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Posts posted by ToddinChonburi

  1. Bang Saray is better and close. Hua Hin is better I believe. Phuket is better. However, it blows the mind that a country with inexpensive labor can have such dirty polluted beaches with litter. Is it that the govt cannot see Thais being perceived as picking up after falang (although most litter is really from Thais) or is it that the budget has been eaten up by a new Mercedes? I can't fathom why this is the way it is. Vietnam is far cleaner in the tourist areas.

    Bang Saray I very much used to like, but now they have to put beach chairs on the road, as the beach sand has virtually washed away and they are dumping very large rocks and concrete to try and retain the sand.

    OH yes and the parking Mafia is hard at work charging you to park your car. Bang Saen has been totally over run with the same crap.

  2. Well how long has she been talking about her aging parents ? This is something that is very real here in Thailand. Who will take care of mom and dad. Family is first and Farang is last, sorry to be brutally honest but this is a fact. Sounds like the guilt of not being there for them has finally come out. Having family 200 meters away that does nothing will only make it worse and if you talk negative about them does not help.

    You have left many ? unanswered like does she work in your country, career or just a job ? This retirement dream, both or just yours ?

    I think if you can sit and get real with yourself you can answer many of the ? you have. When did she stop smiling when you walked through the door ? How many times have you ignored what she tried to talk to you about and brush it off as no big deal let them handle it ? Sorry if I sound harsh but just maybe you can save your marriage. Sometimes you need to shut up and listen.

    I really hope things turn out OK, we need to remember that they are women first and it does not matter what country they come from.

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