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Everything posted by Tracyb

  1. One would think that a Thai passport acts as a COE as well but………
  2. Sorry. I was confusing it with domestic tourism flights which will no more require tests
  3. Please elaborate. What is HCMC?
  4. Wet markets in Chiang Mai and every other location will continue to spread diseases of all kinds until and unless officials require proper sanitation and disinfection of all food contact surfaces. Maintenance of facilities to prevent infestation of flies, rodents and insects should become a secondary requirement to the proper washing and sanitizing of food containers and food display areas. OBTW, when was the last time you saw a hand washing sink at a stall at a wet market?
  5. Perhaps a review of the CDC reports from America might be enlightening’
  6. No. I rely on reports from the Centers For Disease Control, (CDC).
  7. Op…. Please pay close attention to Crossy’s reply. He’s our resident expert on all things electrical.
  8. Just an observation……. In America, over 90% of people hospitalized with severe Covid are not vaccinated. What does that tell us?
  9. I just renewed my extension of stay in CM. It was 40 days before the expiration. So….. I can confirm that CM accepts them 45 days ahead of time. Cheers!
  10. Now if they could use part of it to cover costs of tourists who skip out on their hospital bills perhaps those folks on OA Extensions could drop their insurance coverage! I know, I know……. Save your derisive comments……. I’m just saying what a lot of folks might be thinking…..
  11. Faced the same situation here in Chiang Mai. Went to IO to do 90 day report. No issues. They did, however, stamp my 90 day report slip with a one line notice that my extension would expire on : ——————— and they filled in the date. Just a friendly reminder. The 90 day report is, as we know, a reflection of our whereabouts for the previous 90 days. Not a notice advising IMM that we’ll be here for the next 90 days!
  12. ….because someone didn’t get their brown envelope! There’s nothing more dangerous than a palm not greased!
  13. That’s what I thought all along…..that Wise ends up being the best in the end. I use Wise all the time and I’m happy!
  14. Here I’m just thinking out loud…… Does the US Embassy authentication process provide adequate documentation for say, the USA Social Security administration? I wonder if there is any need for state acceptance if the Feds recognize it.
  15. I’m considering a health policy from Healthcare International Insurance. I don’t need it for an extended visa. I just want to have some health coverage. The rates look good and the coverage provided suits my needs. Does anyone have experienced with this company? Have you made claims or been admitting to hospital? Did you experience any issues? Would you recommend them? Im not asking for info on alternative companies. TIA.
  16. When an individual applying for COE is on a long stay visa I presume a return flight out of Thailand is not required. Is this true?
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