.

  5. 7 hours ago, robblok said:

    Been here 10 years and you ? 


    Has nothing to do with Thais.. nobody is saying they acted correctly. They went overboard that is clear. But it seems the Brit tourists first misbehaved, are you saying that its so unbelievable that drunks are beligirent and aggressive and provoke action ? Not in my book seen them from all nationalities (so if your defending them because your a Brit just stop). Drunk people can be real like <deleted> on steroids (alcohol in this case). Take a normal <deleted>.. ad alcohol and you get an super idiot. There are many people who can't handle their drink and get annoying / aggressive. So yes I buy this story. 

    View the video and make a rational decision regarding the behaviour of the bouncers. Bouncers are meant to be trained to deal with drunks of all persuasions rather than kick them in the head when they are alone and unable to defend themselves. You sir are an ass.

  6. I arrive in Cambodia tomorrow and this article is a timely reminder of the c**t that rules that country and oppresses its people. What a shame someone has not come up with a successful method to rid Cambodia of this piece of shit of a leader. 'An affair with a hairdresser' is hardly a politically relevant matter, except to someone like Hun Sen, who is himself guilty of the worst of crimes against the opposition and humanity in general.

  7. If you don't like the thread topic then don't read the replies or comment. I thought the topic was quite OK and something I could relate to from personal experience.

    If you don't like the replies, don't read them or comment. See how easy it is to use your playground logic? Grow up.

    These 'Inspire' topics are propaganda trolling and spinning to cast Thailand in a light that's already faded.

    What absolute crap. The article is about learning Thai through conversing with ordinary people, in particular taxi drivers. It is not an 'inspire' article. And I hardly see what 'grow up' has to do with my comment. I just get sick of the desire of some posters to rip into anything that doesn't fit their negative agenda.

    I see that... However, most posters are probably well balanced... They see an abundance of positive things in Thailand which is why they are living here, they also see great deal of negative things and would like to see improvement... much in the same way as Thai's do.

    Of course, there are some overly negative, bitter and sadly twisted individuals who like to troll, however, a thread regarding taxi's brings out an abundance of negatively charged comments from numerous balanced posters for one very simple reason - Our experiences with Taxi's for the most part are generally negative.

    I've been keeping sort of a mental running tally... Turn downs, poor driving, attempts at overcharging, refusal of meter etc... things I'm not happy with - I'm probably running at 7 negative experiences per 1 positive....

    Others don't have these issues such as Soi Biker who made an interesting thread a while back which identified that it is perhaps location and time which more greatly influences negative experiences. I'm in central Sukhumvit so I guess thats a factor.

    One things is for sure... My experiences of Taxi drivers (which of course differs from others) is most definitely not a positive one - In fact its a surprise to me when things run 'normally' without issue.

    And, No... its not an easy Job for Taxi drivers, conditions are fairly poor, some passengers are probably quite impolite, but hey, my job isn't all roses either, we all work hard.

    So, with balance in mind - I don't really agree with the article... I had some very good conversations with Taxi drivers, a very small percentage... but most are juvenile... "You have Thai Wife?... From Isaan? You like Boom Boom, I take you lady now"..... Its tiresome...

    As you say, the area you live in will have a large influence over your view of taxi drivers. I understand fully your perspective living in Sukhumvit. Out in the sticks, the conversations with drivers are less sexually orientated and more pleasant and not one driver has refused to use a meter. Foreigners are more of a novelty out this way and drivers genuinely more curious and friendly. However your reply is perfectly reasonable and welcome in the context of the thread.

  8. If you don't like the thread topic then don't read the replies or comment. I thought the topic was quite OK and something I could relate to from personal experience.

    If you don't like the replies, don't read them or comment. See how easy it is to use your playground logic? Grow up.

    These 'Inspire' topics are propaganda trolling and spinning to cast Thailand in a light that's already faded.

    What absolute crap. The article is about learning Thai through conversing with ordinary people, in particular taxi drivers. It is not an 'inspire' article. And I hardly see what 'grow up' has to do with my comment. I just get sick of the desire of some posters to rip into anything that doesn't fit their negative agenda.

  9. I speak enough Thai to get around and have a basic conversation. I agree wholeheartedly with the article and have had enjoyed many opportunities to practice Thai with Taxi drivers. I have found all but one or two to be very honest and had several return me more change than required. Admittedly most of my rides have been in the less touristed Rangsit and Pathum Thani areas. The criticism of the OP is totally unjustified. Some posters just look for things to criticise. If you don't like the thread topic then don't read the replies or comment. I thought the topic was quite OK and something I could relate to from personal experience.

  10. Three posters in particular - chiang mai, Roobuk and Metapod - clearly indicate that their life and Thai experience have taught them absolutely nothing about justice and acceptable public behaviour. Their views belong to another much earlier and far more primitive era. Thankfully their opinions are not representative of the average farang, nor of the majority of Thai people who would find their defence of Thai macho brutality and loss of face excuse irrelevant to this situation. As human beings the three posters are trash, on the same level as the thugs depicted in the video.

    I feel honoured to be included in a small group who are capable of understanding a short video and comprehending the cultures that underscores it.

    Perhaps time for you to go home now that your holiday here is over because you haven't learned very much, you especially don't realise that this aint Kansas!

    I am Australian not American and am living in Thailand - in Pathum Thani where there are few foreigners. I also speak Thai. I don't know any Thais capable of kicking unconscious old women nor do I see a culture here that underscores such acts.

  11. Three posters in particular - chiang mai, Roobuk and Metapod - clearly indicate that their life and Thai experience have taught them absolutely nothing about justice and acceptable public behaviour. Their views belong to another much earlier and far more primitive era. Thankfully their opinions are not representative of the average farang, nor of the majority of Thai people who would find their defence of Thai macho brutality and loss of face excuse irrelevant to this situation. As human beings the three posters are trash, on the same level as the thugs depicted in the video.

    The three posters mentioned are only pointing out that the tourists were not blameless in the incident.

    No they are not. They are suggesting they got what they deserved. That is so obviously untrue. The fight is about as fair as an elephant crushing a mouse. The outcome is out of all proportion to anything that the Brits may have said or done to warrant a response from the Thai men.

  12. Three posters in particular - chiang mai, Roobuk and Metapod - clearly indicate that their life and Thai experience have taught them absolutely nothing about justice and acceptable public behaviour. Their views belong to another much earlier and far more primitive era. Thankfully their opinions are not representative of the average farang, nor of the majority of Thai people who would find their defence of Thai macho brutality and loss of face excuse irrelevant to this situation. As human beings the three posters are trash, on the same level as the thugs depicted in the video.

    That's rather unfair. They've mostly just pointed out what actually happened - it's clear for anyone to see if you watch the video carefully.

    Mate I have watched it three times or more. The only truly brutal blows are inflicted on the tourists not the Thais. If you think it is OK to make cowardly attacks on old people and women, kicking them savagely when they are lying unconscious on the ground, then you are unfit to call yourself a man. No sane Thai would agree with you or your 'friends'.

  13. Three posters in particular - chiang mai, Roobuk and Metapod - clearly indicate that their life and Thai experience have taught them absolutely nothing about justice and acceptable public behaviour. Their views belong to another much earlier and far more primitive era. Thankfully their opinions are not representative of the average farang, nor of the majority of Thai people who would find their defence of Thai macho brutality and loss of face excuse irrelevant to this situation. As human beings the three posters are trash, on the same level as the thugs depicted in the video.

  14. I cannot understand how anyone can watch the video and defend the Thais who bashed and kicked the foreigners. Whatever provocation there may have been, and there does not seem to have been any of substance, the brutality of the attack is utterly indefensible. I must say I loathe posters who insist on seeking fault in the victims of such attacks, as though a few loose words or even a slap warrant blows and kicks that would look more at home in gang warfare rather than against an elderly couple, their son and a good samaritan attempting to prevent unnecessary violence. Some people on here need to seriously assess their morality and sense of justice, because those suggesting the foreigners invited this kind of attack are living in a world far removed from any that I wish to inhabit.

  15. My opinion is for people who have not experienced the Laos visa run before, or for those who did but were not paying attention.

    I've done the round-trip visa run twice in a van from Bkk. Both times having very reckless drivers who tailgate even large trucks which you can't see around at high speeds. I'm talking almost kissing bumpers at 100 kph+! Almost had several accidents. Experienced one event of road rage by another vehicle who apparently didn't appreciate how our driver was driving. No seat belts in the last round-trip van, except for the front left seat (where you will actually be the first to die)! Same driver drives each 8-hour leg. He will only take two to three 20 minute gas station/bathroom breaks (+ a 45 minute dinner break on the return to Bkk). Also, I noted a huge lack of highway safety features. There are many large trees or worse along the dark highway which aren't even separated by Thailand's substandard made guardrails. Some Krails were noted, but that is not the norm. It would only take a tire to blow to send your vehicle into a tree. Certain sudden death would probably be the outcome (if you were lucky). Think about it. Do you think the emergency services in rural Thailand are swift & competent? From now on I'm flying. By the way, like the brief video.

    You can always go by train! It is quite comfortable and inexpensive. You don't have to take a van.

  16. One legal system for the rich and another for the poor, now offering luxury penal accommodation to the few rich criminals unfortunate enough not to have already avoided responsibility for their crime. A disgraceful government which feathers the nests of its own people and cronies, and shits in everyone else's. Hun Sen exhibits the worst traits of SEA leaders - corruption, cruelty, cronyism all flourish under his rule. No surprise that a user pays system should determine the quality of a prisoner's sentence.

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