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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

    Sorry, but it is you who does not understand Uber. Drivers cannot readily see the destination prior to accepting  - there appear to be ways around that in some, but not all, circumstances, but in general the Uber driver is not explicitly informed by Uber of the destination prior to accepting the fare.


    As for the rest, I fully agree with the sentiment but the realities are very different. As a long-time part-time resident of Phuket, I await for some knight in armour to force the local authorities to deal with the taxi mafia there. Clearly it isn't going to happen any time soon.  

    UBER drives bid for the trip with a fixed price - how do they do that if they don't know the destination?

  2. 2 minutes ago, joeyg said:

    Now I'm really confused... :cheesy:

    If you go back to the level chart, the top yellow line is maximum capacity, the second line from top is normal working level. the dam is at 101% working level but far from full.

    If the dam should reach maximum capacity, and the inflow is greater than the outflow through the gates, water will flow over the spillway. But if the level is only exceeded by 1mm, the spillway flow will be quite small, and the dam level will rise, in turn increasing the spillway flow.

    This is not particularly unusual, nor desirable. It is nowhere near happening in this case.

  3. 3 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Ummm.... maximum capacity ( as quoted in OP).... should mean "maximum capacity"


    any extra... excess... to the maximum capacity is an issue, and needs addressing.


    in the west, this difference (between working levels and excess of working levels) would be a no go area.... as in never exceed. Here, things like "safety factors", are often factored right out.... so there will be flood

    It is not a maximum capacity, it is a normal working level. Dams are designed to contain water levels greater than their spillway height. But don't let your lack of understanding stop you scaremongering.

  4. 10 minutes ago, marginline said:

    It's NOT only Uber drivers that rape their customers halloween.

    Case in point: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-12/former-taxi-driver-jailed-for-sexual-assault/7729614

    Before I was able to apply for a taxi licence, I had to supply police criminal and driving history checks, and I had to have a medical. The system falls down with new arrivals as the criminal history check doesn't go back to the 'home' country.

    There are many regulations taxis and their drivers have to obey or risk seriously large fines, UBER's business approach is ignore them all and see what happens. One of those is I cannot refuse a fare, UBER drivers ONLY accept the fare that they like/

  5. 2 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

    What attitudes of his were rejected by the Australian people?  He's had the same opinion to same sex marriage now, as in the past, and he doesn't sound embittered when discussing the topic.


    Funny how the Labor party is now all over this, yet did nothing for those wanting equality when they were in power with Rudd, Gillard, Rudd.  Don't hear anyone up in arms about their 10 year failure to act.:wai:

    You're joking right? How many Australians have the same attitude on religion, monarchy, Australian knighthoods, immigration, workplace relations and his 1950's view of the world? He's like an evil reincarnation of Bob Menzies. His PM lasted 16 months (about 12 too long) before his poor popularity forced his party to dump him. Do you recall that happening before?

    One newspaper (SMH?) did a survey on his giving an Australian knighthood to Phil the Greek, a tax RISE would have been more popular.

  6. 25 minutes ago, stud858 said:

    In Australia, I feel for taxi drivers that had to pay large sums of money for their licences. Then the spineless government allows Uber. A quick unfair change of rules. Fight for your right for a fair system for all.

    Heading back to Brisbane next month for 6 months taxi work. News like this help https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/brisbane-uber-driver-charged-with-second-rape-from-2015-20170719-gxegs0.html

  7. 3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    You seriously need to read people's posts before you blurt out your usual smart alec comments. Foot in mouth seems to be a common problem with you and probably induced by excessive late night cordials.

    I simply gave credit to otherstuff1957 for his well researched information and made no further comment about dams or water storage or dry seasons or anything else of the like. Unlike yourself being a know-all windbag on all subjects known to man.

    I only made a general remark about the suspect quality of Thai military management. Even the slightest criticism of military management, or more correctly mis-management, seems to get you overly excited and on the hook. Cheers and enjoy your day!

    "I only made a general remark about the suspect quality of Thai military management."

    And why was that necessary on this thread? In fact, it was just another in a string of BS posts claiming mismanagement when there was none.

  8. 5 minutes ago, barefootbangkok said:

    I guess if you're Asian, I guess you're used to making a 450% profit off an educational loan. In the U.S. educational loans are made affordable so that people that don't have money can become successful. The present US rate is now 4.45% up from 3.76%.


    Here it is just another way to get  a rich off the backs of the poor.  The poor have no chance to get a good education without encumbering themselves for a lifetime.


    Educational loans in 1998 (1 year) in the US totaled $40 billion. Educational loans in Thailand from 1996 to the present time (22 years) is a total of $11.6 billion. Let's see, which country supports education for needy people more?

    Really shows where their priorities is doesn't it? US$700 billion INCREASE in military spending I mean.

  9. 1 hour ago, Cadbury said:

    Interesting facts. Thank you for your contribution and effort. I notice you underline some important words......."with proper management". Sadly, history has it that good management is not a quality of the Thai military. 

    And thank you for your cheap shot. You could have added that the dam did exactly what it is supposed to do, blocked a seriously heavy flow event while keeping enough water in storage for the dry season, but it is more fun to claim mismanagement when there isn't any.

    BTW 101% is of the dam's normal working level, it's actual maximum capacity is around 15% higher, as explained in the full article.

  10. On 9/20/2017 at 2:23 PM, SplitInfinitive said:

    You get a free online international transfer?

    Could I ask which banks you use?


    I need to transfer some funds and the fees offered are high enough to almost warrant flying back and returning with it in cash. 

    I was just looking at exchange rates for my last bank transfer and found a phone app called Currencies Direct. They are currently offering B26.397/AUD with no fees, which is considerably better than my fee free CU account which is giving 25.6. Pay in from Bank a/c or debit card, payout to bank a/c.

  11. 1 minute ago, RickBradford said:

    Anybody else want to condone physical violence against a Member of the House of Representatives on the grounds that "he wouldn't have felt it", or "he's a politician", "he has his head up his Rs" or even "he's a blockhead"?


    I sure hope none of you people are old enough to vote, or are otherwise disqualified under Section 13 of the Electoral Act.

    I didn't condone violence against anyone, even if he happens to be one of the worst leaders ever inflicted on our country.


    On second thoughts, while head-butting is certainly excessive, I would have laughed if the Yes voter had hit him with his handbag.

  12. 2 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    So they were arrested even though there are no arrest warrants having been issued and then let go because there were no arrest warrants! Wouldn't it have been smarter to wait till they had warrants, rather than go through this dumb exercise?

    It's called questioning of suspects, done slightly differently to western countries. I would imagine that false number plates being found would be reasonable grounds for questioning.

  13. 6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Not fair to misleadingly cut quotes, even if they are your own. Here's a more complete text:

    "A pity Chechnya is not a member, then the european council could have apportioned blame for the deaths and injuries of an attempt to free hostages from terrorists."


    You followed that with:

    "So you don't know that the Chechen secessionist movement has their own government? Or do just want to continue nit-picking?"


    So you are expecting your reader to assume that you were not referring to the legitimate government of Chechnya but some revolutionary group that called itself the government of Chechnya?  


    Obviously you wish to continue nitpicking.

  14. 1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

    Don't be silly. Building can't self combust. The courts have not determined the perpetrators. Could be the red shirts, military provocateurs or even the owners of the buildings. Who know without direct evidence and conviction. Those circumstantial evidence of speeches have no legal links to the burning. The courts need direct not cicumstantial evidence nor your version. Goes the same for the black shirts which were military renegades albeit my version. 

    True to form aren't you? The court has not identified the individuals involved, but the group involved is obvious to all except you and a few other red apologists. I have no doubt that when the UDD mercenary agitators face court one of the charges will be inciting arson. But just for a giggle, who do you think are the real arsonists?

  15. 4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    I don't understand. The post I addressed was this:

    "A pity Chechnya is not a member, then the european council could have apportioned blame for the deaths and injuries of an attempt to free hostages from terrorists."

    Now you're writing that it was about who is more to blame: "those who botched a rescue operation, or the terrorists who took young children and teachers hostage and threatened to kill them unless their demand were met."

    Neither of those parties is the Chechen government. If you do have a case for assigning some culpability to the Chechen government, you haven't made it yet.

    So you don't know that the Chechen secessionist movement has their own government? Or do just want to continue nit-picking?

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