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Everything posted by timendres

  1. Easy enough to pick a month, rent a place, and spend time there. This will be the ultimate confirmation. Especially if you go during the "bad air" months.
  2. The contract probably has clauses that allow it to be voided. For instance, if it is not possible to obtain the work permit, then the contract would be voided. You need to find a clause that will allow her to void the contract with no penalties. If no such clause exists, maybe just explain to the school admins that she really wishes to change jobs (for good reasons, thus avoiding hostility), and ask if they are willing to let her go and under what circumstances.
  3. PayPal did not make the decision to do this. This is the Thai government making these demands of PayPal to continue to operate in Thailand. Their choice was to continue to service Thai citizens (those who can complete the registration process), or service no one in Thailand. It would make little sense for them to turn off the service completely.
  4. There are many. But they have zero interest in bargirls.
  5. The test is for the syphilis antibodies (or in some cases the bacterium itself), not a specific stage. If you have tested positive for syphilis, the third stage is fairly obvious to the casual observer. A doctor rarely needs anything more than a visual confirmation of stage 3 once infection is confirmed. The other stages are less obvious, and there is even a latent stage with no symptoms.
  6. It would take a judge sentencing me to that island before I would even think of living there.
  7. An actual example. When my second wife and I decided to divorce, I attempted to proceed with the divorce in the State of Michigan where we were married. Despite every attempt, it was impossible due to the State's residency requirements. However, due to the marriage being registred here in Thailand, we were able to complete the divorce here, which then has to be recognized by Michigan. While a marriage certificate from another country would likely be accepted in other legal settings, such as property registration, etc., I suspect the Thai marriage certificate would be easier to work with.
  8. The reasons would be in regards to Thai laws related to marriage. Not necessarily about extensions.
  9. $2,500+ flights are still a serious deterrent, at least for friends of mine from the States.
  10. Concern about "the inappropriate/illegal use of cannabis among children and youth" is normal, and should be addressed with appropriate laws and regulations. It is not a reason for adults to go to jail for enjoying a good spleef.
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