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Everything posted by drgoon

  1. Oh yeah.. I now them. The ones who when asked what does 6x9= take 3 times as long to answer the question due to exiting dikTok to find the calculator
  2. I bet the one on the left has nice ankles
  3. Ahhh you mean sad old fcuks 😅
  4. Baaaahbra will look after that Baaaaad boy
  5. what's a boomer?
  6. Mate, have you seen the Air New Zealand crew? The men look more feminine than some of the women.
  7. Hope the idiot gets done. You got to wonder about some peoples brain capacity
  8. Fush and chups, not feesh and cheeps lol. The feesh and cheeps got ousted early 😅
  9. Pfft Buddhists... plenty of 'plastic' Buddhists in LOS, even the Monks lol who I bet if they feel inclined, will get pissed.
  10. You know... Corruption, Brown Envelope, Holiday home in the Maldives
  11. They'll be disappeared soon for sure
  12. Who knows what <deleted> is in there. Same as all the other crap candy that gets sold. There was the story about Ikea withdrawing meatballs from distribution because they contained horse meat. Nothing wrong with horse meat, it's better than some of the garbage in processed foods lol..
  13. 555 the Ministry of Hub Research struggling now
  14. nooo... New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Nations but that's about it.
  15. Odd that a Police General is the Minister for Education... Maybe it's like, pass me that envelope and your kid will get pass grades 😏
  16. Another waste of money and ego pampering. What I see is China consolidating a relationship with Thailand's military for the coming dramas with China's advance through the South China Sea and emerging tensions again with the Philippines. Added to this is the US strengthening it's military relationship with the Philippines creating 'provocative tensions' as said by China. And good on Germany not giving access to engines.
  17. I actually like the crispy edges, different to what we grew up with. Each to their own. But then, they have no idea on how to cook a decent rasher of bacon 55
  18. having practically abided by the rules of law... Not quite abiding by the law, almost. So it must be commended.
  19. Can you let me know who he is please. I'm in need of a possible root canal.
  20. I wonder what effect the Evergrand collapse is having on those decisions
  21. Krapao moo saap pies.. try them. I make them for the family. They thought I was nuts until they tried them.
  22. Quite obviously I do. Your comments show the limitations of your ideas.
  23. Not all of you. Hopefully they have more compassion than you slobs have shown through your comments
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