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Posts posted by drgoon

  1. Common sense, abiding by road rules and courtesy is all that is needed.

    But hey.... don't see much of that.

    Do what we do in NZ. Nail the f**kers when the cause an accident. Frequent checkpoints for road worhtiness, license checks, alcohol and drug consumption. Take their vehicles off them because they won't be able to pay fines. Hammer the message home and don't just pay lip service again to another issue.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    When shallow diving or near the surface the instructor should first deploy an orange float to show boats that divers are below.
    If the float was deployed you then have to rely on passing craft to have a lookout to spot it.
    It would appear 1 or both of these safety precautions failed.

    Done this many times..... never have I seen a 'spotter' either at the bow or stern or any crew taking due care and attention for those in the water. All they look at is what or who is on the surface.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    over-priced booze served to you while you sit on whorehouse furniture. talking to a painted tart while trying to understand her motive for conversation with you. gaze over the beautiful sky-line dotted with underwear & blankets hanging from the decks of twenty five meter apartments. ahh yes...roof top bars, sweet. :-)

    Oh come on man... it's all about the ambience 555. At least most of them mostly know how to mix a cocktail, not like bars that use some ethanol flavoured shit brewed in a barrel, filtered and poured back into an old bottle with a label 555

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