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Posts posted by Spock

  1. 5 minutes ago, whaleboneman said:

    Just because the guy is trying to educate some doesn't mean he looks down on them.

    I can speak Thai reasonably well but have not yet learned to read it. I would have appreciated the Thai in the romanized alphabet so that I could learn something. Using Thai script and the English translation educates nobody. I just thought it ironic that he would choose this approach given he was criticizing supremacist attitudes.

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  2. I like dogs and feel sorry for animals dumped by humans and left to fend for themselves. The people who seek to help them by providing food, shelter and paying vet bills are not deserving of the criticism leveled at them here. Compassion to animals in a society that can so easily dispose of a canine friend is a quality that deserves respect. Neutering is the obvious long term solution but is not the responsibility of the do gooders. Wishing dogs death by cold is also not the most moral approach to a man made problem. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    What about cock fights, dog fights, horse racing, harness racing, rodeo's, greyhound racing or the English gentlemen's sport of fox hunting and what about the Olympic sport of show jumping. If you follow or support any of these then you are also a moron and too stupid for words because they all have animal cruelty involved in the training or the performance of these animals

    Which doesn't condone yet another form of animal cruelty involved in training an elephant. Elephants are also not meant to be physiologically designed to carry large weights on their backs. Nevertheless, maybe many wouldn't exist without their role in human enslavement or entertainment. They can't all be wandering around national parks, nature and retirement reserves.

  4. 21 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    You must really have a drinking problem if you think no one can stop once they start drinking. I drink socially and quite a lot sometimes. I rarely get drunk, because I do stop. I do not like getting drunk. In forty years, my wife says she has seen me drunk twice.

    I drink daily but never enough to get drunk or anywhere near it. There is nothing worse than vomiting through drunkenness or suffering a hangover next morning.

  5. 8 hours ago, dpdp said:

    It has always been 0.5 but I consider this stupid. Who is able to stop when starting to drink ? It should be 0.0. And 1 month automatic jail for any offender !


    I have no problem with people drinking or even taking drug IF THEY DO IT AT HOME and no not endanger anybody's life.



    I am able to pace myself. Some people are able to exercise self control over their alcohol intake.

  6. There are a lot more really straight people living in Thailand than I thought. Sure taxis are cheap and if you are going to have a night on the town best to take a taxi home. But you are perfectly capable of having a standard drink every hour or more and stay under the limit. I would have less than this to be on the safe side, but the belief that no alcohol whatsoever should be consumed before driving is a little over the top.

  7. I was asked if I was over 60 getting change at a booth then told I could travel half price. Never had a problem again - never required to produce proof. I'd almost prefer if I was asked for age ID!

  8. 6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO a very erroneous headline.

    I came on expecting to read about Thais abusing a wheelchair bound person simply because they were in a wheelchair ie an anti para tirade, but it's actually about a wheelchair user being somewhere they shouldn't be and being rude to staff because they are "wealthy" and apparently think they are special.

    Or at least that's what you think it is without really knowing. Like everyone else in this thread.

  9. 34 minutes ago, davidcc said:

    I do not know the circumstances and I could be wrong of course;  but for a Thai customer to get that upset, she must have been rude and abrasive.  I have a friend in a wheel chair and he has lived in Thailand for over 16 years and never had an issue at all. In fact he is treated incredibly well, wherever he goes. He gets taxis, goes to bars, restaurants and movies. But he is polite, mild mannered and respectful of Thai culture. The Thai people have treated him so well, over the years. It is why he lives in Thailand.


    From my experience I have to say (not all), the people from the Middle East and India really do need to learn some manners and respect for other people’s culture. In 20 years I have seen how they shout, put their feet up on seats, argue over a few baht, demand discounts, cause problems at stations and generally are totally ignorant of the fact this is not their country. They have no respect for the Thai culture, their religion and their etiquette.  So I will defend the Thai’s on this, as I bet she was rude, ignorant and arrogant. I see it almost on a daily basis and quite frankly they need to be told. I for one, am tired of their rude arrogance and unpleasant attitude to other cultures. Sorry but seen too much of it over the years. If I am wrong in this particular instance, I am sorry. And the same goes for any other nationality too, that can't be civilised and polite. I am not prejudiced in any way. I am not being prejudiced but just stating what I have seen and heard many times over the years. Not just in Thailand but anywhere I have been. If you expect people to respect you, show them respect.



    By the way...the guy is right !....It is Thailand and if you don't like it, leave. 

    Yeah but you do say 'I bet' meaning you really don't know which is the problem with lots of comments in this thread. The evidence to offer an opinion either way is simply not there.

  10. 2 hours ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

    Thais don't react like that unless you provoke them.  At least not Thais having a meal in a cafe in the middle of the day.


    She probably took offence to staff telling her to go another way, said something bad, and then all hell broke loose.


    Ultimately if that is the case she is at fault because she instigated the problem by being so lazy, then furthered it by arguing.

    If the muslim offended the staff why are they wai'ing the Thai men to stop their aggressive tirade? The staff seem a bit embarrassed by the Thai reaction.


  11. 6 hours ago, keith101 said:

    If she wasn't in there to eat she shouldn't have been in there and i agree with the men in telling her to get out , probably trying to use the wheelchair for sympathy just to take a short cut through the hotel and what isn't said is whether she was staying in the hotel . 

    Nothing to do with her being Muslim or not just not showing respect .

    You certainly picked up more from the audio than i did. There seems to be a lot not said or done that you seem to have guessed at or have knowledge of but I don't see how you can conclude as you do on the available evidence. 

  12. 8 hours ago, chilli42 said:

    What I find truly shocking is they when I think about all the PM’s Thailand has had in the last 30 years this guy is far from the worst.  I am sure many of you can recall the days when the Thai PM was not an elected official .... so not even that is unique here.  BTW, before you jump to conclusions I am not suggesting he is doing his job or that he should hang in longer.  It’s just that the parade of mischief makers has been so questionable that the incumbent does not even seem that bad in comparison.

    I actually agree with you to some extent - Thailand seems incapable of producing a democratically elected PM of worth. Perhaps this says as much about the Thai political system and the expectations of the electorate as the calibre of individuals on offer for the PM role. The best leader I can recall was a short term appointee, Anand,  following the overthrow of the Suchinda government in 1992, who at least introduced some much needed reform. Thailand has not produced leaders able to combine charisma and competence. Thaksin seemed the most likely to play the kind of role expected of a PM, but like so many before and after him, fell short of the qualities required of an effective democratic leader. Hence the military interventions and the Prayuts that get to rule this country. Really it's kind of sad that Thailand doesn't seem to have made genuine political progress in the last two and a half decades.

  13. 8 hours ago, steven100 said:

    guess you could say that about most politicians everywhere ....  Australia especially ...  :coffee1:

    Except that in Australia a politician is a lot more accountable to the constituency than in Thailand. Prawit's watches wouldn't survive public scrutiny with impunity and the PM wouldn't threaten the electorate with a more ruthless version of himself if anyone dared question his mate's integrity. And Australia has elections every 3 years. If you don't like them you can vote them out.

  14. 1 hour ago, saakura said:

    Cant understand how anybody can ever get any sexual feeling for a 4 year old child. It has to be some kind of inborn disorder a person is born with. Anyone with such a disorder is better off being medically castrated.

    In these sorts of cases people forget the core issue - namely, that prisoners are left to die in captivity because there is no medical assistance for them. The guy could have been in for theft or murder and still would have suffered the same fate. I am sure this man did have some inborn disorder and I am certain life would have been largely unpleasant for someone with this sexual proclivity. This doesn't mean that he and other prisoners should be denied basic human rights, including medical treatment, when incarcerated. He did the crime and was doing the time - but did he deserve to die because the prison doesn't even provide basic medical assistance? Show some basic humanity rather than allowing your prejudices to blind you to injustice.

  15. 2 hours ago, jimn said:

    Stupid behaviour by a stupid woman who thought she was above the law. Like it or not e cigs are illegal here. Most people know that. Police were well within their rights to drag here to a cell. In fact I thought they were quite restrained. In some countries much more force would have been used.

    The kind of straight wholesomeness you support here is why many years back I sought to flee Australia for less regimented environments not wishing to nanny its citizens' lives. Thailand now seems determined to join the ranks of countries espousing puritanical policies and lifestyles while maintaining a hypocritical oversight of the excesses of the rich and powerful. 5 years jail for possession of an ecig and vaping paraphernalia is absurd. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    It is a similar situation with many places that Thais need to go to. Everyone gets there very early so they don't have to wait, but then they have to wait anyway because the place isn't open yet/the doctor hasn't arrived etc. Thai logic in action. If you instead arrive 20 minutes before closing you usually don't have to wait at all as the crowds have gone. Try explaining that to a Thai though.

    The same applies to prison visits. Lots of people arrive well before visiting time so you have to wait quite a while in the morning but in the afternoon visiting is relatively easy.

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