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Posts posted by drgoon

  1. If you are doing a tour through the country just stop at a village. You will find many families have small shop fronts to their houses selling food to supplement their income.

    Do you want genuine, as it is made in the home food ? then this is the way to go. They may even invite you to stay if they like you. Some of them buy pre-prepared food from the local markets to sell as well.

    My inlaws are in Ban Pao near Kaset..... there is a market at 4:30 / 5:00am every morning, 4:00pm onwards every day. It's a great place to be....


    The BBQ lady


    One of the vege sellers...


    The butcher

  2. We have been together 4 years. We 'dated' 3 years prior to that.

    She chose me, although I did fancy her I never suggested a relationship other than platonic.

    I have just turned 58, she is 32. We get on really well.

    The only issue is sometimes my libido flags and she requires a lot of attention to be able to 'finish' as they say in LOS.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    Thanks for replying. I did notice on the application form that it asks have you ever been turned down, and from now on we'll have to write Yes to that. Discouraging because I guess they ask it for a reason.

    Have you had any good experiences with any of the agents?

    Thanks again


    My personal experience was that an Agent wasn't needed for a Visa Application for my GF to visit NZ. We looked at pricing from Agents in NZ and Thailand and GF basically said... 'too expensive' and we did it ourselves.

    I think the reason they ask that is to encourage them to use them, to be frank it's pure waffle.

    Each application is considered on it's merits, if an application is declined, provided the reasons for the refusal are addressed there is absolutely no reason why a second application shouldn't succeed, though I will concede it's better to get it right first time, if only for cost purposes.

    Exactly... friends of ours tried and didn't show any work history or 'compelling reason to return to Thailand' and the Application was rejected.

    The applicant is in Thailand, the application is decided in Thailand, why on earth would you want to deal with an agency in NZ?

    True, NZ agents are very expensive.

    Our application process was easy and no hassles whatsoever.

    We provided a letter from her Supervisor stating that she would be welcome back to her job on return

    Copies of her Bank Account balance that I had made deposits to... approx 75k baht although she was told if she had no sponsor this was insufficient funds

    Sponsorship Form from me

    Copies of my Bank Statement

    Photos of us together - ( not in the bar ) with friends and her family

    As long as you fulfil all the requirements and have supporting evidence relevant to the Application you shouldn't have a problem.

    PM me if you need more help. I'm not an expert but have done it a couple of times.


  4. Any reduction in the costs on health services in any economy is beneficial. Any reduction in smoking is beneficial.

    Those of you who deny this are probably commited smokers who don't care about health issues, deny that smoking causes major problems with peoples health or are idiots.

    Look at the incidence of lung cancer in rural communities in Thailand. These people are heavy smokers and they pay for it. Nearly every rural family has at least one person at high risk and this person is usually male and a breadwinner or provider for the family.

    You probably won't look because your self denial is convenient. You are selfish and disregard for others is detestable. The sooner Thailand takes significant steps to restrict smoking the better for millions of Thais and visitors. They should be making positive steps to stop or restrict smoking where non smokers are present, inside and outside.

  5. Yeah,that's right everybody yahoo about the beach vendors and the footpath stalls closing. Nobody give a damn about their families and jobs. I had wondered what people would say when the girls were taken away. Ha now everyone is worried about the girls families and job.pathetic, there's only one thing u are all worried about. It starts with P and it's in yo pants.

    Power ?

  6. I'm really enjoying this topic.

    I'm new on the board, live near Chumphae and am looking at diversification for the wife's family.

    Unlike a lot of dare I say it, YMCA, village people they are open to new ideas that the ting tong falang in their family has. They aren't just peasant farmers. The matriarch and I sit together often talking about increasing the family's prosperity and how that can be achieved for the upcoming generations.

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  7. Hi all, I'm new here and am keen on having a go at vanilla here in Chumphae on a small scale.

    I've been doing a bit of research on vanilla production and see a market for a product with a distinctive flavour difference.

    As with wine and coffee terroir or the combination of climate and soil makeup significantly affects the final flavour.


    The goon.

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