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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 1 hour ago, halloween said:

    I'm sure the tourist losses from North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia must be devastating.


    11 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Because Trump's threat of harsh vetting don't only apply to the banned countries. And their irrationality scares foreign tourists away. Why risk buying a ticket to the USA when you can get turned back at the at airport after you've landed?

    Read it again. it says exactly what it says, there are very few people coming to the US from those countries. It doesn't say anything about Trump, or his bans, only that the numbers from there hardly affect US tourism figures.

    If you have figures saying there are thousands coming to the US from those listed countries, I will admit my mistake. Until then.......

  2. 4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    She didn't just say anti-immigrant things. She did in fact use the usual collections of slurs bandied about by neo nazis. Once again for your dyslexic benefit:

    "The email described German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government as "pigs" who were nothing more than "puppets of WWII allies." It continued to say Merkel's government was given the task of limiting the population of the German "Volk," or people.

    The email's original text in German uses several words with strong Nazi-era connotations, including "Überfremdung," which roughly translates to "foreign infiltration" and is used in far-right circles to stir xenophobic sentiment."


    So she a nationalist and anti-immigrant, definitely a neo-nazi then. Do you know a better German word for "foreign infiltration"?

  3. 7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Here's something about an email from Alice Wiedel:

    "The email described German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government as "pigs" who were nothing more than "puppets of WWII allies." It continued to say Merkel's government was given the task of limiting the population of the German "Volk," or people.

    The email's original text in German uses several words with strong Nazi-era connotations, including "Überfremdung," which roughly translates to "foreign infiltration" and is used in far-right circles to stir xenophobic sentiment."


    Sounds like neo-Nazism.

    How surprising, someone expressing anti-immigrant sentiment being accused of neo-Nazism. You should add fascist, racist, possibly even homophobe, to complete the usual collection of slurs.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Halloween you have been here long enough to know that was not the real reasons. On the other hand, I got to admit that they have gave too many reasons for their enemies to take advantage & exploit. 

    Perhaps you are right, who knows. Possibly removing a pack of criminals was only a side benefit, as was stopping the political violence, stopping the rice scam losses, and stopping an amnesty that was that government's major purpose. Quite often the reasons given to the great unwashed have little to do with the underlying reason.

    Take 2010, all those protesting about a coup that happened 4 years earlier, when the real reason was Thaksin's money, or forcing an early election, or killing enough protesters to make Abhisit subject to accusations of murder.

    In 2011, we had an election policy supposedly to raise the income of the poorest farmers, a comprehensive failure at great expense. Was that the real reason, or was it an electoral bribe to ensure their election, or a vehicle for multi-billion baht corruption, or both?

  5. 4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Perhaps doing some research before posting would be good.  Makes you look silly.

    The only figures I could (quickly, because I don't really care) find were from the world bank up to 2016 which showed strongly increasing tourism to the US. Then we have your claim, without a link. If thinking there are quite a small number of tourists from those countries is silly, I'll stay silly until proved wrong.

  6. 3 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    The AFD are the only one who represent the will of the (undeluded) people who do not want to be islamised. The rest is deluded. Intolerance against invaders should be common sense.


    What intolerance do the AFD show against Jews?

    Do they say Hitler's actions were right?

    Have to agree. While their general attitude is both anti-Semitic and anti-Hamitic (north africans) that is expressed as anti-immigrant rather than any malevolence towards Jewish citizens.

  7. 1 hour ago, greenchair said:

    The topic says the scholarships were awarded under the umbrella of the speech good people are better than smart people that might not be good. 

    Therefore the scholarships would most likely would be awarded to students that have low academic levels but do good things for their community. 

    Because if the scholarships went to smart people that did nothing good, I guess it would be in conflict with the original speech. 

    Someone that doesn't understand that logic might be considered a good person that's not smart eh ???

    When you write 'most likely' we understand you mean 'in my biased opinion, not supported by any evidence'. The only support you can offer is a reference to a speech made at a different time on a different subject. You 'guess' that the students have low academic levels because they are being exhorted to DO good things for their community.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    Several members (Sweatalot, Halloween, Baerboxer) have brought up party finances in regard to Thaksin and the PTP/Reds, and this is a subject that I find very interesting. I believe the gist of the comments are that PTP/Reds are too beholden to the money man and that this is a very bad thing (apologies if I have mis-characterized your views!). 


    I think that there is a lot of truth to the comments regarding money and politics.


    However, I cannot understand why the finances of the PTP\Reds are of such interest and condemnation, yet the finances of 'the other half of the political divide'/Yellows aren't. I have asked about the 'Yellow' finances before, but never get an answer. I will try again.


    Who finances the Democrat party?


    Who pays for the Dems office space?

    Who pays for the Dems advertising?

    Who pays for the Dems travelling expenses?

    Who pays for the Dems research?

    Who pays for the Dems rallies?

    Who pays for the Dems vote-buying (yes, they do it as well)?

    Who pays for the Dems party staffers' salaries?


    And what do they get for that money?


    I am sure that someone will point out that the Dem MPs donate 10% of their salary to the party, but that is a mere token gesture. A nice token gesture in my view, but still a token gesture. It would cover the costs of 1-2 staffers and nothing more.


    And a bonus question as we are discussing money in politics. Who paid for Suthep's mob? That little adventure was likely far, far north of 100,000,000 baht.


    Looking forward to the replies!




    Thai democrats or US? AFAIK their fundraising and donations are much the same, and quite possibly involve a certain level of access and influence.

    Which is far different than paying bribes via a political party in return for setting policy.

  9. 1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

    Many bad things happen there, but they are sadly legal.  Having the military take control has not solved these problems.  They openly flap their unelected gums in total conjecture about disappearing Yingluck and never address root problems in Thailand, because they don't want to .  It is their turn. 


    Your in laws should be happy about getting train service, but arresting a 29 year old man for selling beer he made, because only two families are allowed to participate, is pandering to the wealthy.  The entire coup is about not forgiving Thaksin and that is what the wealthy wanted. 


    Why do the Shinawartas have to be removed by a coup and not legally impeached ?  Perhaps there is not due process for that.  Perhaps their should be.  Yingluck was removed for a simple reason: amnesty for her brother. 


    Selective quoting is due to the fact that sometimes I do not disagree with the things you say so much as your disregard towards universal suffrage and your adoration of the use of force.


    Have not lived in my own country for almost 30 years.  Fail to see how that matter. 

    You might want to look for a better example. Beer brewing has been illegal since 1950, in 2016 the 66yo penalties were increased. If that is pandering to the wealthy, why didn't your democratic champion revoke the law?

    The coups (last 2 ) were about removing a pack of criminals from Thai politics. Excellent work, far better than letting them plunge the country into debt with a B2.2trillion loan to prop up their rice scam disaster. Of course, Americans don't seem to mind trillions in debt, nor do they like to talk about their military expenditure when criticising others far less exuberant in it. If you are a citizen of your home country, you have the right to vote, and object to obscene military expenditure, instead of bleating about much more moderate spending by a country where you have no say.

    Don't you understand that amnesty for her brother, herself and her corrupt government is proposing law with direct self benefit, and is also known as corruption? The better educated Thais certainly do, and they quite rightly object.


    I am actually very much against the use of force, and much more so by thugs paid by a political party to attack those who voice dissent. If stopping that requires force by security forces, I have no objections.


    End of discussion as far as I am concerned, this has little to do with who helped a criminal escape justice.


  10. Just now, Eric Loh said:

    They may find a version of Apichart in all the military expensive procurement over the years. But alas, we know better that any investigation into military corruptions will never take traction. Let's also not forget the corruptions in the Strong Thailand programs, the illegal land awards in Phuket and the police station fiasco that probably will not see the day of light. So basically you are referring to those cases that were quickly investigated and convicted and not those selectively kept 'silent'. 

    I don't care about 'may', I want to see facts. Your biased supposition based on sycophantic support for the Shinawatras has no credibility.


    BTW there IS an Apichart, and he has been a Shinawatra crony and bagman for years, receiving preferential treatment and closed door deals despite a deplorable record of bankruptcy and government debt.

  11. Just now, LannaGuy said:

    Well some reporters did ask about your hero's 600 million but were told to shut up and where's there's smoke there will surely be fire!  but let's conveniently forget the "statues" the "airship"  and, of course, the "submarines"  eh?


    You see, and you gloriously miss the point, the press cannot ASK QUESTIONS as the Army has taken over - no demos, no meetings, no political parties and NO ELECTIONS all waaaaaaaaaaaaay over your head

    Last time I looked B600 million is far less than B30 billion. Put up proof, or stop making unsubstantiated accusations, because they sound a lot like lies.

    How does the Thai military budget compare to your country as a % of GDP?

  12. 6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Don't fret Holloween; all governments including junta governments lie, cheat and steal. Why the selective referencing as though only the Shins' governments cheat. You think the current and previous junta governments are clean? 

    But they do it a lot less. Which is only my theory, but it will stand until proven wrong. where is the junta's version of Apichart with billion baht commissions, or Boonsong with B30 billion fraud, or Thaksin and his 10 billion baht bank theft?

  13. 6 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


    Me too and your point is?  or are you just trashing half the world?  apart from your love of Prayut what do YOU  "firmly believe in"?  maybe a guy who died 2000 years ago and walked on water?  or???   

    The point is that belief doesn't make anything true. I don't love Prayuth, at times I find him cringe-worthy, but I find him far more acceptable than the criminal conspiracy he replaced.

    I don't subscribe to myth or anything else that doesn't stand up to scientific method scrutiny, which includes most of your posts.

  14. 14 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    Is that illegal ?  It is immoral.  It is unethical.  If it is illegal, where is the justice system ?


    Isn't the Thai military pandering to the Thai elites just as bad instead of serving the common Thai ?  Did not the good general ask the TAT to focus tourism efforts on Bangkok ?   Aren't all these big infrastructure deals serving the wealthy ?   Why are submarines needed that do not talk to fighter jets that do not talk to missiles that guard against unknown enemies ? 


    As bad as the Shinawatras are, they were asked to run the government. 

    Illegal? Not here, and certainly won't be under any Shinawatra government, but illegal in every real democracy AFAIK. Immoral and unethical certainly, but that is PTP and the Shinawatras.

    Your perceptions of pandering to the wealthy are based on bias. My in-laws in the Nakhon Phanom area certainly welcome the news of a rail line, most have never seen a train and are far from wealthy. It, and any other infrastrucure improvements, will surely benefit them more than outright theft of government assets.

    Before you start criticising the Thai military budget, why don't you look at your own country. Tell us, how does it compare as a percentage of GDP?


    The Shinawatras were asked to run a government. It wasn't a licence to lie, cheat and steal. But they do, to the tune of billions of baht. You can't deny it, but you are prepared to ignore it. Millions of Thais, and I, are more concerned with this than 'rights'. It's a morality thing.


    BTW why the selective quoting?


  15. Are there not signs of change? Boonsong, Sorayuth, Apichart and the KTB conspirators jailed, Janepob sentenced to 30 months, Yingluk very likely to get a custodial sentence, NOB under investigation. Yes, the wealthy still flee the country, as they do elsewhere, but does anybody believe most on that list would have been prosecuted under the last government? And is that because of political pressure from the government, or removal of it?

  16. 2 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    Did you not read the topic. 

    It is about prem giving scholarships to good people that can't pass their academic tests. 

    Did you not read the topic? There is nothing there suggesting those receiving scholarships are academically challenged other than a quote from the last king. "good but needy students" is the basis of most scholarship awards.


    BTW 1861 Isaan students are very likely to be grateful for their assistance, no matter who it comes from.

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