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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. As of July 1st, it is supposed to be scrapped for everyone from what the OP states
  2. Things never Change unfortunately. Many of the former military guys I ran with up near Clark also had that experience when down in Manila.
  3. Another question is, What time did this happen, was it still dark out, early morning? and were the photos taken after the sun rose higher.
  4. Location is the key unfortunately, how is the surrounding neighborhood? Is it in a Moo Ban or on property.
  5. That's because once married in the Phils it takes an literal act of congress, and the church approval to get a divorce in the Phils. A friend married his Filipino wife 5 years ago and I was his best man. The final signature on the paper was from the provincial Governor and it was only done after a 1 hour interview with my friend, his wife, and then questions directed towards me by the Governor asking about my friends character. At the end when he signed, he told them both that the only way a marriage ends in the Phils is by death or the church annulling it which is a very extensive process......... I lived in Cebu for awhile, and liked it the best from the other places I lived while there. Manila was a bad experience with getting mugged not once but twice in the parking garage one in the mall, and the other in my residence.........It is the primary reason I moved back to Bangkok.
  6. Try again and do some research, it is a known issue https://www.self.com/story/hair-loss-after-covid The list of possible COVID-19 side effects is as lengthy and diverse as the list of potential symptoms. Among those possible lingering issues is hair loss after COVID-19, a troubling side effect that emerged early on in the pandemic, leaving many people confused and concerned. Even though many things about COVID-19 are still shrouded in mystery, our understanding of the illness that completely changed life as we know it is growing, postvirus hair loss included. According to dermatologists and an evolving body of scientific research, we now not only know that hair loss after COVID-19 is, in fact, a very real thing, but we’re continuing to learn more and more about the mechanisms behind it.1 The good news is that, for most people, hair loss after COVID-19 is not permanent.
  7. Another crime being committed and video taped....time for the poster to be charged under the new law...I mean the posted video did make Thailand look bad...I mean did they give permission, right?
  8. As long as it prints in the Gazzette then all will be right as rain...
  9. Well then we were not the vast majority, of course we did not need to be hospitalized, but it was a miserable 2 weeks........3 months later the GF is still loosing hair in bunches, and its hard for her to run without having deep lung issues.
  10. In my book being on time is akin to being late, I am always arriving 15 to 20 minutes before appointments, and sometimes I get taken in early. Thai time drives me nuts......Yes that's a form of OCD, the same with first thing in the morning is heading to the kitchen, grinding the coffee and getting it going before I do anything else. If something puts a kink in that morning ritual the day is flummoxed.....
  11. Many are truly ignorant and believe it is minor when it in fact affects everyone differently and hits some harder. Praying your wife has it ease of soon and that she does not loose her smell or taste like my GF and I did.
  12. Saw someone today try and enter the hospital I go to for my Dental treatment, They kindly asked him at the front doors to put a mask on, when he said he did not have one they provided him with one. So the issue now becomes one of if you go out and about and then want to enter a building or place that still requires them, then you SOL if you do not have one and they do not provide them to you.
  13. Exactly, properly priced. I did some viewing of Villas for sale, and only 1 was priced correctly but it was not one to our liking. I liked one and it was almost 8 million over what it should have been priced at, and the seller from what the agent said, would not budge at all. People think they are sitting on gold and trying to sell what they have for double the price. People who want to sell, truly want to sell, are motivated with the correct price, and will still come out ahead. Buying land and building is always the option, sure I can not buy the land, but I can buy it in my Thai Daughters name. Building is a pain in the rear...........
  14. So no Thailand Pass will be needed, wonderful for my family to visit now with no types of restrictions tikns and they can one in on a 30 day exempt.
  15. My house, my place, a place for everything and everything in its place. If nit where it is supposed to be I spin in circles like the Tasmanian Devil....a whirling dervish......
  16. Indians en-mass Yes, Chinese No! The Chinese government is holding them close to home. Now the Hong Kongers, and Mongolians yes they will be traveling but not en-mass. Market still has a long way to go to firm up. Had a friend head to Pattaya from the US, instead of worrying about prices increase as he travels back and forth every 3 months he rented a condo long term (1 year) cost him the same as if he rented for 6 months back in 2019, so he will have family visit when he is not here......smart man. Prices firming up, no, they still have a long way to go. Folks who are holding to their expectations are looking at facing some months without renters until tourism returns.
  17. How many of us know people who are digital nomads that write computer code and never finished school. I know quite a few, in fact many of them are now employed by major companies and never even obtained a high school diploma. Kids today grow up on smart phones and computers. My son built his first computer when he was 13 and created his own web design company when he was 15. For these hackers to blame it on a foreigner makes me laugh. Passing the buck and telling porkies they are.
  18. It will be a few years I have a feeling, the pandemic was just the start of the pain folks will be feeling, a worldwide recession will take its toll and international travel will go back to what it was 30 years ago. As my father always said, Slow and Steady wins the race. Hope everyone who is retired kept a well rounded portfolio, interest rates for savings, CD's and other instruments will be rising.
  19. No way, your nt going to get me into sword fighting...oh wait wrong topic....
  20. Guess you have invested in topsoil or rocks.......must have a huge upside, and I do not mean being a land owner.....
  21. Look for the Adam's apple and the deep voice...Lol https://g.co/kgs/eyWymH
  22. Demand for housing, who the hell are they kidding. I just looked at a house that was priced at 29 million Thb, which was reduced to 21 million Thb and still over priced.....dreams die hard for some......
  23. As the tide turns and the once traveled to destination of Thailand is shelved by many, the economy is shrinking, the poor are becoming poorer and the inflation is starting to grow. The BOT has failed the country by not raising rates like many countries including the US have, but they fear the people will be even more affected if they do. Household debt has grown over the past 2 years and not just because of the pandemic. You have to be concerned just a tad if your an expat who lives on a shoestring budget monthly, however with the Baht loosing ground to the dollar, living expenses for Americans are balancing out as far as price increases. Just my view.
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