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Everything posted by timendres

  1. He will need a better tailor to step up to that.
  2. Agents, in general, are 100% legal. Some agents are exceptionally good at what they do. That said, some do provide services that are questionable. For myself, having to renew a work permit, then an extension based on that work permit (the extension requiring nearly 100 pages of documentation, all in Thai), there is no way on earth I would renew without an agent.
  3. There is no such thing as "a kind of independent WP for foreigners" What you are confusing is that some years ago, the rules were "relaxed" on work permits to allow someone with a work permit to work at multiple locations, or even in some cases, multiple jobs. However, the work permit itself did not change. In other words, you still need to have a work permit based on the existing requirements - working for a company that issues the WP. For example, I have a work permit issued to me by my company to work as a software developer / manager. Once I have that work permit, I can then work another job that is not listed on the work permit. However, you do still need to have the employer who issued the WP approve that additional work. In other words, the employer who issues the WP must be aware of and approve the additional work.
  4. Maybe you are from the US (Georgia is in your name, but maybe that is the Georgia next to Eastern Europe). I am from Michigan. When I first came to Thailand in 2002, the experience was mind blowing. Dropping acid would be the only thing I can think of that affected me more. You may not find yourself, but I believe it will help you move in that direction. Book the trip, plan a two or three month stay. Do Bangkok, an island, then maybe some time in Isaan. I would not try to move around too much. It will just waste time and energy. Settle into a location. Absorb it. The almost overwhelming sensation of being in such a foreign place is incredible. It has real value.
  5. It is what kept him going. Myself, if it weren't for caffeine, I would be in a coma.
  6. The green card is of little consequence, since no one will be checking that. If you can book the plane ticket with the name in her passport, you should be fine. The airlines and immigration are only interested in her passport. Then, upon arrival, you can get a new passport issued with her new last name.
  7. This may sound crazy, but another possible solution is to fix your marriage. If that is not in the realm of possibilities, it does sound as if your wife could be quite reasonable - in other words, it is not a "hot" break up with a lot of hard feelings. If neither of you has a pressing need to be single, you could agree to leave the status quo for a year, maybe two, to give you time to sort out your life.
  8. The dollar could actually move higher over the next 6 to 12 months. So, maybe bring over $10,000 per month for the next 5 months.
  9. I like Vasu Exchange on the corner of Sukhumvit 7/1 : https://www.google.com/maps/place/Vasu+Exchange/@13.7406299,100.5556876,20z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x30e29ee6dd4625a7:0xcfc30c8317c066ff!8m2!3d13.7406385!4d100.5555959
  10. The only "figure" provided was the 500 GBP per month for energy bills, and that figure is coming straight from the UK government. Inflation topped 10%, also according to the government. This is going to be a difficult winter for the UK and much of Europe.
  11. I have a Kasikorn bank account, and use the K-Plus mobile app. I am able to transfer money from KBank to my US bank account (Capital One 360) with zero problems. However, use of that app outside of Thailand may be an issue. Hopefully someone else can comment on that.
  12. Last I checked, no cholesterol in coconut milk.
  13. I am not aware of any withdrawal limits, but I have never checked into this, as I am here and use my debit card for payments, and make only a few ATM withdrawals per month. The debit card is for your savings account. The only time I have ever had a checking account was for my business account.
  14. Nonsense. All was fine with envelopes exchanging hands. Something changed.
  15. I am not aware of any sort of bank account that is considered "tourist" or "temporary". It will likely be a "Savings Account", like any other. Transfers in should be no problem. Transfers out would be a different matter.
  16. The boss of Thailand, and the person pulling all of the strings is well known. And he is not Prawit.
  17. I think they mean to say "air gun". In Surin, I saw the locals use this to take out chickens. It fires a ball bearing type of shot, and it usually DIY built.
  18. I had a login to a site once that kept logging me out. The issue was that the site was designed to tie my session with my IP address. Of course, the modem I had from AIS did not have a static IP. So, most of the time, if the power would blink, or I would reset the modem, or the same would happen at the nearby hub, my IP would change, and the login session would be invalidated, and I would have to login again.
  19. At 193 cm, I would definitely be stooping down to get under that roof. But, for me, if that roof keeps the rain off me while I am using the ATM, it is doing its job. I have accidentally run into so many signs on side walks, having that roof be clear and obvious as I approach is good enough.
  20. I do not know much about MRI technology. But I do know this. Some years ago, I had a subcutaneous tumor that was on my temple. The issue was that the tumor was directly above the facial nerve, making it a very delicate region to have a tumor, or have surgery to remove it. I had a "cheap" MRI done. The price was fantastic. I took the prints and DVD to my oncologist, and he stated that it was unusable. Apparently, the resolution of the MRI was like two slices through a golf ball (good explanation by the doctor). Not enough information. The hospital, Samitivej, then put me in their MRI and focused in closer to the actual tumor. The doctor said the resolution was now like 100 slices of that golf ball. He said that he wanted to see exactly where is was relative to an important membrane, and he wanted to see if it looked "well contained". My point being, a cheaper MRI can be useless in some cases. You should double check with the doctor who will be reading that MRI to see if he believes it will provide the information that he needs.
  21. I pay with cash. If you don't want my cash, the shop next to you likely does.
  22. Exactly. The US Fed has flooded the world with a tsunami of dollars. Nothing can hold that back.
  23. Depends on how you go about it. When I walk into a bank to do this, it requires loads of documents. When I do this with my K-Plus mobile app, it is so easy it is mind boggling. If you are walking into the bank, make sure you have your passport, bank book, and all of the details of the receiving party - Bank name, SWIFT ID, bank address, account number, and account name.
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