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Everything posted by drgoon

  1. Duh, that is patently obvious. You would hope that a passenger vessel is watertight but we all know Thailand and their program of regular maintenance and surveying. Of course, you would expect some water ingress but not enough to cause it to sink. To have no backup is typical here.
  2. Fiwfans, jerkumai used to be a good resource but it seems to have been subject to the irrational censoring blitz of recent.
  3. Good to see life jackets and a raft. One wonders why a pump would be needed to keep it afloat as it was taking on water?
  4. Lol... Land of Scams. This has been going on for decades. We always check the pump is on 000 and watch them put the gas in.
  5. Because he's not a Mrs... you know, maybe
  6. Oh yeah.. so 'Hundred Thickand walls' is a starting point and 'Father Phonakit is a verbal right' is a destination Good old Google translate
  7. Another person without a life calling themselves an 'Influencer'. Waste of space and time. Deprive her of oxygen and let her float off to the world she deserves. She has what she wanted. More publicity for free. Should have ignored her.
  8. and from another article on the same topic of corruption
  9. True, but you know what happens at the banks. Sometimes your money disappears. My wife says often not to leave big money in the bank.
  10. Dumbass for having that much cash and not keeping it in your pocket
  11. The take over has become public knowledge now.. ohhhh no. Not going to happen
  12. 4200 baht... phew Soi6 prices gone through the roof lol
  13. Then you are as much of an <deleted> as those that stood by and watched someone die
  14. Who cares about your question... nobody
  15. She's perfect just the way she is 👍
  16. Imagine that... 😊
  17. Wow that's being very specific. Got any photos?
  18. He was still outside 55
  19. The most important questions are... 1, Did you sit or stand. 2, If you stood, did you leave the seat up 😅
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