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Posts posted by drgoon

  1. Removing your shoes is a cultural tradition in many countries. It is a courtesy that you don't bring dirt into the house.

    The wearing of footwear is to protect the feet from the dirt and detritus where one walks. You respect the cleanliness of the house, building and people that you visit by leaving your footwear and anything on it outside.

  2. I have a beautiful young Isaan girl. If she asks for money she is usually content with a very small sum.

    She tells me she loves me nearly every day; sometimes its because I have bought her something nice, but often it's just the simple things that trigger it, like a nighttime hug or pushing her on a swing.

    Jennifer will be 5 in 10 days time. The detractors on here forget that an Isaan relationship is multidimensionalthumbsup.gif

    I hope you are her dad.

    You sir have a bad mind 555

  3. I think he will be back in Kiwiland before he can count to 10 . Could take a while though.

    Isn't he an Australian Passport holder ? Or does he still hold a Kiwi Passport.

    Either way he would fade into insignificance, where he belongs. He wouldn't last 5 minutes over here because everyone would treat him like the joke he is.

    The Thai's should pop a cap in the <deleted>, disappear him somewhere. I'm sure the New Zealand or Australian authorities would conduct an 'inconclusive' investigation with the help of the RTP

  4. Can't believe this loose canon has not been kicked out of the country. He is a nut case !!!!!

    As a fellow Australian its nice to see that we are still exporting quality to enrich the culture of other countries !

    Australian? Not really. He is a born KIWI, with Maori blood, I read once. wink.png

    Don't believe everything you read... he is originally a Kiwi though. His Maoriness is simply being a 'bully'.

  5. Maybe one day you will be shaken down by the police and have drugs planted on you.

    Then maybe you will see HIS point of view.

    Personally, I treat everyone with the same respect despite their appearance.

    But seems most of you back up the Pattaya police here because of Sharky's appearance.

    Yeah a man with such high moral fortitude. Gets protection money off hookers is only one of his income streams....

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