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Posts posted by ToddinChonburi

  1.           Went to immigration today in Si Racha, Thought I had all paperwork in order.   Bank Letter with season funds, Copies of the bank book with the funds, but wait something is wrong,  the copies have not been certified by the bank.  She told me the copies could be fake, yes that is what she said, FAKE  !!!!      So the bank letter is fine it is just the copies of the bank book that could be fake.  Thailand       :passifier:   :stoner:  So now updating your bank book and making copies is not good enough.   you need bank seal stamp on copies.

  2. 6 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

    These chronic posts I read bashing SBUX just crack me up. Wherever you go the place is near full to overflowing. They must be doing something right. Reminds me of so many 'sour grapes posts' about other consistently successful businesses, like the Apple, the New England Patriots, or McDonald's.  Some people just aren't happy unless they're bashing people or groups with massive success, thinking they're elevating themselves by hating on what so many people enjoy, as though they're above it all. SBUX hasn't fooled the world, they dominate in a food service category they helped create. The large scale retail food marketplace is highly competitive and very efficient. If they weren't outperforming the competition, SBUX would be contracting instead of expanding. If you want to drink coffee acquired at a local roaster, or a different chain, that's cool. But please stop with all this SBUX is crap stuff...it is so tired and boring.

    Can you say Free WiFi     Lol 

  3. I have recently test driven both the 1.3 gas and the 1.5 diesel.  I felt the diesel  overall was a much stronger motor.  I am not shy about pushing the car and taking the sales girl for a ride of her life.   I want to know if I can pass a truck safely on one of these 2 lane roads in Thailand.  The price of the diesel seems a little high but nothing to compare it to.

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