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Everything posted by Tracyb

  1. A tip on obtaining a new passbook for account used for immigration…. I always update my “old” passbook minutes before I ask the bank to issue a new passbook to replace the “old” filled up book. In that way then closing balance on the old and the bal fwd amount on the new are identical and the dates on both books match.
  2. On the second floor, at the Supersports end, in the area next to the elevators.
  3. When boarding an international flight that will first land outside of Thailand. There are no immigration facilities in the domestic departure terminal.
  4. You would use the address related to where you’re staying. You fill in the mailing label for EMS as part of the application package. You pay the fees by getting 2 bank drafts. One for the passport fee and one for the EMS fee. You bring cash to a bank and get the drafts. The application package provides instruction on how to get drafts and from which banks.
  5. And/or getting hung on wires across the road…
  6. Play stupid games:Win stupid prizes.
  7. I recommend that you obtain your new passport here in Thailand……if you have some time before you leave the country. It’s easy and takes three weeks at most to receive it here. All done by EMS. Waiting to get it renewed when you’re in America could prove to be a very lengthy wait indeed.
  8. Anyone ever been asked to prove insurance coverage when arriving BKK on O-A extension of stay?
  9. Ya. Good idea! The method to solve problems here seems to be: Meet. Yak it up. Yak, yak, yak, yak. Adjourn. Do nothing.
  10. No but…..you might get some fabulous watch bands made from it…..!
  11. IMHO a nothing underscores the absurdity of requiring a group of certain visa holders to acquire insurance and then allowing up to 33% reduction of insurance company risk through high deductibles.
  12. Imagine if they could get the number of taxis down further…..from the stated 60,000 down to say……30,000 or 40,000! When you look at most major intersections and see nothing but empty taxis, empty taxis even before Covid, lined up three deep at the head of the line waiting for lights to change…… one wonders how traffic might improve.
  13. Where have I heard this before?
  14. How does it maneuver without engines?
  15. Well that was helpful!
  16. Play stupid games….win stupid prizes!
  17. And it’s my misfortune to live in one of the renegade districts….
  18. Anyone see a problem after reading this: “Normally, the price for a massage in Phuket as agreed upon by local massage associations is about 300 baht.”
  19. Ok, so let’s now open the bars up to 4am and see how *that* affects the crazies……
  20. If Chiang Mai is your location……..the Immigration Office wants you to “update” your tm30 upon re-entry. There is an office in the small building behind the drive-up 90 day report window where you do it. Takes five minutes…no paperwork required just your passport with latest entry stamp and your old tm-30 paper.
  21. So…..closed for sixty days then reopening after the envelopes pass hands?
  22. I’m thinking the citizens didn’t save anything…..but the officials affiliated with the construction gained plenty!
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