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  1. Since DWP outsourced mailing to a Belgian company I have never received a POL letter so I email relevant docs ( last time my postal vote confirmation) once a year and get an email back from DWP
  2. Is Trump writing editorials now or is this Putin's AI?
  3. Worth checking the fire ressistance of any composite panel
  4. Or agree to split Ukraines rare earth metals with Putin?
  5. I email DWP every year whether they send a POL letter or not because I never receive them despite staying at the same address in Thailand for more than a decade. I get letters from the UK all the time so I presume the agency they use to send these are paid by results IE cancelling pensions. I get a grudging response by email but this goes on my file proving I exist. This year I copied them my electoral registration which I can do by email
  6. I email DWP every year whether they send a POL letter or not because I never receive them despite staying at the same address in Thailand for more than a decade. I get letters from the UK all the time so I presume the agency they use to send these are paid by results IE cancelling pensions. I get a grudging response by email but this goes on my file proving I exist. This year I copied them my electoral registration which I can do by email
  7. I email DWP every year whether they send a POL letter or not because I never receive them despite staying at the same address in Thailand for more than a decade. I get letters from the UK all the time so I presume the agency they use to send these are paid by results IE cancelling pensions. I get a grudging response by email but this goes on my file proving I exist. This year I copied them my electoral registration which I can do by email
  8. Working as I did in social housing I was buying back ex right to buy homes in very large Nos including very many mortgage defaults. Agencies existed to promote RTB promising to purchase ex RTBs back to back with tenants and despite resale restrictions these finished up in the private sector rented at exorbitant prices and unfortunately all RTBs will go this way. Stupid system designed by politicians who are gerrymandering and many of whom are gouging landlords themselves.
  9. Wise will provide without and will send card to Thailand
  10. Problem is BB is heavily favoured by Thai Immigration and Agents. One reason for poor branch service is the high percentage of expats queuing for Immigration certs and follow up queries
  11. Theoretically you have to declare all foreign income if tax resident in Thailand but how this will be enforced by Thai Revenue especially where there is a Dual Tax agreement meaning you can't be tax resident in more than one country is very very unclear!
  12. Problem with BB is their appaling branch service - sheer lack of branches and sheer lack of staff in the branches they have left open. Wise to BB yes but need to transfer monies to another bank to obtain service. And don't start me on BB facial (farcical) recognition!!
  13. Need to include unfreezing UK State Pensions to ensure UK expats not excluded just as the UK has done post Brexit with 27 EU nations. This is relevant to all free trade agreements!
  14. Won't avoid tax as if tax resident IE 180days+ the new rules cover all financial transactions both in Thailand and elsewhere. Financial institutions have to declare internationally including Thailand. That said I'm not sure Thailands revenue dept can cope with so many expats. Only K bank has sent forms. Can't see all the others doing same. Like other countries income tax depends on deduction at source or self declaration and with tax credits available for the 57 dual tax agreements little increased revenue will be generated
  15. Wise will DHL your card to you but it's expensive 40+gbp
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