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Posts posted by drgoon

  1. 8.67B Baht, 747,094 jobs is 11604 Baht per job. Not a lot of money. It's only a retainer.... or a good supplement if it's not your primary income.

    19000 couples, 747000+ jobs means each couple have helped in the creation 39 jobs.

    39 jobs at 11604 per job created is...... 452593 Baht contributed by each couple.

    Maybe the job creation figures are manipulated.

    Sure paints a rosy picture of the "farang in laws". We sure are jai dee.

    Can't see it making any difference to their attitude towards us on an administritave level.

  2. I heard on the news this morning that oil prices are falling due to decreased demand and higher competition between the suppliers.

    I don't see that having any effect on airline tickets, the price of jet fuel must come down also I imagine.

    Here in New Zealand we must apply Thai BG logic with price adjustment.... couple my above statement with the fact that the NZ$ is strong against the US$ and we see no downward trend in fuel prices for the retail consumer.

    In fact, Fuel Suppliers comment this morning.... 'we don't see any changes occuring in the near future due to the strenght of the NZ$'. What a load of shit these guys spin here.

    I've been checking prices for my next trip, there has been a significant movement upwards. The only way I can get a return fare close to what I paid in August ( direct AKL - BKK ) is to use another carrier and endure 15hrs + and at least 1 transfer.

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  3. My wifes family started at 400k and 5baht of gold........ I was like <deleted> I'm out of here.

    I explained my difficulties with the concept of sin sod, our cultural values in NZ, the idea of paying for a wife is like buying a slave, even though I have a house the bank owns it mostly, I'm not rich and have a job that would support us both even if she didn't work but there would be few trips back to see her family, it would take nearly 3 years for me to save that amount of money blah blah blah.....

    I managed to negotiate it down significantly but I still paid.

    The whole experience showed me how unwilling they were to accept a different set of values and compromise... it was a very difficult time and put a lot of strain on our relationship.

    Happily we are now past that.

    Yes, sin sod is a very foreign concept to us westerners and it is challenging to get Thai people to accept that there is in fact another side in the relationship. One that has equal rights.

  4. Women prefer tall men like men prefer larger breasts.

    Only you guys who never got over breast feeding 555.

    I prefer small breasts, my wife is 34A, never going to be sagging around her belly button.

    However, I do very much like a pert little ass which she does have, what does that say about me wink.png

    Of course looks come into the equation. It is only part of what makes a partner attractive. I think women all over the world generally want the same thing, love, security and someone who will treat them well.

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